Last update: 20.07.2024 09:15 (GMT+3)

TSE: Baltic Tele AB gained dominant influence over AS Eesti Telekom

28.12.2004, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN
Tallinn Stock Exchange               ANNOUNCEMENT                    28.12.2004

Baltic Tele AB gained dominant influence over AS Eesti Telekom

In accordance with Article 12(2) of the Rules of Takeover Bids Baltic Tele AB
(a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Sweden, registration number
556454-0085, address c/o TeliaSonera AB, Ekonomi, Box 7754, SE-103 96,
Stockholm, Sweden) hereby announces that on 28 December 2004 it became the
owner of 50.00004 per cent of votes represented by shares of AS Eesti Telekom
(a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Estonia, registry code 10234957,
address Roosikrantsi 2, 10119 Tallinn) and, accordingly, gained dominant
influence over AS Eesti Telekom within the meaning of Article 167 of the
Securities Market Act of Estonia.

Pursuant to Article 166(1) of the Securities Market Act, a person who has
gained dominant influence over the issuer of a share listed on an Estonian
exchange (target issuer) either directly or together with other persons acting
in concert is required to make a takeover bid for all shares of the target
issuer with a duration of at least for 28 days within 20 days as of gaining
dominant influence.

Further information:
Kjell Lindström
Head of Communications, TeliaSonera Norway, Denmark, Baltic countries
tel: +46-(0)70-5954430
TeliaSonera´s Press Office, +46-(0)8-713 58 30

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