Last update: 07.03.2025 04:20 (GMT+2)

BIG: Results of AS Balti Investeeringute Grupp, 12 months 2004

02.03.2005, Bigbank, TLN
AS Balti Investeeringute Grupp       FINANCIAL RESULTS           02.03.2005

Performance results of AS Balti Investeeringute Grupp, 12 months 2004
(unaudited interim report)

The performance results of AS Balti Investeeringud for the year
2004 were as anticipated. Changes in the company’s key economic
indicators were comparable with the developments of other
companies operating in the financial sector. Both the portfolio
of loans issued and the earnings and profit from ordinary
activities grew remarkably. The increase in interest expenses
and wages and salaries has been relatively lower than the
increase in income, and the overall efficiency of the company
has improved. The focus on the core activities and active
marketing activities have significantly contributed to the
accomplishment of the company’s objectives.

The interest income of the consolidation group of AS Balti
Investeeringute Grupp was up 54% from the previous year and
amounted to 64.5 million kroons. At the same time, interest
expenses grew by just 14%, amounting to 11.4 million kroons.
Both the decline in the general interest level and the increase
in the owners' equity contributed to the relatively small
growth in interest expenses. When compared to the second half-
year 2003, interest income grew by 64% and interest expenses
grew by 30% in the second half-year 2004.

The Group earned a total of 4.2 million kroons on net fees and
commissions, which is up 54% from the previous year. When
compared to the second half-year 2003, growth amounted to 32%
in the second half-year 2004.

Administrative expenses grew in the Group by 44% in 2004 when
compared to the year 2003, amounting to 29.7 million kroons. An
increase in expenses incurred in marketing activities accounted
for a significant part in the growth. In the second half-year
2004, the growth in administrative expenses amounted to 53%
when compared to the same period of the previous year.

The aggregate net profit of the Group grew in 2004 by 52% when
compared to the previous year, and amounted to 31.6 million
kroons. In the second half-year 2004, the growth in the net
profit amounted to 31% when compared to the same period of the
previous year.

The consolidated balance sheet total grew during the year 2004
from 185 million kroons at the beginning of the year to 267
million kroons at the end of the year (an increase of 44%).
Trade receivables increased in 2004 from 167 million kroons to
236 million kroons, i.e. by 41%, while the earnings ratio of
the loan portfolio did not decline. The sum of doubtful claims
(for which provisions have been formed) rose to 8.2 million
kroons, i.e. by 17% and doubtful claims accounted for 3.5% of
the portfolio as of 31 December 2004. The actual loss ratio of
loans continued to be lower than the provision ratio and no
material increase of the loss ratio is expected to occur.

The liabilities of the Group grew in the year 2004 to 192
million kroons, i.e. by 41% when compared to the beginning of
the financial year. Among other liabilities, the amount of
issued bonds has increased notably, amounting to 123 million
kroons as of the end of the year 2004 (a growth of 77%).
The owners' equity of the Group increased to 78 million kroons
during the year 2004, i.e. up 61% when compared to the
beginning of the year.


ASSETS 31.12.2004 31.12.2003 31.12.2004 31.12.2003
Cash at bank and in hand 13,989,872 999,496 894,114 63,879
Receivables 228,322,989 160,423,100 14,592,461 10,252,879
Trade receivables 236,448,283 167,161,013 15,111,761 10,683,509
Non-trade receivables 114,055 259,801 7,289 16,604
Less: Allowance for - 8,239,349 - 6,997,714 - 526,589 - 447,234
uncollectible accounts
Investment properties 13,851,502 14,205,399 885,270 907,888
Intangible assets - 1,471,613 - 1,608,822 - 94,053 - 102,822
Tangible assets 6,386,072 6,055,032 408,143 386,986
Other assets 2,406,536 1,718,558 153,805 109,836
Accrued income and prepaid 6,461,970 3,166,947 412,994 202,404
TOTAL ASSETS 269,947,329 184,959,711 17,252,735 11,821,050

LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ 31.12.2004 31.12.2003 31.12.2004 31.12.2003
Payables 61,939,583 62,174,677 3,958,651 3,973,676
Payable to credit 61,910,579 62,146,487 3,956,797 3,971,874
Other payables 29,004 28,190 1,854 1,802
Bonds issued 122,659,518 69,327,337 7,839,352 4,430,813
Other liabilities 143,753 237,893 9,187 15,204
Accrued expenses and 7,049,085 4,750,829 450,518 303,633
deferred income
Total liabilities 191,791,940 136,490,736 12,257,708 8,723,326

Share capital 7,184,000 7,184,000 459,140 459,140
Other reserves 718,400 718,400 45,914 45,914
Unrealised exchange-rate - 1,110,183 - 664,540 - 70,953 - 42,472
Retained earnings 39,731,115 20,362,171 2,539,275 1,301,377
Profit for the financial 31,632,057 20,868,944 2,021,652 1,333,765
Total owners’ equity 78,155,389 48,468,975 4,995,027 3,097,724
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 269,947,329 184,959,711 17,252,735 11,821,050

2nd half-year 2nd half-year 2004 2003
2004 2003
Interest income 36,120,472 21,970,739 64,506,954 41,997,871
Interest expense - 6,365,574 - 4,902,330 - 11,407,194 - 9,988,526
NET INTEREST INCOME 29,754,898 17,068,409 53,099,760 32,009,345

Net profit/loss on - 4,216,738 - 4,216,738
financial investments
Net fees and commissions 2,200,764 1,669,813 4,195,886 2,725,171
Net profit/loss on -279,325 - 199,646 - 261,625 - 623,138
financial transactions

Administrative expenses - 16,883,388 - 11,024,014 - 29,738,585 - 20,632,411
Wages and salaries -4,127,289 - 3,004,008 - 7,613,170 - 5,657,753
Social security costs -1,319,191 - 946,769 - 2,417,222 - 1,799,214
Other administrative - 11,436,908 - 7,073,236 - 19,708,193 - 13,175,444

Change in the value of - 615,017 - 548,133 - 1,225,050 - 1,236,241
tangible and intangible
Change in the value of 75,438 420,137 - 720,408 38,974
receivables and off-
Balance Sheet liabilities

Other operating income 5,205,592 3,394,348 7,383,476 5,254,208
and expenses
Other operating income 5,841,661 4,231,255 8,194,857 7,803,147
Other operating expenses - 636,069 - 836,906 - 811,381 - 2,548,939
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 19,458,961 14,997,652 32,733,454 21,752,646

INCOME TAX - 739,149 - 736,753 - 1,101,397 - 883,702
NET PROFIT FOR THE 18,719,812 14,260,900 31,632,057 20,868,944

2nd half- 2nd half- 2004 2003
year 2004 year 2003
Interest income 2,308,513 1,404,183 4,122,735 2,684,146
Interest expense - 406,833 - 313,315 - 729,051 - 638,382
NET INTEREST INCOME 1,901,680 1,090,867 3,393,685 2,045,765

Net profit/loss on - 269,498 - 269,498
financial investments
Net fees and commissions 140,654 106,720 268,165 174,170
Net profit/loss on - 17,852 - 12,760 - 16,721 - 39,826
financial transactions

Administrative expenses - 1,079,042 - 704,561 - 1,900,637 - 1,318,648
Wages and salaries - 263,781 - 191,991 - 486,569 - 361,595
Social security costs - 84,311 - 60,509 - 154,488 - 114,990
Other administrative - 730,950 - 452,061 - 1,259,580 - 842,062

Change in the value of - 39,307 - 35,032 - 78,295 - 79,010
tangible and intangible
Change in the value of 4,821 26,852 - 46,042 2,491
receivables and off-
Balance Sheet liabilities

Other operating income 332,697 216,938 471,889 335,804
and expenses
Other operating income 373,349 270,426 523,745 498,711
Other operating expenses - 40,652 - 53,488 - 51,857 - 162,906
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 1,243,651 958,522 2,092,044 1,390,244

INCOME TAX - 47,240 - 47,087 - 70,392 - 56,479
NET PROFIT FOR THE 1,196,411 911,435 2,021,652 1,333,765

Eero Varkki
Finance Manager
737 7599

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