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03.05.2004, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Rakvere Lihakombinaat NEWS RELEASE 05/03/2004 10:30




AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat is the largest meat processing company in the
Baltics. As of 31 March 2004 Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group had 1,248
employees (1,324 employees as of 31 March 2003).
The parent company is located and registered in Estonia, County of
Lääne-Virumaa, Sõmeru , Roodevälja Village.

The Group companies as at 31 March 2004:
Country Participation Participation
of location 31.03.04 31.12.03
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
(the parent company) Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 98,4% 98.4%
AS Ekseko’s subsidiaries:
OÜ Kurika Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Söödatehas Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Lutsu Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 93.82% 93,82%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai subsidiaries:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto
Prekyba Lithuania 100% 100%

2. General economic environment and its effect on the company

No major changes occurred in the economic environment at the beginning
of 2004. All Baltic states showed continued positive economic growth,
which facilitated an increase in private consumption. This, in turn,
had a favourable effect on the company’s operations.

In the 1st quarter, the price of pork - the company’s main raw material
- was very low throughout Europe. This was bound to have an effect on
the economic results of the subsidiary Ekseko. Protective customs
duties imposed on pork by Latvia continued to impede Rakvere Group’s
business activities.

Increased retail competition incited by the opening of new commercial
premises and the standardisation of the activities of major retail
chains all over the Baltics resulted in particularly strict
requirements for suppliers.

Preparations for EU accession on May 1 had the biggest effect on the
operations of Rigas Miesnieks in the 1st quarter. Export to the EU had
no material effect on the economic activities of the parent company
Rakvere Meat Processing Plant, which had already been acknowledged as
compliant with the EU requirements.

Sales and profit

The net sales of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group in the first 3 months of
2004 totalled 273 million kroons or 17,428 th. euros (266,5 million
kroons or 17,034 th. euros in 2003). The net sales increase 2,3% by
6,2 million kroons (394 th. euros) as compared to last year.
The sales volume was 10,0 th. tons including by products in the
Baltic States. This constitutes a 540 tons or 5,7 % increase compared
to last year. The company’s production volumes continued to grow at
a relatively greater speed than that of sales. This indicates a drop
in average product price.

The net profit of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group was 14,1 million kroons
or 902 th. euros (in 2003 3,4 million kroons or 902 th. euros).

Main financial indicators of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group, millions
of kroons (th. euros)

3months 2004 3months 2003 12months 2003

Net sales 272,7 (17 428) 266,5 (17 034) 1 166,3 (74 543)
Operating expenses 256,8 (16 411) 260,9 (16 676) 1 115,9 (71 321)
Operating profit 15,9 (1 017) 5,6 (358) 50,4 (3 222)
Net profit 14,1 (902) 3,4 (215) 39,8 (2 546)

Investments 38,5 (2 459) 17.2 (1 099) 89,7 (5 734)


Although the Group companies have made preparations for accession to EU,
it could prove difficult to forecast all aspects related to the
accession. In addition to the opening of new markets in Europe, the
company will be most affected by the termination of the Baltic free
trade agreement, and, above all, the opening of the Latvian and
Lithuanian markets to competitors from Europe.

According to the company’s management, the parent company’s strong
position on the Estonian market, Ekseko’s competitive edge and the
programs implemented by the Latvian and Lithuanian subsidiaries for
increasing efficiency and profitability will ensure continued positive
growth of the company, and maintain its competitive edge.

Olle Horm
Chairman of the Management Board
Rakvere Lihakombinaat AS

in Thousands of kroons in Thousands of euros
ASSETS 31.3.2004 31.12.2003 31.3.2004 31.12.2003

Current assets
Cash and bank 41 569 33 026 2 657 2 111
Trade receivables 75 864 86 733 4 849 5 543
Tax receivables 9 164 8 543 586 546
Other short-term
receivables 3 595 4 840 230 309
Inventories 98 964 88 046 6 325 5 627
Biological assets 73 582 65 377 4 703 4 178
Total current assets 302 738 286 565 19 348 18 315

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables 2 046 967 131 62
Tangible fixed assets 461 270 437 731 29 480 27 976
Other intangible assets 3 255 3 296 208 211
Goodwill 781 826 50 53
Total non-current assets 467 352 442 820 29 869 28 301

TOTAL ASSETS: 770 090 729 385 49 217 46 616


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 30 050 4 355 1 921 278
Supplier payables 77 309 71 241 4 941 4 553
Tax payables 7 950 10 116 508 647
Deferred tax 1 747 1 698 112 109
Other current liabilities 30 581 21 833 1 954 1 395
Total current liabilities 147 637 109 243 9 436 6 982

Long-term loans and
lease payable 112 036 124 339 7 160 7 947
Pension liabilities 759 738 48 47
Total liabilities 260 431 234 320 16 644 14 976

Minority interest 3 563 3 628 228 232

Owners’ equity
Share capital 377 217 377 217 24 108 24 108
Mandatory legal reserve 9 734 9 734 622 622
Retained earnings 119 394 105 269 7 631 6 728
Unrealised translation
differences -249 -783 -16 -50
Total owners’ equity 506 096 491 437 32 345 31 408

OWNERS’ EQUITY : 770 090 729 385 49 217 46 616

in Thousands of kroons in Thousands of euros
Revenue 3 months 04 3 months 04 3 months 04 3 months 04

Net sales 272 695 266 522 17 428 17 034
Other revenue 1 843 3 212 118 205
Total revenue 274 537 269 734 17 546 17 239

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods 6 943 -1 093 444 -71
Change in fair value of
biological assets 8 205 -1 115 524 -70
Materials, consumables
and supplies -182 838 -171 806 -11 685 -10 980
Other operating expenses -38 562 -38 893 -2 465 -2 486
Personnel expenses -37 924 -37 798 -2 424 -2 416
Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -13 644 -12 612 -872 -806
Other expenses -799 -816 -51 -52

Operating profit 15 918 5 600 1 017 358

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange
gain/loss 31 -342 2 -22
Interest and other
financial income 528 687 34 44
Interest and other financial
expenses -2 429 -2 671 -155 -171
Total financial
income/expenses -1 869 -2 326 -119 -149

Profit before taxes 14 049 3 274 898 209
Minority interest 78 87 5 6
Net profit 14 126 3 361 902 215

Earnings per share 0,37 0,09 0,024 0,006

Olle Horm
Chairman of the Board
32 29 221

Tradable Assets


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