Last update: 09.07.2024 04:16 (GMT+3)

MKO: Amendments in Articles of Association

30.03.2005, Järvevana, TLN
AS MERKO EHITUS                      ANNOUNCEMENT                      30.03.2005  

Amendments in Articles of Association

Company’s management board and supervisory board present Company’s new amended
articles of association for approval to the annual general meeting of
shareholders. The amended articles of association are more concise, portray the
changes in Estonia's commercial law and determine management board’s and
supervisory board’s competence in greater detail.

Company’s valid articles of association were approved by the resolution of the
annual general meeting held on April 8, 2003.

The principal amendments included in the revised articles of association:

1) the current minimum share capital is EEK 45 million and the current maximum
share capital is EEK 180 million (Article 4); the altered minimum share
capital is EEK 85 million and the altered maximum share capital is EEK
340 million (Article 4);
2) convening of the annual general meeting: if the number of shareholders of the
Company exceeds the limit established by law, notices need not be sent to the
shareholders, however a notice of the general meeting shall be published in at
least one daily national newspaper. (Article 19);
3) list of transactions requiring consent of the supervisory board: the limits of
transactions requiring consent of the supervisory board have been increased
and the distribution of such transactions has been specified in greater detail
(Article 27);
4) the maximum number of members of the supervisory board has been reduced from
eight to five members (Article 29);
5) the maximum number of members of the management board has been reduced from
eight to five members (Article 42);
6) competence of the members of the management board is no longer limited by the
articles of association, and signatures of two members of the management board
are not required for transactions exceeding EEK 500 000.


Business Name, Seat and Fields of Activity of Company

1. The business name of the public limited company (hereinafter the Company) in
Estonian is Aktsiaselts Merko Ehitus.
2. The seat of the Company is the City of Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia.
3. The fields of activity of the Company are: general construction works,
renovation, sanitary engineering works, power connection works, electrical
works and automatics; construction supervision; design works; architectural
design; expert assessment of technical condition of buildings and construc-
tion designs; general conservation, restoration and renovation of
architectural memorials and buildings protected as national heritage,
interior design works, cleaning works and construction of technical systems
of the same, supervision of the above works; construction of hydrotechnical
structures, road construction works, railway construction works, supervision
of the above works; construction of outdoor heating, water supply and
sewerage networks, supervision of the above works; excavation works,
supervision of the above works; disposition, use and possession of immovable

Share capital and shares

4. The minimum share capital of the Company is EEK 85,000,000 (eighty five
million Estonian kroons) and the maximum share capital is EEK 340,000,000
(three hundred and fourty million Estonian kroons). The alteration of share
capital shall be pursuant to the procedure provided by law.
5. The Company has registered shares with the nominal value of EEK 10 (ten
Estonian kroons).
6. The holders of registered shares and holders of registered shares that are
issued as a result of conversion of convertible bonds are not entitled to
claim issue of share certificates for their shares.
7. Contributions to the share capital of the Company can be monetary as well
as non-monetary. Non-monetary contributions shall be valuated by an expert
appointed by the management board of the Company. The usual value of a thing
or right being the object of non-monetary contribution shall be taken as the
basis for the valuation of a non-monetary contribution. Valuation of a non-
monetary contribution shall be audited by an auditor.
8. Registered shares may be freely transferred. Upon transfer of shares to
third persons the other shareholders do not have a pre-emptive right.
9. Upon increase of share capital the shareholders have a pre-emptive right to
subscribe for the new shares in proportion to the sum of the nominal values
of the shareholder’s shares, unless the law provides otherwise.
10. A registered share may be pledged or commercially leased. A share
encumbrance transaction shall be in writing.
11. The Company may issue bonds by a resolution of the general meeting, the
holders of which have the right to convert their bonds to shares.
12. Reserve capital shall be formed from annual net profit transfers and other
transfers entered in the reserve capital pursuant to law or the articles of
association. The amount of the reserve capital shall be 1/10 of the share
capital. Each financial year, at least 1/20 of the net profit shall be
entered in the reserve capital. When the reserve capital reaches the amount
prescribed in the articles of association, the increase of the reserve
capital from the net profit shall be terminated.
13. Upon a resolution of the general meeting, reserve capital may be used to
cover a loss if it is not possible to cover the loss from available
shareholders’ equity of the Company or may be used to increase share
capital. Payments shall not be made to shareholders from reserve capital.

Shareholder and General Meeting

14. The rights attaching to shares belong to the person who has been entered
as a shareholder in the share register.
15. A shareholder has all rights and obligations prescribed by laws, other
legislation and the articles of association.
16. The shareholders shall exercise their rights in the Company at the
general meeting of shareholders. One share of the Company shall provide
the shareholder with one vote at the general meeting. The general meeting
of shareholders is the highest directing body of the Company.
17. The general meeting shall decide on payment of dividends, prescribe the
amount of profit to be paid out as dividends and the procedure and terms
for payment of dividends.
18. The annual general meeting shall be held once a year. The management board
shall convene the annual general meeting not later than within six months
after the end of a financial year.
19. The management board shall send a notice of the general meeting to the
shareholders who hold registered shares by registered mail. The notice
shall be sent to the address entered in the share register. If the number
of shareholders of the Company exceeds the limit established by law,
notices need not be sent to the shareholders, however a notice of the
general meeting shall be published in at least one daily national
20. Notice of the annual general meeting shall be given at least three weeks
in advance. Notice of an extraordinary general meeting shall be given at
least one week in advance.
21. A general meeting shall be held at the seat of the Company or in a place
specified by the supervisory board.
22. The general meeting may pass resolutions if at least more than one-half
of the votes represented by shares are present.
23. If the votes specified in the above article are not represented at the
general meeting, the management board shall convene a new general meeting
with the same agenda within three weeks but not earlier than after 7 days.
The new general meeting is competent to pass resolutions irrespective of
the votes represented at that meeting.
24. A resolution of a general meeting shall be adopted if over one-half of
the votes represented at the general meeting are in favour unless the law
prescribes a greater majority requirement.
25. A resolution on amendment of the articles of association shall be adopted
only if at least two-thirds of the votes represented at a general meeting
are in favour. A resolution on amendment of the articles of association
shall enter into effect as of making the respective entry in the
Commercial Register. The resolution of the general meeting on amendment
of the articles of association, the minutes of the general meeting and
the new text of the articles of association shall be appended to the
application submitted to the Commercial Register.

Supervisory Board

26. The supervisory board shall plan the activities of the Company, organise
the management of the Company and supervise the activities of the board.
The supervisory board shall notify the general meeting of the results of
a review.
27. The supervisory board shall give orders to the management board for
organisation of the management of the company. The consent of the
supervisory board is required by the management board for conclusion of
transactions that are beyond the scope of everyday economic activities.
The consent of the supervisory board is required by the management board
for conclusion of transactions that bring about:
27.1. the entry into a transaction, incl. concluding a contract and submitting
a tender if the value of the transaction or the sum of the values of the
transactions entered into simultaneously exceeds ten million
(10,000,000) EUR, or
27.2. the assumption of a loan or entry into a lease contract in the amount
exceeding one million (1,000,000) EUR, or
27.3. granting of loans, guarantee of debt obligations, acquisition of a claim
or taking over a debt in the amount exceeding two hundred thousand
(200,000) EUR, or
27.4. making investments and acquiring or transferring fixed assets exceeding
the amount prescribed in the budget of the finanacial year if the value
of the transaction or the sum of the values of the transactions entered
into simultaneously exceeds two hundred thousand (200,000) EUR, or
27.5. the acquisition or transfer of immovables or registered movables if the
entry into the transaction is not prescribed in the business plan or if
the transaction value exceeds two hundred thousand (200,000) EUR, or
27.6. the acquisition or transfer of an enterprise, or termination of its
activities, or
27.7. the foundation or closure of foreign branches.
28. The supervisory board shall approve the annual budget of the Company.
29. The supervisory board of the Company consists of 3 to 5 members.
A member of the supervisory board shall be a natural person with active
legal capacity. A member of the supervisory board need not be a
30. The members of the supervisory board shall be elected and removed by
the general meeting. In order to elect a member of the supervisory
board, his or her written consent is required.
31. A member of the supervisory board shall be elected for a tenure of
three years.
32. Members of the supervisory board shall elect from among themselves
a chairman who shall organise the activities of the supervisory board.
33. The supervisory board meetings shall be held when necessary, but not
less frequently than once in every three months. A meeting shall be
convened by the chairman of the supervisory board or a member of the
supervisory board substituting for the chairman. Advance notice of at
least 1 (one) day shall be given to the members of the supervisory
board of the holding of the meeting of the supervisory board and of its
34. A meeting of the supervisory board has a quorum provided that more than
one-half of the members of the supervisory board attend such meeting.
A member of the supervisory board shall not be represented by another
member of the supervisory board or by a third person at a meeting or in
the adoption of a resolution.
35. A supervisory board meeting shall be convened if this is required by
a member of the supervisory board, the management board, the auditor or
shareholders whose shares represent at least 1/10 of the share capital.
36. A resolution of the supervisory board shall be passed if more than
one-half of the members of the supervisory board attending the meeting
vote in favour. The chairman of the supervisory board shall have the
deciding vote upon an equal division of votes.
37. Every member of the supervisory board shall have one vote. A member of
the supervisory board shall not have the right to abstain from voting
or to remain undecided.
38. The supervisory board is entitled to pass resolutions without
convening a meeting.
39. The chairman of the supervisory board shall send a draft of said
resolution in writing to all members of the supervisory board,
specifying the term within which a member of the supervisory board
shall present his or her position on it. If a member of the supervisory
board does not give notice of whether he or she is in favour of or
opposed to the resolution within said term, it shall be considered that
he or she votes against the resolution.
40. Remuneration corresponding to the tasks of a member of the supervisory
board and to the economic situation of the Company shall be paid to
a member of the supervisory board, the amount of and procedure for
payment of which shall be determined by a resolution of the general

Management Board

41. The management board is a directing body of the Company which
represents and directs the Company. The management board shall,
in directing, adhere to the lawful orders of the supervisory board.
The management board is required to act in the most economically
purposeful manner.
42. The management board of the Company shall consist of 3 to 5 members.
The supervisory board shall appoint a chairman of the management board.
43. The members of the management board shall be elected and removed by
the supervisory board. In order to elect a member of the management
board, his or her consent is required.
44. A member of the management board shall be elected for a tenure of
three years. The supervisory board may remove a member of the board
regardless of the reason, but the rights and obligations deriving from
a contract concluded with him or her shall terminate pursuant to the
45. Upon election of the members of the management board the supervisory
board shall specify the areas of work of the members of the management
46. The management board shall present an overview of the economic
activities and economic situation of the Company to the supervisory
board at least once in every three months and shall immediately give
notice of any material deterioration of the economic condition of the
Company or of any other material circumstances related to the economic
activities of the Company.
47. The board shall organise the accounting of the Company.
48. A meeting of the management board shall be convened by the chairman
of the board. A meeting of the management board shall have a quorum
if more than one-half of the members of the board are present.
Resolutions shall be passed by simple majority of votes. The chairman
of the management board shall have the deciding vote upon an equal
division of votes. Minutes shall be taken of meetings of the management
49. According to a unanimous decision of members of the management board,
a resolution of the board can be passed without convening a meeting,
by telephone questionnaire. The chairman of the management board shall
record such questionnaire in the minutes, which shall be approved at
the next meeting of the management board.

Reporting and Distribution of Profit

50. After the end of the financial year, the management board shall
prepare the annual accounts and management report pursuant to the
procedure provided by law.
51. The supervisory board shall review the annual report and shall prepare
a written report concerning the annual report, which shall be presented
to the general meeting. The supervisory board shall indicate in the
report whether it approves the annual report prepared by the management
board. In addition, the report shall indicate how the supervisory board
has organised and directed the activities of the Company.

52. Based on the approved annual accounts the general meeting shall pass
a resolution on profit distribution.

Merger, Division, Transformation or Dissolution

53. The general meeting shall decide on merger, division or transformation
of the Company pursuant to law.
54. The Company shall be dissolved pursuant to the procedure provided by
law. The members of the management board shall be liquidators of the
Company unless the resolution on dissolution prescribes otherwise.

Alar Lagus
Member of the Board
+372 6 805 109

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