Last update: 20.07.2024 15:08 (GMT+3)

SPO: Business results of the Consolid. Group of AS Sampo Pank 9 months

03.11.2004, Sampo Pank, TLN
AS SAMPO PANK              FINANCIAL REPORTS            03.11.2004

Business results of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank 9
months of 2004

Income Statement

The net profit of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank
(hereinafter the Group) for the nine months of 2004 exceeded the
previous year’s figure by 28.8% or EEK 22.9 million, amounting to
EEK 102.4 million. In the conditions of a moderate growth of
operating expenses, net profit increased due to the significant
growth of operating volumes. The Group’s return on equity
accounted for 23.8% (22.2% for the three quarters of 2003) and
return on assets 1.7% (1.6%), respectively.

As compared to the prior year period, the Group’s income improved
by 17% or EEK 44.5 million, totaling EEK 306 million. The
structure of the Group’s total income was as follows: net interest
income 63.3% (62.6% in the nine-month period of 2003), net fee and
commission income 24.3% (19.9%), income from foreign exchange
transactions 5.8% (6.8%), income from investments in securities
5.4% (7.8%) and other income 1.2% (2.9%).

Net Interest Income

The Group’s net interest income for the nine months amounted to
EEK 193.8 million, an increase of 18.5% or EEK 30.2 million, as
compared to the prior year period. Growth in net interest income
was primarily supported by the growth of the volume of the loan
and leasing portfolio. Interest income increased by 13.0% or EEK
33.7 million in 2004. At the same time interest expenses remained
at the previous year’s level primarily for the reason that the
growth of interest bearing liabilities was compensated by the
decline in the latter’s price. Due to a decline in interest rates
and intense competition in the banking market return on interest
earning assets decreased by 0.7 percentage points to 5.3% and the
price of interest bearing liabilities declined by 0.5 percentage
points to 2.1%, as compared to the prior year period, as a result
of which the Group’s interest spread decreased by 0.3 percentage
points to 3.2%.

Non-Interest Income

The Group’s non-interest income for the nine months amounted to
EEK 112.2 million, an increase of 14.6% or EEK 14.3 million over
the prior year period, mainly due to an increase in fee and
commission income.

The Group’s fee and commission income totaled EEK 91.9 million,
exceeding the prior year’s figure by 27% or EEK 24.9 million. This
increase was mainly derived from a growth of 63% or EEK 13 million
in arrangement fees received from loan and guarantee agreements as
a result of the fast growth of the Group’s loan portfolio. Fee and
commission income from investment services also increased
significantly (a growth of 108% or EEK 7.1 million). Fee and
commission expense increased by 17% or EEK 2.5 million over the
year, totaling EEK 17.5 million. Income from foreign exchange
transactions totaled EEK 17.7 million, a decrease of 0.7% or EEK
0.1 million mainly due to a decrease in currency exchange
transactions in cash executed in offices. Income from investments
in securities that amounted to EEK 16.4 million decreased by 20%
or EEK 4 million chiefly due to the impairment of debt securities
contained in the trading portfolio.

Non-Interest Expense

The Group’s non-interest expense for the nine-month period
amounted to EEK 183.5 million, whereof personnel expenses
accounted for 55.6% (54.8% in the same period of 2003), other
administrative expenses 34.2% (36.0%), depreciation 7.7% (6.8%)
and other operating expenses 2.5% (2.5%).

As compared to the prior year period, personnel expenses and
other administrative expenses increased by 8.7% or EEK 8.2
million and 1.9% or EEK 1.1 million, respectively. Due to the
considerably more modest increase in non-interest expenses (7.2%)
in comparison with the growth in income (17%), cost efficiency
increased and cost/income ratio dropped to 60% by the end of
September 2004 from 65.2% at the end of September 2003. The ratio
of non-interest expenses to average assets also improved,
declining to 3.0% from 3.5%.


The Group’s total assets amounted to EEK 8.7 billion at the end of
September, an increase of EEK 1.5 billion or 21.2% as compared to
the end of 2003. The Group’s assets experienced a growth of EEK
1.8 billion or 25.4% over the year.

The Group’s assets increased mainly due to the growth of the loan
portfolio which grew by 27.3% or EEK 1.4 billion in the nine-
month period, amounting to EEK 6.6 billion and accounting for
75.2% of total assets at the end of September. Loans and leases to
private persons totaled EEK 2.8 billion and loans to private
enterprises amounted to EEK 3.6 billion at the end of September
2004, accounting for 42.5% and 54.6% of the gross loan portfolio,
respectively. Loans to private persons increased by 38.2% or EEK
784.4 during the nine months of 2004 and 56.3% or EEK 1.0 billion
over the year. Loans to private enterprises increased by 20% or
EEK 608 million during the nine months of 2004 and by 21.3% or EEK
640 million over the year.

At the end of September 2004, allowances for loan impairment
comprised 1.8% of the gross loan portfolio, as compared to 2.1% at
the same time in the prior year. Allowances for loan impairment
were formed in the amount of EEK 20.9 million during the nine
months of 2004, as compared to EEK 12.5 million in the prior year
period. The allowances formed in the nine months of 2003 were
small due to the amendments made to the Group’s provisioning
principles, taking into account the new Basel Capital Accord
recommendations as well as the positive developments that have
prevailed in Estonia’s economy in recent years.


The volume of client deposits amounted to EEK 4.9 billion at the
end of September, an increase of 18% or EEK 883 million in the
nine-month period of 2004 and 23.5% or EEK 934 million over the
year. The volume of demand and time deposits grew by 18.7% or EEK
401 million and 29% or EEK 532 million over the year,
respectively. The deposits of private persons experienced an
increase of 23.9% or EEK 238.7 million and those of private
enterprises an increase of 23.6% or EEK 501 million over the year.
The share of the deposits of private persons made up 25.2% (EEK
1.2 billion) and that of private enterprises 53.4% (EEK 2.6
billion) of total deposits at the end of September

Loans from other banks increased by 40.3% or EEK 447 million
during the nine months of 2004, totaling EEK 1.55 billion at the
end of September.

Owners’ Equity

The Group’s equity totaled EEK 623.3 million and capital adequacy
was 12.19% as at the end of September 2004.

Consolidated income statement
(unaudited, in thousands)
2004 9M 2003 9M 2004 9M 2003 9M

Interest income 307 129 273 893 19 629 17 505
Interest income from
banking activities 232 356 210 283 14 850 13 439
Interest income
from leasing activities 74 762 63 610 4 778 4 065
Other interest income 11 0 1 0
Interest expense 113 326 110 310 7 243 7 050
Interest expense from
banking activities 113 279 110 227 7 240 7 045
Interest expense from
leasing activities 47 83 3 5
Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 193 803 163 583 12 386 10 455
Income and expenses
from insurance activities 0 0 0 0
Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
Insurance compensations and
change in reserves 0 0 0 0
Income from securities 0 1 099 0 70
Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Profit/loss from sales of
long-term securities 0 1 099 0 70
Dividends on long-term securities 0 0 0 0
Net fee and commission income 74 407 52 097 4 755 3 330
Fee and commission income 91 933 67 074 5 876 4 287
Fee and commission expense 17 526 14 977 1 120 957
Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 34 089 38 270 2 179 2 446
Profit/income 34 089 38 270 2 179 2 446
Loss/expense 0 0 0 0
General administrative expenses 164 714 155 381 10 527 9 931
Salaries expense 76 395 70 419 4 883 4 501
Social security expense 25 525 23 324 1 631 1 491
Pension expense (non-state) 0 0 0 0
Other administrative expenses 62 794 61 638 4 013 3 939
Value adjustments in
investment property and tangible
and intangible fixed assets (+/-) - 14 161- 11 606 - 905 - 742
Profit/income 0 0 0 0
Loss/expense 14 161 11 606 905 742
Value adjustments in loans
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) - 20 118- 11 837 - 1 286 - 757
Profit/income 739 654 47 42
Loss/expense 20 857- 12 491 1 333 - 798
Value adjustments in
long-term investments (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Income 0 0 0 0
Expense 0 0 0 0
Other operating income (+/-) - 889 3 309 - 57 211
Other operating revenue 3 699 7 519 236 481
Other operating expenses 4 588 4 210 293 269
income/expenses (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary income 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary expenses 0 0 0 0
Profit before taxes (+/-) 102 417 79 534 6 546 5 083
Income tax expenses 0 0 0 0
Income tax for reporting period 0 0 0 0
Change in deferred
income tax liability (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
REPORTING PERIOD (+/-) 102 417 79 534 6 546 5 083

Consolidated balance sheet
(unaudited, in thousands)
30.09.04 31.12.03 30.09.0431.12.03

Cash 57 123 55 659 3 651 3 557
Claims and loans 7 408 560 6 167 727 473 492 394 189
Claims and loans
to central bank 526 808 612 807 33 669 39 165
Claims and loans to
credit institutions 329 918 404 902 21 086 25 878
Claims and loans to
clients of credit institution 5 069 511 3 950 372 324 000 252 474
Claims and loans to clients
of leasing enterprises 1 603 764 1 307 424 102 499 83 559
Claims from insurance and
reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
Other claims 0 0 0 0
Allowance for claims
and loans - 121 442 - 107 778 - 7 762 - 6 888
Debt securities 899 533 662 601 57 490 42 348
Shares and other
securities 30 318 39 886 1 938 2 549
Investments in associates 0 0 0 0
Other shares 28 588 37 265 1 827 2 382
Derivatives 1 730 2 621 111 168
Intangible assets 7 937 5 659 507 362
Consolidated goodwill 0 0 0 0
Other intangible assets 7 937 5 659 507 362
Tangible assets 142 511 141 657 9 108 9 054
Investment property 12 995 13 239 831 846
Settlements with
shareholders 0 0 0 0
Other assets 97 397 54 163 6 225 3 462
Prepayments and
accured income 66 587 57 981 4 256 3 706
TOTAL ASSETS 8 722 960 7 198 572 557 497 460 071

Amounts owed 6 484 441 5 157 689 414 430 329 636
Amounts owed to
the central bank 0 0 0 0
Amounts owed to the
credit institutions 1 557 678 1 110 250 99 554 70 958
Amounts owed to the clients
of credit institutions 4 914 685 4 031 512 314 105 257 660
Amounts owed from insurance
and reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
Other amounts owed 12 078 15 927 772 1 018
Liabilities related
to securities 962 821 995 593 61 535 63 630
Issued debt securities 950 583 922 059 60 753 58 930
Derivatives 12 238 73 534 782 4700
Other liabilities related
to securities 0 0 0 0
Other liabilities 263 970 169 277 16 871 10 819
Accruals and
deferred income 139 187 141 296 8 896 9 030
Provisions 0 0 0 0
Technical provisions for
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
Pension reserve 0 0 0 0
Other provisions 0 0 0 0
Subordinated liabilities 249 256 213 849 15 930 13 667
Minority interests 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 8 099 675 6 677 704 517 662 426 782
Share capital 323 111 323 111 20 651 20 651
Paid in capital over par 17 081 17 081 1 092 1 092
General banking reserve 0 0 0 0
Mandatory reserve 9 025 4 695 577 300
Other reserves 0 0 0 0
Unrealised rate
differences 0 0 0 0
Profit or loss retained 171 651 89 382 10 970 5 713
Profit or loss for
the financial year 102 417 86 599 6 546 5 535
Own shares 0 0 0 0
Total owners´equity 623 285 520 868 39 835 33 289
OWNERS´EQUITY 8 722 960 7 198 572 557 497 460 071

The full version of AS Sampo Pank Public Interim Report is
available on Sampo Pank's homepage
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Anneli Rõuk
Communication Manager
AS Sampo Pank
tel +372 630 210303

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