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KLV: Financial report 9 months 2004/2005

12.05.2005, Kalev, TLN
Kalev                  FINANCIAL RESULTS                12.05.2005



Characteristic indicators for the first nine months of the
financial year 2004/2005, compared to the same period last

· Increase in revenue: 1.8 times (279 million kroons –
i.e. 17.8 million euros);
Increase in sugar and chocolate confectionery product
revenue: 1.04 times (10 million kroons – i.e. 0.6
million euros);
· Increase in export revenue: 5.6 times (199 million
kroons – i.e. 12.7 million euros);
· Increase in revenue per employee: 1.4 times (0.26
million kroons – i.e. 16.6 thousand euros);
· Increase in confectionery products (chocolate and sugar
confectionery products, baked goods, biscuits) sold: 2 times
(5,200 tons);
· Dairy products sold: 10,324 tons (269 million kroons –
i.e. 17.2 million euros);
· Changes in the group structure.

Group structure

The financial indicators of Kalev Ltd and its subsidiaries
have been consolidated line by line in this 9-month interim

The Kalev Group incorporates the parent company Kalev Ltd
and six subsidiaries.

Name of subsidiary Location Share as of

AS Kalev Paide Tootmine Estonia 100%
AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine Estonia 99.1%
AS Vilma Estonia 60.7%
AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Estonia 100%
Kalev REC)
OÜ Maiasmokk Estonia 81.3%
Kalev Merchant Services Ltd USA 100%

On 1 July 2004, Kalev Ltd acquired 60.6746% of the shares
(i.e. 436,857 shares) of Viljandi bakery AS Vilma, which
currently manufactures baked goods and confectionery
products as well as semi-manufactured flour products under
the Vilma trademark The objective of the purchase of the
shares of AS Vilma was to expand the activities of Kalev Ltd
in the flour confectionery sector in accordance with the
company’s long-term development strategy. The majority
interest acquired in AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine (formerly known
as AS Järle) at the end of 2003 was Kalev Ltd’s first step
towards this objective.

On 7 December 2004, AS Kalev REC and United Real Estate OÜ
(URE OÜ) concluded a contract on the free-of-charge transfer
of a share in the private limited company Sõbra Korterid OÜ.
Pursuant to the contract, URE OÜ transferred to AS Kalev REC
a 20-thousand-kroon share—i.e. 50% of the share capital—of
the private limited company.

Sõbra Korterid OÜ’s main field of activity is real estate
development and administration.

AS Kalev REC acquired the share in Sõbra Korterid OÜ with
the aim of pursuing real estate development on the housing
market. The private limited company plans to construct two
new apartment buildings on the real estate located at
Kastani 183a and 183b in Tartu.

In the given period, Kalev Ltd prematurely repaid to Skanska
EMV AS the balance due for the acquisition of 40.7% of the
shares of AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Kalev REC) – i.e.
16,950,000 kroons.

Pursuant to the shareholder’s agreement concluded between
Skanska EMV AS and Kalev Ltd on 3 May 2002, Kalev Ltd had
the right to acquire the 40.7% of the shares of AS Kalev REC
held by Skanska EMV AS. Kalev Ltd paid a total of 25.2
million kroons for the acquired shares.

On 6 January 2005, Skanska EMV AS transferred 40.7% of the
shares of AS Kalev REC to the securities account of Kalev
Ltd, thus making Kalev Ltd the full owner of the company.

Product sales

In the first nine months of the financial year 2004/2005,
the company focused its marketing and sales activities on
the three holidays during the period – Christmas,
Valentine’s Day and Easter.

This year, Kalev Ltd’s Christmas collection comprised 50
product items. A new addition to the assortment of Christmas
products was the collection of classics – various pralines,
handmade boxed chocolate and chocolate bars. For the first
time in the company’s history, Kalev Ltd launched a special
new product series for young sweet tooths. The assortment of
ginger bread products was improved, compared to last year.

For Valentine’s Day, the company mainly focused on
anniversary chocolate bars of various sizes, as well as
heart-shaped marzipan and chocolate products.

The Easter product portfolio consisted of traditional
anniversary chocolate bars, candy packages and gift boxes.
Kalev Ltd also launched a new product – wheat pollard
biscuits – at the market. These biscuits will remain a part
of the company’s main assortment.

Aiming at strengthening the company’s position in the low
price class sector, Kalev Ltd launched a new product series
under the Sonja trademark at the market in February 2005.
The share of low price class sweets has rapidly grown at the
local market in recent years. While in 2003 the share of
candy with lower-than-average prices was an estimated 33% of
the Estonian packaged candy market, this indicator reached
42.5% in 2004.

The Sonja trademark series include four new specially
prepared candies: cocoa-flavoured wafer candies, cocoa-
flavoured sweet bites, lemon-flavoured jelly candies and the
arachis-flavoured pralines. The candies come in simple
noticeable packages, comprising a visually cohesive product

Other products launched by Kalev Ltd in the given period
included chocolate-coated cocoa-flavoured pralines, boxed
chocolates Athena and Toompea, double-layered praline
sticks, and biscuits Tähekesed. Kalev Ltd also brought the
biscuit series manufactured by AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine under
the Kalev trademark, and modernised several dark bread and
white bread packages of AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine. In co-
operation with AS EMT, the company launched a new product –
POP-biscuits – for young sweet tooths.

According to the retail survey conducted by AC Nielsen
Eesti, Kalev Ltd’s market share was 42% in February and
March 2004, as regards chocolate confectionery and sugar
confectionery products (February and March 2003: 43%). In
the biscuit sector, the company’s market share was 15% in
the same period.

Kalev Group’s total sales of various confectionery and dairy
products amounted to 20,944 tons in the first nine months of
the financial year 2004/2005. The home market constituted
68% of the total sales. 32% of the sales were exported.

Kalev Group sold a total of over 4,900 tons of confectionery
products (incl. chocolate confectionery and sugar
confectionery products) in the given period—a 5% decrease,
compared to the same period last year. 91% of the total
volume of confectionery products was sold at the home
market; 9% was exported. In the given period, the Baltic
States remained the company’s main export targets. In
addition to the above countries, Kalev Ltd also exported its
products to the Scandinavian countries, Russia and the
United States.

Kalev Group’s total sales of flour baked goods (incl. bakery
products and biscuits) amounted to 5,600 tons in the first
nine months of the financial year 2004/2005. The majority
was sold at the home market. The company was not yet
actively involved in the flour baked goods sector in the
given period.

In the given period, Kalev Group sold a total of over 10,300
tons of dairy products, including skim milk and milk powder,
highly pasteurised milk and butter (over 900 tons in the
comparative period). Over a half – i.e. 57% of the above
products was exported to various EU member states.

Economic activities and financial results

The consolidated net sales of Kalev Ltd for the financial
year 2004/2005 amounted to 611.4 million kroons (i.e. 39.1
million euros)—a 1.8-time increase, compared to the same
period last year. In the given period, the company earned
6.4 million kroons (0.4 million euros) in consolidated net
profit, compared to the 22-million-kroon (i.e. 1.4-million-
euro) net profit in the first nine months of the financial
year 2003/2004.

Increase in the consolidated net sales of Kalev Ltd was
facilitated by the incorporation of two new subsidiaries –
AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine (formerly known as AS Järle) and AS
Vilma – in the Kalev Group at the beginning of 2004 and in
July 2004, respectively, as well as the turnover increase of
the subsidiaries AS Kalev Paide Tootmine and AS Kalev Real
Estate Company (AS Kalev REC) in the given period.

The turnover increase in the first nine months of the
financial year 2004/2005, compared to the same period last
year can also be explained by the deficit of chocolate
confectionery goods at the end of the summer of 2003,
conditioned by the company’s relocation to a new production

The decrease in the consolidated net profit of Kalev Ltd in
the first nine months of the financial year 2004/2005 was,
above all, conditioned by the production input price
increase – incl. the raw material price increase after
Estonia’s accession to the European Union. The low purchase
price of powdered dairy products at the European dairy
product market in the first quarter of the year was another
contributor to the decrease in consolidated profit, since
the subsidiary AS Kalev Paide Tootmine exports most of its
products to EU member states.

The company earned 30 million kroons (i.e. 1.9 million
euros) in extraordinary revenue from real estate
transactions in the financial year 2003/2004. This revenue
remained modest in the given period.

The 47.5% increase in the company’s marketing expenses in
the given period, compared to the same period last year, was
due to incorporation of new subsidiaries in the Kalev Group.
The expanded product assortment and the tightening
competition at the final consumer market also contributed to
the increase in marketing expenses.

The company’s general and administrative expenses decreased
by 20.7% in the given period. The general and administrative
expenses for the first nine months of the financial year
2003/2004 included single expenses on production equipment
relocation and assembly, and launch of the production
process in the amount of 15.2 million kroons (0.97 million

The 51.7% and 42% decrease in expenses and revenue
(respectively) was conditioned by the real estate
transactions, the volume of which was smaller than the
volume of transactions concluded in the comparative period.

In the first nine months of the financial year 2004/2005,
Kalev Group employed an average of 806 people—an 11%
increase, compared to the same period last year. This
increase was mainly due to incorporation of the employees of
the new subsidiary AS Vilma among the group staff in July

The Tax and Customs Board conducted an audit in Kalev Ltd in
the first nine months of the financial year 2004/2005,
inspecting the company’s sugar stock reserve and its
declaration. The audit commenced on 8 November 2004, and had
not been finished by the time of the preparation of this

Kalev Ltd believes the sugar stock reserve declaration to be
correct and in compliance with the Excessive Stock Reserve
Fee Act. Consequently, the company’s management does not
expect the audit to have any effect on Kalev Ltd’s financial

The potential “leaking” of the data presented to the Tax and
Customs Board in the course of the audit caused unfounded
media speculations on the company’s supposed stock reserves
and the fines to be calculated thereof. Violation of the tax
secret harmed Kalev Ltd’s reputation as a listed company and

Balance sheet (consolidated, unaudited)

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated
ASSETS 31.03.2005 31.03.2004 31.03.2005 31.03.2004
CASH AND BANK 36 433 589 3 254 736 2 328 531 208 015
RECEIVABLES 115 000 387 123 610 798 7 349 864 7 900 150
PREPAYMENTS 4 764 835 19 740 351 304 528 1 261 635
INVENTORIES 107 837 206 85 853 581 6 892 054 5 487 030
TOTAL CURRENT 264 036 017 232 459 466 16 874 977 14 856 830

OTHER LONG-TERM 330 180 330 180 21 102 21 102
PROPERTY, PLANT 343 187 561 363 089 521 21 933 683 23 205 591
INVESTMENT 128 222 247 61 665 519 8 194 895 3 941 135
INTANGIBLE 6 624 095 -9 019 603 423 357 -576 546
TOTAL NON- 478 364 083 416 065 617 30 573 037 26 591 371

TOTAL ASSETS 742 400 100 648 525 083 47 448 014 41 448 201


BORROWINGS 102 441 616 65 235 634 6 547 213 4 169 306
PREPAYMENTS 2 410 112 14 333 000 154 034 916 043
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 168 639 527 127 466 815 10 778 030 8 146 593
TAXES PAYABLE 0 5 577 867 0 356 490
OTHER PAYABLES 10 654 666 16 595 672 680 957 1 060 654
TOTAL CURRENT 284 145 921 229 208 988 18 160 234 14 649 087

LONG-TERM 179 074 692 156 549 867 11 444 959 10 005 335
TOTAL NON- 179 074 692 156 549 867 11 444 959 10 005 335
TOTAL 463 220 613 385 758 855 29 605 193 24 654 422

SHARE CAPITAL 236 325 000 78 775 000 15 103 920 5 034 627
REVALUATION 17 159 388 17 159 388 1 096 685 1 096 682
MANDATORY 4 020 204 1 537 837 256 938 98 285
RETAINED 10 231 636 143 137 790 653 921 9 148 149
PROFIT FOR THE 6 391 544 21 966 913 408 494 1 403 938
MINORITY 5 051 715 189 300 322 863 12 098
TOTAL OWNER'S 274 127 772 262 766 228 17 519 958 16 793 779

TOTAL 742 400 100 648 525 083 47 448 014 41 448 201

Income statement (consolidated, unaudited)

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

01.07.2004- 01.07.2003- 01.07.2004- 01.07.2003-
31.03.2005 31.03.2004 31.03.2005 31.03.2004
REVENUE 611 428 451 332 208 026 39 077 400 21 231 908

COST OF SALES 489 927 956 211 390 576 31 312 103 13 510 286

GROSS PROFIT 121 500 495 120 817 450 7 765 297 7 721 623

MARKETING 62 885 594 42 640 707 4 019 122 2 725 231
GENERAL AND 51 864 247 65 431 832 3 314 730 4 181 846
OTHER REVENUE 18 965 209 32 685 123 1 212 098 2 088 955
OTHER 7 411 264 15 335 657 473 666 980 125

OPERATING 18 304 599 30 094 377 1 169 877 1 923 376

FINANCIAL 548 352 989 904 35 046 63 266
FINANCIAL 11 400 744 9 141 791 728 640 584 265

PROFIT BEFORE 7 452 207 21 942 490 476 283 1 402 377

MINORITY - 1 060 663 24 423 -67 789 1 561

NET PROFIT 6 391 544 21 966 913 408 494 1 403 938

EARNINGS PER 0,27 2, 79 0,02 2,18

Income statement: 3rd quarter (consolidated, unaudited)

Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated

01.01.2005- 01.01.2004- 01.01.2005- 01.01.2004-
31.03.2005 31.03.2004 31.03.2005 31.03.2004
REVENUE 171 369 485 146 044 841 10 952 478 9 333 943

COST OF SALES 148 764 771 89 166 814 9 507 802 5 698 798

GROSS PROFIT 22 604 714 56 878 027 1 444 677 3 635 145

MARKETING 18 319 098 13 719 600 1 170 804 876 842
GENERAL AND 10 638 146 30 995 602 679 901 1 923 231
OTHER REVENUE 12 906 922 30 995 602 824 903 1 980 980
OTHER 3 900 693 11 767 848 249 300 752 103

OPERATING 2 653 699 32 294 153 169 574 2 063 949

FINANCIAL 113 949 404 527 7 283 25 854
FINANCIAL 3 309 412 3 856 856 211 510 246 498

PROFIT BEFORE -541 764 28 866 247 - 1 607 34 625

MINORITY -232 669 24 423 - 14 872 1 561

NET PROFIT - 774 433 28 866 247 - 49 495 1 844 866

EARNINGS PER -0,03 3,66 -0,0 0,23

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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