Last update: 01.07.2024 04:04 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Unibanka" information concerning investments in Russia.

27.08.1998, , RIG

According to the information available about the situation in Russia,
Unibank of Latvia has revalued its assets. Unibanka of Latvia has
evaluated its investments in government bonds of Russian Federation and
the Ukraine, as well as in other assets whose value can be influenced
by the crisis in Russia, including loans to the clients whose business
is basically linked to export to Russia.
Based on the Bank`s traditionally conservative provisioning policy.
Unibank of Latvia has allocated additional provisions amounting to 3.8
million lats. It should be noted that these provisions can be
considered as a loss.
Taking into account everything mentioned above, Unibank of Latvia
announces that its adjusted profit forecast for 1998 is 4.7 million
Investments of Unibank of Latvia in Russian Federation short term
treasury obligations (GKOs) is 9.9 million lats or 3.2 percent of the
Banks total assets.
GKOs have been acquired through major Western investment banks and
these investment banks now represent also the interests of the Unibank
of Latvia in the negotiations with Russian government regarding
restructuring the govermment`s internal debt.
In addition, the Unibank of Latvia had invested 2.9 million lats in
Ministry of Finance US dollars denominated bonds and Russian Federation
eurobonds which are not subject to 90 day domestic debt moratorium
announced by the Russian government. Besides, 1.4 million lats (or 0.5
percent of the Bank`s total assets) are invested in eurobonds of the
govermment of the Ukraine denominated in US dollars and German marks.
It should be noted that restructuring of the internal debt of the
Russian Federation has no influence on the liquidity of the Unibank of
Latvia, because it has attracted syndicated loan and issued eurobonds
which provide the Bank with long term credit resources.

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