Last update: 21.07.2024 19:01 (GMT+3)

JSC "Kaija" discloses additional information to the RSE

17.03.2004, , RIG

1. Transactions with the property and valuation

The property was sold by bank "Latvijas Krājbanka", to whom "Kaija" had
pledged it as a collateral for loan, in December of 2003, at book value
and without any auction, to company "JS īpašumi" (reg. No.000364434).
The book value of the property was LVL 1, 626, 924. The property was
valuated by SIA "Vindeks" (reg. No.40003562948). This company has
valuated "Kaija" properties already several times, and was selected
upon the recommendation of "Latvijas Krājbanka". Please find a copy of
the evaluation document appended.
2. Paying for the purchase

Pursuant to the provisions of Agreement, the buyer transfers the money
for the purchase to "Latvijas Krājbanka" account:

1. LVL 880,818 - to cover the liability to "Latvijas Krājbanka"
(pursuant to the loan agreement). Payment transferred.

2. LVL 77,182 - costs associated with the property - technical
inspection, property tax, public utilities costs, wages to "Kaija"
employees. Payment transferred.

3. LVL 115,000 to pay off the liabilities to creditors, pursuant
to the court verdict. Payment transferred.

4. LVL 40,000 - costs associated with the deal - signing of the
purchase agreement, certifying, registration at the Land Book. Payment

5. LVL 500,000 - to be transferred to JSC "Kaija" account with
"Parekss banka", and to be used to pay for the supplies etc. Payment
3. Legal relationship with the new owners

Neither "Kaija" nor its officials have ever had any legal relationship
with Jānis Smagars and Raivo Kallions.

Oskars Punenovs was employed by the company from 17.02.2003 till
09.01.2004 in the capacity of procurement manager.
4. Pledged property

Currently "Kaija" owns property located at:

a. land at Atlantijas iela 7, Riga, cadaster No.0100 11 0747.
b. land at Atlantijas iela, Riga, cadaster No.0100 111 0880

The book value of this property is LVL 33,081. The property is pledged
to the benefit of "Latvijas Krājbanka", as a part of the collateral for
credit line USD 185,000, and right now is arrested on the basis of
bailiff's verdict.
5. Facility lease terms and conditions.

JSC "Kaija" leases the premises from "IP Vecmīlgrāvis", and the rent is
LVL 12,062 per month, including 18% VAT. The cost per sqm is not higher
than 0.50. The lease agreement may be terminated:

a) upon mutual agreement of the parties;

b) without prior warning - in case the tenant:

· uses the rented space for purposes not specified in the

· has incurred damages to the rented space

· delays the rent payment for more than 1 month

c) in case a party becomes insolvent.

7. Implementation of SAPARD

"Latvijas Krājbanka" has promised a financial support if "Kaija"
project receives funding from SAPARD.

8. Requested documents

All decisions have been taken at joint Supervisory Board and Management
Board meetings with unanimous affirmative vote - according to the
provisions of the Charter. Also "Latvijas Krājbanka" representatives
are members of the Management Board, and any decisions regarding
property transfer and restructuring have been approved by "Latvijas
Krājbanka" Management Board as well. The excerpts from the minutes will
be provided in the nearest future.

2003 financial statements are under preparation. "Kaija" is submitting
the balance sheet.

- P&Land balance sheet (in Latvian)_2003.pdf (147.78 KB)

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