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About JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget of 2003

25.06.2003, Latvijas Gāze, RIG

The Company's principal areas of activity in 2003
In 2003 the activities of JSC "Latvijas Gāze" will be aimed at
achieving the following objectives:
- performance of activities envisaged in the marketing program of
JSC "Latvijas Gāze" ensuring further expansion of the gas supply system
and attraction of new consumers;
- implementation of the Inčukalns UGS modernisation and enlargement
- cooperation with authorities regarding the elaboration of the
market liberalisation measures and pricing methodologies for regulated
- improvement of customer service;
- implementation of the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" technical reconstruction
and modernisation program for the years 2000 - 2005.
Main assumptions made when drawing up the Company's budget of 2003
1. The consumption of natural gas will reach 1 490.7 mio m3 in
Latvia, including the gas sales of 1 450.0 mio m3 (- 7.6 % compared to
the actual sales volume of 2002). This is a conservative forecast, as
the requests of clients for gas deliveries in 2003 amount to 1 510.0
mio m3.
2. Natural gas imports - 1 470.0 mio m3:
incl. JSC "GAZPROM" - 1 150.0 mio m3;
LLC "ITERA Latvija" - 320.0 mio m3.
3. As the result of the changes of heavy fuel oil quotation group
and natural gas delivery price formula the average purchase price of
natural gas will grow for 14.7% or 9.96 USD per1000 m3.
4. Due to the economic problems of the large countries of the world
Latvian lats will maintain its positions versus the USA dollar with the
value of the dollar continuing to decrease. The dollar share of the
budget spending part has been converted to lats using the exchange rate
1 USD - 0.620 LVL (1USD - 0.624 LVL in 2002).
5. The draft budget has been drawn up in accordance with the new
unified chart of accounts that has been implemented simultaneously with
the implementation of the information system Oracle Applications. The
principal difference lies in the inclusion of reserves into the
operation costs. To make information comparable also the data for the
years 2001 and 2002 have been arranged correspondingly.
6. The forecast of JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget income from natural
gas sales for the first half of 2003 has been drawn up taking into
account the tariffs approved by the Energy Supply Regulation Council on
19 December 2000 (price discounts have been set for consumer groups at
the heavy fuel oil with sulphur content 3.5% average quotation price
BARGES FOB ARA above 140 USD/t); for the second half of 2003 the income
forecast has been drawn up taking into account the natural gas sales
tariffs approved by the Public Utilities Commission on 9 April 2003,
which provide for a gradual increase of the tariffs for 16.5% above the
current level over the period of three years.
The Company's main activity plans for 2003
1. Capital investment program
The capital investment program will have following priorities in 2003:
- Installation of spare compressor capacity, modernisation of
control panels and construction of the unified operative management and
control centre in Inčukalns UGS (36.8%);
- Construction of gas distribution pipelines, gas supply
installation to towns and villages (21 %);
- Reconstruction of 6 gas regulation stations (GRS) and
modernisation of gas regulation installations (36 GRP and 82 SGRP)
- Construction of pig launching and receiving installations for gas
transmission pipeline diagnostics (3.68%);
- Development of information technologies (IT) and systems,
including the development of the customer accounting and service system
and the launch of the development of a common gas pipeline digital map
(3.2 %);
- Replacement of vehicles and machines (3.3 %);
- Development of the LPG supply system (1.5 %).
The investment of LVL 17 442 thousand is envisaged for the mother
company in 2003, including LVL 3 713.3 thousand for gas pipeline
construction. Assessing the capacities of construction companies and
time for procedures required from the order of a gas installation
design till the gas pipeline commissioning realistically, the Company
can build 119.8 km of gas pipelines for LVL 2.9 mio in 2003 connecting
to the natural gas system consumers with the total expected consumption
60.0- 64.0 mio m3 per year in the future. LVL 0.7 mio has been reserved
for gas supply installation to other economically feasible sites and
LVL 0.12 mio for designing new gas pipelines.
LLC "Latvijas Propāna Gāze" has envisaged investing LVL 270 thousand in
2. Natural gas sales in 2003
The draft budget of 2003 has been drawn up assuming that the next
year's natural gas sales volume 1 450.0 milj.m3 objectively
substantiated. The consumption of natural gas for process needs (incl.
gas losses) and production premises heating has been planned in the
amount of 40.7 mio m3. This forecast is realistic with equally
- market conditions as in 2002, i.e. with the price of heavy fuel
oil remaining unchanged in the local market;
- climate conditions, i.e. with low ambient temperatures.
3. Liquefied petroleum gas sales
Liquefied petroleum gas sales amounted to 23.04 thousand tons in 2002,
which is for 420 tons more than planned initially. Compared to 2001,
the sales of gas grew for motor transport to intermediaries and for
heating of individual houses but decreased to households in cylinders
and from underground tank groups. The intensive expansion of the
natural gas system facilitated this process. Assessing the market
situation objectively, in 2003 the LPG sales volume has been planned in
the amount of 22.85 thousand tons. Offering a new service - heating of
individual houses using cabinet installations with 4 or 6 pieces of 80
l cylinders, as well as opening of new motor transport filling stations
- will allow maintaining the gas sales volume of the level of the last
Competition in the LPG market is still growing in Latvia; therefore the
economic activity results may change in 2003 due to unexpected actions
of competitors.
According to statistical information the market share of LLC "LPG"
constitutes about 50%. Main activities to maintain the market position
in 2003 will be:
- expansion of the motor transport gas filling network, establishing
filling stations in commercially strategic places (Rēzekne). Necessary
investment amounts to LVL 50.0 thousand, pay-back period will be about
6-8 years;
- widening of the range of services offered at Riga motor transport
LPG station in Skanstes Street by launching gasoline and diesel retail
sales. Investment amounts to LVL 50.0 thousand, pay-back period - about
2-3 years.
- Installation of LPG-fired heating systems of individual houses. It
is planned to spend LVL 32.0 thousand to transfer to gas the heating
systems of approximately 40-50 individual houses. According to the
calculation of the return on investment, objects with surface tanks
will pay back in 7 years time but objects with cylinder cabinets - in
4-5 years time.
4. Average number of employees
In 2002 the average number of employees reached 1256 people in the
natural gas supply system; LLC "LPG" employed 472 people in 2002. The
total average number of employees was 1728 people in 2002.
According to the Board of Directors' resolution JSC "Latvijas Gāze"
will employ 1788 people in 2003, including 1300 in the natural gas
supply system and 488 in LLC "Latvijas propāna gāze". The increase of
the number of employees is connected with the growth of gas pipeline
length and the number of equipment to be serviced as the result of gas
supply installation (14 people), as well as creation of a geographic
information system (GIS) (14 people, 1 engineer in each regional
office) and increasing amount of work for the design, strategy and
development department other and basic activity support functions. LLC
"LPG" will need new jobs in gas filling stations to be opened and for
the installation of heating equipment.
In 2002 the average monthly salary of JSC "Latvijas Gāze" reached LCL
317, but in 2003 it is planned to be LVL 336 (growth of 6%), incl. LVL
350 in the natural gas supply system and LVL 228.15 in the LPG supply

Main financial and economic indices of the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget
of 2003
1. Gas sales

The natural gas sales revenues are planned to be LVL 97 551.3 thousand
or 89.8% of the total basic activity revenues of the concern in 2003.

When drawing up the balance of gas flows in Inčukalns UGS in 2003, it
has been planned that 1 870.0 mio m3 of gas will be injected into the
facility in summertime, including 800.0 mio m3 of the total volume that
will be injected and withdrawn for the needs of other countries and
yield to the Company the revenue of LVL 3. 89 mio or 3.6% of the
concern's total basic activity revenues.

The volume of LPG sales is planned to be 22.85 thousand tons in 2003
that would ensure the revenues of LVL 6 655.1 thousand , i.e. 6.1% of
the total basic activity revenues of the concern.

The basic activity revenues of JSC "Latvijas Gāze" are planned to
amount ot LVL 108 626.8 thousand in 2003, incl. LVL 6 611 thousand of
LLC "LPG", but the concern's total basic activity cost is expected to
be LVL 99 481.3 thousand , incl. LVL 6 450.3 thousand for LLC "LPG".

2. The Company's profit

In 2003 the Company's profit before taxes is planned to be LVL 9 232.3
thousand , but the undistributed profit will be LVL 7 449.4 thousand ,
including LVL 18.9 thousand from LLC "Latvijas propāna gāze".

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