Last update: 25.11.2024 02:21 (GMT+2)
The general shareholders’ meeting decided to:
1. approve report of the Board for 1999;
2. approve report of the auditor;
3. approve financial statements of 1999. (Assets LTL 32,744,083. Net profit
LTL 2,085,589);
4. approve draft appropriation of profit:
to legal reserves LTL 140,556;
to reserves to be appropriated LTL 3,830,523;
dividends LTL 408,316;
other appropriation LTL 138,184.
5. order the Board to hold a contest regarding election of an auditor and to
present for the approval of shareholders’ meeting;
6. elect the following representatives of AB Koncernas SBA members of the
Supervisory Board: R.Varanauskas, R.Sajienė, O.Nortkienė;
7. pull down or sell buildings that are not used or are of little value or to
give them as property contributions when purchasing shares;
8.1 for a EUR 500,000.00 loan, mortgage the equipment, acquired for the loan,
for the sum not exceeding LTL 2.2 million;
8.2 take a loan of USD 500,000.00 for funding of working capital and to
mortgage reserves to the bank for the sum not exceeding LTL 4 million;
8.3 take a loan of DEM 600,000.00 for acquisition of equipment and to mortgage
buildings, equipment, and raw materials;
8.4 extend the period of validity of the pledge agreement with the LTB,
securing buildings 10G1p and 11G1 for the USD 3.25 million loan received by AB
Koncernas SBA from the bank, until full recovery of the loan. To extend for the
same period validity of surety agreement with the LTB with regard to a share of
USD 1 million of the loan.
8.5 secure a LTL 5,000,000.00 loan of UAB Klaipėdos Baldų Prekyba with assets
of AB Klaipėdos Baldai;
9. amend paragraph 3.5 of the Articles of Association of AB Klaipėdos Baldai;
10. allot LTL 700,000.00 charity for VĮ "Kauno "Žalgirio" rėmėjas";
11. establish dividend payment procedure.
Lina Semėnaitė
Information specialist
(22) 72 18 58