Last update: 27.11.2024 09:11 (GMT+2)
Anyksciu Vynas AB
Company event
Notice of the general meeting of shareholders
The Board of Anyksciu vynas AB, taking place on March 17, 2005 decided to
convene by its initiative the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held
on April 22, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the head-office of Anyksciu vynas AB at the
address: Dariaus and Gireno g. 8, Anyksciai.
The registration of shareholders starts at 12 noon; the shareholders are
required to have identification documents; a notarized proxy is required from a
person authorized to represent the shareholder.
The registration date of the meeting is April 15, 2005.
1. Approval of the 2004 Report on the Activity of the Company.
2. Auditor's Report.
3. Approval of the 2004 Financial Statements.
4. Approval of the 2004 profit (loss) appropriation.
5. Election of the firm of auditors and establishment of the terms of
remuneration for audit services.
Rita Gaigaliene
Chief accountant
(+370 381) 50285