Last update: 22.07.2024 01:02 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ogre" planning to expand operations by 20-30% and to change the company name to "OT"

29.01.2004, OT Grupa, RIG

This year JSC "Ogre" intends to expand its operations by 20-30% and to
change company name to OT. The change of name is connected with
registering the company in the Commercial Register.
JSC "Ogre" assesses the 2003 sales to be on the 2002 level (LVL 14.3
million); in 2004 the expected sales volume may be as high as LVL 18
million, mainly owing to the new clients.
Currently the market breakdown for "Ogre"is the following: USA 25%,
France 20%, United Kingdom 15%, Denmark 15%, Baltics 15% (increased
from 5% last year), other (including Russia and Italy) 10%. The reason
for increased demand and sales in the Baltics is manufacturing with new
Last year "Ogre" has started co-operation with several foreign
partners, including from the UK and the USA, thus replacing the sales
volumes covered by "Marks & Spenser" ordered, however, subsequently
cancelled. "Ogre" has initiated litigation against "Marks & Spenser".
Last year "Ogre", jointly with four other Latvian companies, including
"Rīgas drēbnieks", "Velve" and "Rīts", have set up a joint venture in
Russia for marketing and sales of the produce of these companies.
"Ogre" is still operating as a single company and has not yet split
itself up in daughter companies as planned last year. The reason is the
wish of company creditor Unibanka. The restructuring plan provided for
retaining "Ogre" as the parent company engaged in management,
logistics, market research etc., and setting up 3 daughter companies
"OT Stils", "OT Dzija" and "OT Tekstils", expected to start operations
on July 1, 2003. The decision was taken to enhance the business and
increase cost-efficiency. Currently JSC "Ogre" is using the trademark
"OT" (the trademark "Ogre" is no longer used). Last year JSC "Ogre"
optimised its technologies and employee structure. Currently "Ogre"
employs a little over one thousand people.

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