Last update: 20.07.2024 01:13 (GMT+3)

BLT: Annual results for 2004

28.02.2005, Baltika, TLN
AS BALTIKA               ANNUAL RESULTS                28.02.2005 

AS Baltika annual results for 2004

The unaudited consolidated net sales of AS Baltika were MEEK
581.9( 37,2 MEUR)and the net profit was MEEK 16.7(1,1 MEUR).
Compared to 2003, the net sales increased by 17% (net sales
MEEK 497( 31,8 MEUR), respectively). AS Baltika ended the year
2003 with a loss of MEEK 67.4 (4,3 MEUR).

1. Sales

Retail sales

The retail sales income of Baltika for 2004 was MEEK 420.3
(26,9 MEUR), which is an increase of 31% compared to the year
2003. The total increase in sales income was MEEK 99.6 (6,4
MEUR), of which MEEK 75.3 (4,8 MEUR) and MEEK 24.4 (1,6 MEUR)
accounted for retail system growth and retail sales area
efficiency growth, respectively. Retail sales income accounted
for 72% of total sales income (65% in 2003). As of the end of
2004, Baltika had 78 outlets and 11,668 m2 of sales premises.
Twelve new outlets and 1559 m2 of sales premises were added
during the year.

Sales were the largest in the domestic Estonian market,
totalling MEEK 117 (7,5 MEUR)(growth 22%) and forming 28% of
the retail sales of the entire Baltika Grupp, followed by
Lithuania and the Ukraine with sales of MEEK 106.9 (6,8 MEUR,
growth 36%) and MEEK 71 (4,5 MEUR, growth 31%), respectively.
Growth was the greatest in 2004 in the Latvian market – sales
increased by 42% and sales income totalled MEEK 52.26 (3,3
MEUR). Retail operations began in Russia through the joint
venture launched in May, and the eight months’ sales result was
MEEK 31 (1,98 MEUR). Major changes in the size of retail
premises and in lease contracts were made in the Polish market
in 2004 as a result of reviewing the retail premises, which
were reduced by 10%. The sales income from the Polish market
was MEEK 40.3 (2,6 MEUR), which is 17% less than in 2003.

The best-sold brand of Baltika in 2004 was Monton, which
accounted for 53% of retail sales and totalled MEEK 221.1 (14,1
MEUR), being 3.2% less than in 2003 owing to the reduced Monton
sales area in the Polish market.
Volume growth was the greatest in the CHR/Evermen and Baltman
retail chains, where sales increased 2.8 and 2.4 times,
respectively. The sales incomes of CHR/Evermen and Baltman in
2004 were MEEK 118.5 (7,6 MEUR) and MEEK 63.72 (4,1 MEUR),


Wholesale of own products totalled MEEK 115.6 (7,4 MEUR) in
2004, having decreased by 5.8% compared to the previous year.
The reduction in sales was mainly due to the results of the
retail chain taken over in Russia, which replaced the former
wholesale sales in part.

Subcontracting sales

Subcontracting sales volumes decreased by 16% compared to the
year 2003 and totalled MEEK 42,7 (2,7 MEUR). In connection with
the establishment of the joint venture OÜ Baltika Tailor, based
on the production division of Baltika in November 2004, of
which 50% is owned by Baltika and 50% by OY Turo Tailor AB, the
consolidation principle of the joint venture will change from
2005 and the joint venture’s income and expenses will no longer
be consolidated in the financial statements of Baltika Grupp.

2. Financial Results

The net profit of AS Baltika in 2004 was MEEK 16.7 (1,1 MEUR).
Most of net profit, MEEK 11.4 (0,7 MEUR), was earned in the
fourth quarter.

In 2004, new skills of inventory management and central
operation of the retail system were developed in the Baltika
Grupp head office; the result was a 40% rise in gross profit to
MEEK 269.7 (17,2 MEUR), a good inventory quality, and the
inventory turnover of 3.9. This was achieved through a better
management of discount periods and sales margins, the creation
of successful product collections and optimisation of retail
operation and administration costs.

Improved methods of assessing new retail areas and the closure
or restructuring of less efficient shops resulted in a higher
efficiency of retail system investments.

After the rehabilitation process carried out in the Polish
market, market management costs decreased by MEEK 2.4 (0,15
MEUR) compared to the year 2003.

The staff of the head office and production units was reduced
by 91 persons. MEEK 1.8 (0,12 MEUR)of redundancy benefits were
paid during year.

In December 2004, sale of the 50% holding in OÜ Baltika Tailor
generated a financial income of MEEK 3.9 (0,25 MEUR).

3. Balance Sheet

The consolidated balance sheet total of Baltika was MEEK 317.7
(20,3 MEUR) as of 31.12.2004; the decrease compared to the
beginning of the year was MEEK 12.1 (0,8 MEUR). Although the
retail system was constantly growing, inventories in the system
decreased by MEEK 4.9 (0,3 MEUR) over the year, totalling MEEK
145.6 (9,3 MEUR). The aggressive sale of old inventories,
especially in the first half of the year, improved the
company’s liquidity. Improved cash flows allowed for reducing
accounts payable by MEEK 23.2 (1,5 MEUR) compared to the
beginning of the year. Debt obligations decreased by MEEK 18.4
(1,2 MEUR). The debt obligations to assets ratio was 38% at the
end of the year (42% in 2003).
A total of MEEK 13.8 (0,9 MEUR) was invested in fixed assets in
2004, mainly in relation to new retail areas and development of
the IT systems supporting retail system monitoring.

4. Personnel

The group employed 1704 persons as of 31.12.2004, including 574
in retail sale, 988 in production and 144 in the head office.
435 people worked outside Estonia. The retail staff increased
by 83 persons and the head office and production staff
decreased by a total of 91 persons during the year.

5. About the plans for 2005

AS Baltika expects its retail system to grow by at least 20%
this year; a minimum of 12 new retail areas are planned to be
opened in four retail markets: Estonia, Lithuania, the Ukraine
and Russia.

The main ratios of the group as of 31.12.2004 were:

31.12.2004 31.12.2003
Annual increase in sales, % 17 2.3
Percentage of retail sales 72 65
in net sales
Number of retail outlets 78 66
Retail area owned by BG (m2)
11,668 10,109

Markets managed by own 6 6
retail organisations
Gross margin (operating 3.3 -10.3
profit to net sales), %
Profit margin (net profit to 2.9 -13.6
net sales), %
Return on equity (net 14.6 -42.7
profit/12 months’ average
equity), %
Return on assets (net 5.1 -17.5
profit/12 month’s average
assets), %

th. EEK
IVQ 2004 IVQ 2003 IVQ 2004 2003 2003
proforma proforma

Net sales 152 997 137 529 131 449 581 878 497 048 496 686
Other revenue -1184 122 118 1 692 607 603
Total revenue 151 813 137 651 131 567 583 570 497 655 497 289

Cost of goods -48533 -66559 -74647 -195326 -214053 -224112
Change in 1568 2465 2465 -11726 -659 -659
Other operating -46263 -37893 -37768 -162401 -136990 -136825
Personnel expenses -42284 -43730 -43680 -168409 -164248 -164192
Depr. of fixed -5361 -5709 -5577 -21848 -21813 -22130
Other expenses -3439 -3526 -3243 -5073 -11009 -4507
Total expenses -144312 -154952 -162450 -564783 -548772 -552425

Operating profit 7501 -17301 -30883 18787 -51117 -55136

Financial income 4294 161 268 4491 707 814
Financial expenses -3690 -10060 -1895 -9262 -16384 -8056

Profit (loss) 8105 -27200 -32510 14016 -66794 -62378
before taxes
Income tax expense 1148 -444 -444 947 -465 -465
Profit (loss)
minority interest 9253 -27644 -32954 14963 -67259 -62843
Minority interest -2089 -319 -318 -1738 188 188
Net profit (loss) 11342 -27325 -32636 16701 -67447 -63031

th. EUR
IVQ 2004 IVQ IVQ 2004 2003 2003
2003 2003
proforma proform a

Net sales 9 778 8 790 8 401 37 189 31 767 31 744
Other revenue -76 8 8 108 39 39
Total revenue 9 703 8 798 8 409 37 297 31 806 31 783

Cost of goods -3102 -4254 -4771 -12484 -13680 -14323
Change in 100 158 158 -749 -42 -42
Other operating -2957 -2422 -2414 -10379 -8755 -8745
Personnel expenses -2702 -2795 -2792 -10763 -10497 -10494
Deprec. of fixed -343 -365 -356 -1396 -1394 -1414
Other expenses -220 -225 -207 -324 -704 -288
Total expenses -9223 -9903 -10382 -36096 -35073 -35306

Operating profit 479 -1106 -1974 1201 -3267 -3524

Financial income 274 10 17 287 45 52
Financial expenses -236 -643 -121 -592 -1047 -515

Profit (loss) 518 -1738 -2078 896 -4269 -3987
before taxes
Income tax expense 73 -28 -28 61 -30 -30
Profit (loss)
minority interest 591 -1767 -2106 956 -4299 -4016
Minority interest -134 -20 -20 -111 12 12
Net profit (loss) 725 -1746 -2086 1067 -4311 -4028

31.12.2004 31.12.2003 31.12.2003

ASSETS proforma
Current assets
Cash and bank 12515 12836 12836
Shares and other 603 377 377
Customer receivables 27501 45727 45727
Other receivables
and prepaid expences 10585 13822 13822
Inventories 145460 150424 147846
Total current assets 196664 223186 220608
Non-current assets
Long-term investments 1095 5394 5394
Investment in real estate 7500 0 0
Deferred tax assets 4349 0 0
Other long-term 2264 0 0
Tangible fixed assets 77325 87017 89741
Intangible fixed assets 27983 13779 13851
Total non-current assets 120516 106190 108986
TOTAL ASSETS 317180 329376 329594

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 74504 69336 69336
Customer prepayments 204 260 260
Accounts payable 30722 53939 53939
Other tax liabilities 12669 10634 10634
Accrued expenses 11667 10515 10515
Total current 129766 144684 144684
Long-term debt 45923 69482 69482
Provisions 21 45 32
Total non-current 45944 69527 69514
TOTAL LIABILITIES 175710 214211 214198

OWNER`S EQUITY 141470 108046 108277
Share capital (par 56340 54994 54994
Share premium 44508 42490 42490
Other restricted 26783 22885 22885
Retained profit -16508 50939 50939
Profit for the 16701 -67447 -63031
Exchange rate 6622 4185 0
Minority Interest 7024 7119 7119
AND OWNER's EQUITY 317180 322257 322475

31.12.2004 31.12.2003 31.12.2003

ASSETS proforma
Current assets
Cash and bank 800 820 820
Shares and other 38 24 24
Customer receivables 1758 2922 2922
Other receivables
and prepaid expenses 677 883 883
Inventories 9296 9614 9449
Total current assets 12569 14264 14099
Non-current assets
Long-term investments 70 345 345
Investment in real 479 0 0
Deferred tax assets 278 0 0
Other long-term 145 0 0
Tangible fixed assets 4942 5561 5735
Intangible fixed 1788 881 885
Total non-current 7702 6787 6965
TOTAL ASSETS 20271 21051 21065

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 4762 4431 4431
Customer prepayments 13 17 17
Accounts payable 1963 3447 3447
Other tax liabilities 810 680 680
Accrued expenses 745 672 672
Total current 8293 9247 9247
Long-term debt 2935 4441 4441
Provisions 1 3 2
Total non-current 2936 4444 4443
TOTAL LIABILITIES 11229 13691 13690

OWNER`S EQUITY 9042 7360 7375
Share capital (par 3601 3515 3515
Share premium 2845 2716 2716
Other restricted 1712 1463 1463
Retained profit -1055 3256 3256
Profit for the 1067 -4311 -4028
Exchange rate 423 267 0
Minority interest 449 455 455
AND OWNER's EQUITY 20271 21051 21065

Ülle Järv
Financial Director
+372 6302 731
AND OWNER's EQUITY 20271 21051 21065

Ülle Järv
Financial Director
+372 6302 731

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