Last update: 19.07.2024 23:11 (GMT+3)

HPA: Changes to Hansabank's accounting principles

03.03.2005, Hansapank, TLN
HANSABANK                    RELEASE                    03.03.05

Changes to Hansabank's accounting principles

Based on changes to international reporting standards (IAS 39, revised), which
are effective from Q1 2005, the Group will change significantly its provisioning

The Group has so far calculated provisions (losses on loans and guarantees) based
on estimated losses. According to the new requirements, provisions may only be
based on sc. "loss events". As a result, the Group will release approximately 35%
or 30 million euros from the allowance for credit losses recorded in the balance
sheet in the first quarter of 2005 and the share of allowance for credit losses
will decrease from 1.3% to 0.8% of total loans. The said provision release will
be booked directly in retained earnings of previous periods and it will increase
the book value of the company. It will not affect the 2005 income statement.
The new principles will also reduce the recurring provisioning expense (losses on
loans and guarantees in the income statement) by approximately 30% going forward.

The other change concerns goodwill amortisation. Starting from 2005 goodwill will
no longer be amortised on a monthly basis, but re-valued based on an annual asset
impairment test. The Group's goodwill amortisation cost was 7.9 million euros in

Mart Tõevere
Head of Corporate Communications and IR
Tel. +372 6131 569

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