Last update: 07.07.2024 10:09 (GMT+3)

SEB intends to increase its offers for Latvijas Unibanka and Vilniaus Bankas

24.10.2000, , RIG

SEB intends to increase its offers for Latvijas Unibanka and Vilniaus
Bankas SEB intends to increase its offer for Latvijas Unibanka, Latvia,
to LVL
2.05 per share and its offer for Vilniaus Bankas, Lithuania, to LTL 50
per share.
SEB has today applied to the Latvian Securities Market Commission for
approval of the amendment of the terms of the offer.
SEB is in the process of applying to the Lithuanian Securities
Commission for approval of the amendment of the terms of the offer.
SEB intends to increase its offer for all outstanding shares in
Latvijas Unibanka from LVL 1.90 per share to LVL 2.05 per share. The
offer period will be extended by one day and will remain open until 13
November. The increase applies to all shares tendered, including those
already submitted for acceptance. Shareholders that have accepted the
offer are not required to submit a repeated order and the new increased
price will automatically apply to all shares submitted for acceptance.
SEB also intends to increase its offer for all outstanding shares in
Vilniaus Bankas from LTL 40 per share to LTL 50 per share. The offer
period remains open until 17 November. The increase applies to all
shares tendered, including those already submitted for acceptance.
SEB is a major shareholder in three Baltic banks; Esti Ühispank with
384,900 customers, 61,200 e-banks customers and 65 branch offices in
Estonia, Latvijas Unibanka with 318,600 customers, 19,000 e-banks
customers and 70 branch offices in Latvia and Vilniaus Bankas with
customers, 1,300 e-banks customers and 60 branch offices in Lithuania.
SEB is a financial group focused on e-banking, savings and growth
The Group has approximately 20,000 employees and is represented in some
countries around the world. SEB has today approximately 630 retail and
private banking branches, mainly in Sweden, Germany and the Baltic
region and 689,000 e-banking customers in seven countries. During the
current year SEB will start online brokerage service in Germany and
e-banking in England. Read more about SEB: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> For further
information, please contact:
Mats Kjaer , President SEB Baltic Holding +46 40 66761 01
Gunilla Åkerblom, Head of Communication, SEB Baltic Holding +46 8 639
26 07
Lotta Treschow, Head of Investor Relations SEB +46 8 763 95 59

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