Last update: 27.11.2024 00:24 (GMT+2)
Riga Stock Exchange 07.04.2005
Draft resolutions of JSC “Rīgas Raugs” AGM, to convene on April 21
1. To approve Annual Report of 2004
2. To approve the 2004 profit of LVL 53, 392, and the retained profit for the period
1995-2003 LVL 358,085 - total LVL 411,477, and to utilize it as follows:
1) to pay dividend LVL 0.03 per share, total amount LVL 23,190.
Dividend record date is May 2, 2005, dividend payment date is May 10, 2005.
2) To retain the remaining LVL 388,287 undistributed.
3. To approve the budget and operational plan for 2005.
Key figures (LVL thousand)
Net sales 1 238
Net profit 53