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28.02.2005, Harju Elekter Group, TLN
AS HARJU ELEKTER              FINANCIAL RESULTS                    28.02.2005


We are satisfied with the group’s results for 2004. Both the sales revenue and
operating profit increased; financial income met the expectations.

The excellent results were due to focusing on the principal area of activity —
design, manufacturing and sale of electrical products, contributing both to
development and staff. The cooperation of the group in Estonia, Finland and
Lithuania has also been successful; it is based on investments in technology
and real estate and increasingly promotes development, promising to look into
the future with optimism.

Key indicators (MEUR) 2004 2003
Net sales 29,0 21,9
Operating profit 2,0 1,3
Profit before financial expenses (EBIT) 9,5 11,3
Net profit for the current period 9,3 11,2

At the end of the period
Total current assets 9,1 7,0
Total fixed assets 31,9 23,9
Total assets 40,9 30,9
Total liabilities 6,7 5,2
Minority interests 0,9 0,8
Total owners’ equity 33,3 24,9

Performance indicators (%)
Net sales growth 32,5 26,2
Operating profit growth 56,8 27,7
Net profit growth -17,2 229,5
Return of sales (operating profit/net sales *100) 6,9 5,8
Net profit margin (net profit /net sales *100) 32,0 51,3
Owners’ equity margin 81,3 80,6
(Equity /balance sheet total *100)

Number of employees on 31.12.2004 405 353
EPS (EUR) 1,70 2,07

The sales revenue of the consolidation group AS Harju Elekter comprised MEEK
453,8 (MEUR 29,0) in the 2004, increasing by 32,6% in comparison with the same
period of the previous year. Of the sales revenue, 75,9% (2003: 76,7%)
accounted for the sales of industrial products and 14,6% (2003: 14,4%) for
intermediate sales and 9,5% (2003: 8,9%) other incomes from sales of services.
The fourth quarter was successful for all the companies of the group,
exceeding the indicator for a comparable period in 2003 by 29,5%. The
excellent results were supported by the expansion of sales results both in the
power distribution and industrial sectors as well as by the launch of the
sales of new products (HENEX).

Of the sales revenue of the consolidation group AS Harju Elekter, 49,3% (2003:
52,8%) is ascribed to the sales to Estonia and 50,7% to the sales to foreign
markets, incl.37,2% (2003: 39,2%) to Finland and 10,6% (2003: 3,7%) to
Lithuania. The sales to the Estonian market went up by 23,7% and to foreign
markets by 42,4%. The data of the 2003 includes only the Q4 of the
consolidated sales revenues of the Lithuanian subsidiary Rifas.

The total operating profit of the consolidation group AS Harju Elekter was
MEEK 31,2 (MEUR 2,0), being 56,8% higher than in the previous year. As the
growth rate of sales significantly exceeded that of fixed costs, the profit
margin of the group for 2004 was higher than that of 2003 by 1,1 percentage
points, reaching 6,9% (2003: 5,8%). The Q4 operating profit was 7,2 million
kroons (0,5 million euros), exceeding the indicator for a comparable period in
2003 by 25,2%.

Financial operations yielded a total profit of MEEK 116,3 or MEUR 7,4 (2003:
MEEK 155,8 or MEUR 10,0). The market price of a PKC Group Oyj share increased
in the Q4 by 1,49 euros (EEK 23,31) up to 10,25 euros (EEK 160,38). From the
revaluation of the shares described the financial profit in the amount MEEK
43,4 or MEUR 2,8 (Q4 2003: MEEK 56,5 or MEUR 3,6). A total of MEEK 92,2 or
MEUR 5,9 (2003: MEEK 137,9 or MEUR 8,8) of financial income was received from
the revaluation of shares in the 2004. PKC Group Oyj paid dividends for 2003
in the total amount of MEEK 24,3 or MEUR 1,5 (2003: MEEK 4,6 or MEUR 0,26),
which is exceeds the relevant figure for last year by more than five times.

The net profit of the consolidation group in the year of 2004 was MEEK 145,4
or MEUR 9,3 (2003: MEEK 175,5 or MEUR 11,2). EPS was 26,59 kroons or 1,70
euros (2003: 32,49 kroons or 2,08 euros).

During the accounting period, the Group invested in tangible and intangible
assets a total of MEEK 42,4 or MEUR 2,7 (2003: MEEK 50,8 or MEUR 3,25), of
which in technology was MEEK 12,3 or MEUR 0,8 (2003: MEEK 6,0 or MEUR 0,38)
and construction and renovation work of buildings and plant was MEEK 28,3 or
MEUR 1,8 (2003: MEEK 39,9 or MEUR 2,6)

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 6 747 400

For more information: Interim report for 1-12/2004 of Harju Elekter or Karin
Padjus, Member of the Board (tel +372 6 747 400).

BALANCE SHEET, 31.12.2004
Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 31.12.0431.12.0331.12.0431.12.03
Cash, bank 18 786 26 449 1 201 1 690
Total customer receivables 49 824 31 784 3 184 2 030
Other current receivables 4 156 6 106 266 390
Accrued income 221 67 14 4
Prepaid expenses 1 136 1 251 73 80
Total current receivables 55 337 39 208 3 537 2 505
Inventories 67 950 44 123 4 343 2 820
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 142 073 109 780 9 080 7 016
Long-term financial investmen 323 138 227 623 20 652 14 548
Investment properties 86 880 86 896 5 553 5 554
Tangible assets 86 551 56 987 5 532 3 642
Intangible assets 1 951 1 790 125 114
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 498 520 373 297 31 861 23 858
TOTAL ASSETS 640 593 483 077 40 941 30 874
Debt obligations 14 380 14 366 919 918
Customer prepayments 2 666 1 065 170 68
Supplier payables 45 535 26 756 2 910 1 710
Other short-term borrowings 1 750 1 218 112 78
Tax liabilities 7 560 6 838 483 437
Accrued expenses 12 044 9 600 770 614
Short-term provision 300
Other prepaid revenue 3 643 0 233 0
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 87 878 59 843 5 616 3 825
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 17 357 20 800 1 109 1 329
TOTAL LIABILITIES 105 235 80 643 6 726 5 154
Minority interest 14 381 13 222 919 845
Share capital 56 000 54 000 3 579 3 451
Paid-in capital over/under pa 6 000 0 383 0
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 305 012 151 151 19 495 9 660
Net profit for the year 145 365 175 461 9 291 11 214
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 520 977 389 212 33 296 24 875
TOT.LIABILIT.AND OWNERS' EQUI 640 593 483 077 40 941 30 874


1000 EEK
GROUP Q4 2004 Q4 2003 2004 2003

NET SALES 138 557 106 966 453 780 342 348
Cost of goods sold -114 958 -87 462-370 916-278 973

Gross profit 23 59919 504 82 864 63 375

Operating expenses, incl. -16 112 -13 730 -51 534 -43 168
Marketing expenses -6 692 -5 757 -21 046 -17 740
Administrative expenses -9 420 -7 973 -30 488 -25 428
Other revenue 40 227 523 396
Other expenses -322 -247 -624 -692

Operating profit 7 205 5 754 31 229 19 911

Financial income and expenses, incl.
- from associated companies 311 852 119 11 691
- from other holdings 1 2 156 25 356 7 557
- from revaluat.of fin.inves 43 363 56 546 92 212 137 876
- interest expense -438 -546 -1 449 -1 464
- profit/loss from foreign e -19 -24 -58 -62
- other financial income/exp 59 46 155 186
Total financial income and e43 277 59 030 116 334 155 784

Profit from normal operations 50 482 64 784 147 563 175 695
External income -546 -283 -595 -97
Profit after faxes 49 936 64 501 146 968 175 598
Corporate Income tax 610 -38 -1 603 -137
Net profit for the year 50 546 64 463 145 365 175 461

Basic earnings per share 9,03 11,94 26,59 32,49

Diluted earnings per share 9,03 11,70 26,59 31,91

1000 EUR
GROUP Q4 2004 Q4 2003 2004 2003

NET SALES 8 855 6 836 29 002 21 880
Cost of goods sold -7 347 -5 590 -23 705 -17 830

Gross profit 1 508 1 246 5 297 4 050

Operating expenses, incl. -1 029 -878 -3 293 -2 759
Marketing expenses -428 -368 -1 345 -1 134
Administrative expenses -602 -510 -1 948 -1 625
Other revenue 3 15 33 26
Other expenses -21 -16 -40 -44

Operating profit 460 367 1 997 1 273

Financial income and expenses, incl.
- from associated companies 20 55 8 747
- from other holdings 0 138 1 620 483
- from revaluat.of fin.inves 2 771 3 614 5 893 8 812
- interest expense -28 -35 -93 -94
- profit/loss from foreign e -1 -2 -4 -4
- other financial income/exp 4 3 10 12
Total financial income and e 2 766 3 773 7 434 9 956

Profit from normal operations 3 226 4 140 9 431 11 229
External income -35 -18 -38 -6
Profit after faxes 3 191 4 122 9 393 11 223
Corporate Income tax 39 -2 -102 -9
Net profit for the year 3 230 4 120 9 291 11 214

Basic earnings per share 0,58 0,76 1,70 2,07

Diluted earnings per share 0,58 0,75 1,70 2,04

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
67 47 403

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