Last update: 22.07.2024 23:07 (GMT+3)

JSC "Valmieras stikla šķiedra" AGM of shareholders was held on May 17

19.05.2003, Valmieras stikla šķiedra, RIG

JSC "Valmieras stikla šķiedra" AGM of shareholders was held on May 17,
2003 and resolved on the following:
1. To assess the Management Board performance in running the company in
2002 as satisfactory.
2. To approve Annual Report for 2002 and Report on Dependency for 2002;
3. To discharge Management Board members Inārs Poļaks, Andris Oskars
Brutāns, Imants Saulītis, Wilfried Queisser, Bernd Preissler, and
Supervisory Board members Jürgen Preiss-Daimler, Peter Köhler, Andris
Bērziņš, Guntis Strazds, Andre Heinz Schwiontek (01.01.2002 till
30.11.2002) and Hans Peter Cordts (30.11.2002 till 31.12.2002) from
liability for 2002 operations.
4. To distribute the 2002 profit as follows:
1) to transfer 5% or LVL 42,084 to company reserves;
2) to transfer LVL 321,530 or 38.2% to development and modernisation;
3) to pay out in dividend LVL 478,064 or 56.8%. The dividend record
date is May 26, 2003. 8:00. The dividend payment date is May 30, 2003.
5. To approve the operational plan for 2003.
6. To approve the budget for 2003 with net sales of LVL 19.34 million
and net profit of LVL 993.6 thousand.
7. To approve the amendments to JSC "Valmieras stikla šķiedra" Charter.
8. To elect Supervisory Board with a mandate for 3 years, starting with
May 17, 2003: Inārs Poļaks, Jürgen Preiss-Daimler, Hans Peter Cordts,
Andris Bērziņs and GuntisStrazds.
9. To elect Managemen Board with a mandate for 3 years, starting with
May 17, 2003: Karl Heinz Richard Will, Friedhelm August Hermann
Schwender, Willfried Queisser, Berndt Herbert Priessler, Andre Heinz
Schwiontek, Andris Oskars Brutāns and Imants Saulītis.
10. To approve certified auditor Irina Saksaganska (certificate #41)
from "Deloitte&Touche Audits" SIA as "Valmieras stikla šķiedra"
certified auditor for 2003.
11. To approve Asset Valuation Committee members:
1) Chief Accountant Dzintars Rudzītis:
2) Director of Procurements Vladimirs Višņakovs;
3) Chief mechanic Gunrtars Seglenieks.
12. In 2003 the remuneration to each Supervisory and Management Board
member shall be LVL 6000 per year, plus 0.5% of net profit.

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