Last update: 08.07.2024 02:09 (GMT+3)


27.04.2005, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN
Rakvere Lihakombinaat            ANNOUNCEMENT                  27.04.2005


Hereby we inform, that the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders
of AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat (located in Roodevälja küla, Sõmeru vald,
Lääne Virumaa), shall be held on May 27, 2005 at 10.00 a.m. at the
head office of the company.

The following agenda is suggested for the meeting:
1. Approval of 2004 Annual Report and allocation of the profit.
2. Election and remuneration of the auditor.

Registration to the General Meeting starts on May 27, 2005 at 9.30 a.m.
at the head office of the company (located in Roodevälja küla, Sõmeru
vald, Lääne Virumaa).

For registration to the Meeting:

- A shareholder, being a natural person, must produce a passport or
identity card as an identity document, a representative must also
produce a duly executed power of attorney;

- A representative of a shareholder, being a legal person, must produce
an extract from the respective (commercial) register, where the legal
person is registered (for an Estonian legal person, a copy of the
Commercial Register's card B, which is not older than 15 days), proving
the right of the person to represent the shareholder (legal
authorisation), and the representative's identity document; if the
person is not a legal representative, a duly executed power of attorney
(authorisation by transaction) and the representative's identity
document must be produced in addition to the extract from the register;

- Documents of a legal person registered in a foreign country (except for
the power of attorney) must be legalized in the Republic of Estonia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs or in a foreign representation of the
Republic of Estonia.

Resolution projects

1. To approve 2004 Annual Report consisting of
financial report, management report, independent
auditor’s report and proposal for profit distribution.

2. To distribute the net profit of AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
for the financial year of 2004 by sum 97,185 thousand kroons
as follows:
- To allocate to the legal reserve 4,859 thousand kroons.
- Left to be carried forward in the balance sheet 92,326
thousand kroons.

3. To appoint Pricewaterhouse Coopers AS to audit Rakvere
Lihakombinaat in 2005. Remuneration of the auditors will be
based on a contract with the auditing company.

Olle Horm
Chairman of the Board
32 29 221

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