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NIB: NIB's Interim Report January - August 2004

Rigas Stock Exchange                                        25.10.2004.

NIB's Interim Report January - August 2004


NIB shows good results for the first eight months of the year. Profits
for the period rose to EUR 111 million, which was an 11% increase
compared with the corresponding period last year. Net interest income
rose to EUR 109 million (corresponding period in 2003: EUR 102 million).

NIB's total assets amounted to EUR 16.9 billion, compared with EUR 16.7
billion at year-end 2003. Net liquidity rose to EUR 3,189 million,
compared with EUR 2,744 million at year-end. During the period under
review, the Bank paid its owners, the Nordic countries, EUR 41.3 million
in dividends out of profits for year 2003.

New loan agreements entered into by the Bank during the period amounted
to EUR 1,031 million (1,029), while loans disbursed amounted to EUR 779
million (910). Loans outstanding amounted to EUR 10,472 million on 31
August 2004, compared with EUR 10,522 million at year-end 2003. NIB's
clients made considerable prepayments during the period under review.
This was the case for NIB's lending both within and outside the Nordic

During the period, NIB carried out 13 borrowing transactions in 6
different currencies, in an amount corresponding to EUR 1,545 million
(2,759). Call options on a total of EUR 630 million previously issued
bonds were not exercised, thus bringing the total borrowing during the
period to EUR 2,175 million. In the spring of 2004, the Bank launched
its third global benchmark loan of USD 1 billion in the form of
five-year bonds.

The quality of the Bank's loan portfolios and of its financial
counterparties remains at a high level. Reversals of previously made
provisions for possible loan losses were larger than new provisions made
during the period. The net effect was a positive contribution to the
Bank's profit of EUR 3.3 million.

The Bank is expected to show good results for the year 2004 as a whole,
with a return on equity in line with the first eight months of the year.

NIB's ownership base will be broadened at the beginning of 2005, when
the three Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, will become
members of the Bank. Representatives for the Nordic and Baltic
countries' governments signed a new Agreement on NIB in February 2004.
The Agreement is to be ratified by all eight countries, and means that
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will become members of NIB on an equal
footing with NIB's present five members: Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Norway, and Sweden. As a consequence of the new ownership structure, NIB
will have new Statutes. Ratification is in progress, and has already
been concluded in three of the countries.

The energy sector was the largest recipient of Nordic loans during the
period under review. Among other investments, NIB financed investments
in hydro- and geothermal power stations in Iceland, in a bio-fuelled
power station in Austria, as well as investments in environment-friendly
energy production in Norway and Sweden. In Finland and Denmark, the Bank
financed improvements of the electrical transmission networks.

International lending continues to be dominated by loans for
infrastructure investments, particularly within the energy,
transportation, and telecommunications sectors. Among its loans, NIB has
financed investments for the expansion of Tunisia's mobile telephone
network, as well as for improvement in Rumania's state-owned power

The Bank's Project Investment Loan facility (PIL) was increased from EUR
3,300 million to EUR 4,000 million on 1 July 2004. New guidelines for
the PIL guarantees became effective at the same time. The increase
provides greater possibilities for the Bank to grant loans to countries
that are not members of NIB.

NIB places a great deal of importance on financing of environmental
projects. During the period, the Bank granted nine new environmental
loans, totalling EUR 145 million. Of total loans disbursed during the
period, almost 15% were environmental loans. One of the Bank's loans was
granted for investments that will result in reduced emissions of
pollutants into water and air at a Swedish pulp factory. NIB also
granted a loan for investments in a new sewerage system in Reykjavik.

Within the framework of the so-called Ladoga programme, loans were
granted to several projects, e.g. projects within the pulp and paper
industry. The Ladoga programme is an environmental investment programme
for the area around lakes Ladoga and Onega in north-western Russia. The
programme is mainly geared toward large private companies within the
paper, pulp, and metal industries in the area. NIB launched the
programme at the end of the year 2003 within the Northern Dimension
Environmental Partnership (NDEP). In July, NIB assumed the chairmanship
of the Steering Group for NDEP, whose aim is to coordinate and
streamline the financing of environmental projects with cross-border
effects within the Northern Dimension's area. NDEP has established an
investment programme of almost EUR 2 billion. Projects corresponding to
half of this amount are already in the process of being implemented.

KEY FIGURES (in EUR million)
1-8/2004 1-8/2003 1-12/2003
Net interest income 109 102 155
Profit 111 100 151
Loans disbursed 779 910 1,841
New loan agreements 1,031 1,029 1,859
New debt issues 1,545 2 759 3,258
Profit/average equity (%) 9.9 9.5 9.5
31 Aug 2004 31 Aug 2003 31 Dec 2003
Loans outstanding 10,472 10 323 10,522
Total assets 16,908 17 303 16,666
Net liquidity 3,189 3 802 2,744

Number of employees 152 147 147

NIB is a multilateral financial institution which finances both private
and public projects. NIB offers long-term loans and guarantees on market
terms in and outside its member countries. The Bank has the highest
possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies,
Standard & Poor's and Moody's. NIB was established in 1975 by the Nordic
countries, and will get three additional owner countries in 2005, when
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania become members of the Bank.

Fur further information, please call Mr Jón Sigurðsson, President and
CEO, on +358 9 18 001, or Ms Jamima Löfström, Information Manager, on
+358 9 1800 291 or +358 40 581 7208.

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