Last update: 06.07.2024 14:15 (GMT+3)


14.06.2005, Silvano Fashion Group, TLN
Klementi            FINANCIAL RESULTS           14.06.2005



General information on the AS Klementi Group

The Klementi group is an international apparel trade
group which is engaged in the design, manufacturing and
marketing of women’s apparel as well as the provision of
sewing subcontracting services.

As of 31.12.2004, the Klementi Group whose parent company
is AS Klementi consisted of four wholly owned
subsidiaries: Klementi Trading OY, UAB Klementi Vilnius,
Klementi Trading AB and SIA Vision. The subsidiaries are
engaged in the retail and wholesale distribution of
apparel in Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania.

The Klementi Group operates a retail store chain under
the PTA trademark in Estonia and Latvia and owns factory
stores in Estonia and Sweden. The company markets the
trademarks PTA, Mallimari, Piretta and Mastercoat of the
Klementi Group through its own retail chain as well as
through wholesalers. The factory stores sell apparel from
past seasons' collections. Apparel personally tailored
for customers using expanded designs and fabrics is sold
under the Avenue trademark.

Results of operations of AS Klementi for 2004

In 2004, the consolidated net sales of AS Klementi were
128.6 million kroons and the loss amounted to 11.9
million kroons. As compared to 2003, the net sales
decreased by 3.7% (net sales in 2003: 133.6 million
kroons) and the loss by 9.7 million kroons.

The composition of sales changed as compared to the year
before. The apparel sales made up 78.2% of total sales
(2003: 82.2%). The share of subcontracting products grew
by 4.9% in 2004. Exports decreased by over 8% as compared
to 2003. The decrease in sales was related to the
decrease of the wholesale turnover in the Nordic
countries, especially in Sweden and Finland.

As of 31.12.2004, the consolidated balance sheet total of
the Klementi Group was 105.8 million kroons, decreasing
by 16.1 million kroons as compared to the previous year-
end. The decline of the balance sheet total was related
to more aggressive sales of older inventories, better
management of receivables and the reduction of the cost
of non-current assets. Significantly improved cash flows
enabled the company to reduce borrowings by 4.5 million
kroons and supplier payables by 0.6 million kroons as
compared to the beginning of the year.

Products and markets

A decision was made to start developing the PTA trademark
beginning with the second half of 2004. In conjunction
with this, the product development activities of the
company were reorganised and the chain of stores was
rearranged into the PTA retail chain. This change will
lead to better procurement prices, reduction of product
development costs, more optimal planning of inventories
as well as more efficient usage of the marketing budget
to support one brand.

In conjunction with this, the company made the expansion
and development of its own retail store chain its
strategic priority.

In the autumn of 2004, the retail store chain of AS
Klementi was reorganised and it was turned into the
stores operating under the PTA trademark.

The women’s apparel of AS Klementi was marketed in
addition to Estonia also in the Nordic countries, Latvia,
Lithuania and Russia. In 2004, the largest sales growth
occurred in Latvia where apparel sales more than doubled.

Retail sales

In 2004, the group’s retail sales amounted to 60.7
million kroons, an increase of 22% as compared to the
previous year. Retail revenue amounted to 60% (2003: 45%)
of apparel sales revenue. Total retail sales revenue
increased by 11.0 million kroons, most of which was
related to the improvement of efficiencies of retail
spaces. The average retail sales per square meter
increased by almost 29% as compared to the previous year.
Most of the sales occurred in Estonia whereas Latvia had
the largest sales volume growth of almost 30%.

As of the year-end 2004, the Klementi Group had 10 stores
with the sales space of 2744 square meters (31.12.2003:
10 stores with the sales space of 2689 square meters).

Wholesale distribution

Wholesale apparel sales decreased by over 30% in 2004.
This is primarily related to lower sales in the
Scandinavian countries, where the decline of the sales
turnover resulted from inappropriate positioning of
apparel marketed under the PTA trademark as well as the
collection failing to meet the expectations. Since the
second half of 2004, AS Klementi has changed the
positioning of the PTA trademark, leading the company to
expect higher sales in the Scandinavian countries
beginning with 2006.

Subcontracting sales

Subcontracting sales volume increased by 26% in 2004.
Last financial year, the number of subcontracting
business partners who purchased the full service of
manufacturing apparel instead of purchasing just the
sewing service increased. Also, the manufacturing and
sales of occupational apparel was begun in accordance
with the customers’ requests. Gradual transition from
offering sewing services to offering the full service of
manufacturing apparel (incl. the preparation and
placement of products, increasing and decreasing of
patterns, cutting, etc.) helped to increase net sales and
made the provision of the subcontracting service more


In 2004, the production volume of AS Klementi decreased
by 0.8 million standard minutes. The improvement of
sewing efficiencies of 7.6% ensured the need for making
own products and enabled to significantly increase the
volume of the subcontracting sewing service. The new wage
system also helped to increase sewing efficiencies,
increasing the motivation of employees and improving the
contribution-based pay system.

In 2004, AS Klementi improved the production technologies
by implementing new working methods and special
equipment. Production technological improvements have
enabled to improve cooperation with Scandinavian
subcontracting clients.

Personnel and wage policy

As of 31.12.2004, Klementi employed 448 people
(31.12.2003: 487 people), including 418 women and 30 men.
During the year, 77 people started to work at Klementi,
including 32 production workers; 116 people left the
company, including 80 production workers. The number of
employees decreased on average by 39 people or 6.7% in a

Of production workers, 65.7% worked on a piecework basis,
5% in ancillary positions, 4.2% at warehouses, 10.2% in
retail trade. Managers and specialists made up 14.9% of
all employees. Forty-six people were on maternity leave.

As of 31.12.2004, 18 people worked at the subsidiaries,

Subsidiary Klementi Vilnius UAB had no employees (the
subsidiary is under liquidation proceedings);

Subsidiary Klementi Trading OY: 1 employee;

Subsidiary Klementi Trading AB: 4 employees;

Subsidiary SIA Vision: 13 employees.

The group employed 485 people on average in 2004, and
their wages and salaries amounted to
34.4 million kroons.

Capital expenditures

In 2004, capital expenditures amounted to 2.6 million
kroons, almost 97% of which was invested in property,
plant and equipment. The volume of capital expenditures
stayed at the same level as in 2003.

Management Board and Supervisory Board

In 2004, the members of the Supervisory Board received no
remuneration. The members of the Management Board
received 720 thousand kroons as remuneration.

Financial ratios (group)

2004 2003

increase of net sales vs. last year -3.7% 0.3%

share of apparel in net sales 78.3% 82.3%

inventory turnover [net sales/average inventory] 4.2 4.3

receivable turnover 28 39
[(receivables–customer prepayments)/average daily net sales]

liquidity ratio 0.26 0.29
[(current assets-inventories) /current liabilities]

current ratio [current assets/currentliabilities] 0.72 0.79

EBIT margin [operating profit/net sales] -4.5% -11.9%

net margin [net profit/net sales] -9.3% -16.6%

return on equity [net profit/average equity] -50.4% -66.16%

return on assets [net profit/average cost of assets] -10.4% -17.68%

Plans for 2005

In 2005, the expansion of the chain of PTA stores will
continue in Estonia and Latvia and the retail network
will also be expanded to Russia and the Ukraine.

In 2005, a more modern and attractive interior design
concept of PTA stores will be worked out. The first store
with the new interior design will be opened in Riga in

Next year, the number of PTA stores is planned to be
doubled in Latvia and three stores will be renovated in

The main focus of the retail trade is to improve the
efficiencies of retail sales. The following activities
have been planned to be implemented to achieve this:
- Grow the awareness of the PTA trademark
- Optimisation of the retail spaces of stores and
search for new retail spaces
- improvement of the methods for managing retail
- expansion of the range of products within

The range of products within the PTA collection is
planned to be expanded. The main plan calls for the
expansion of casual apparel in the apparel collection and
increasing the range of accessories at the stores.

In 2005, the gradual transition from basic subcontracting
sewing service will continue to be replaced with the full
service of apparel manufacturing (so-called full-price
products), creating additional value for the client and
enabling the company to use its total resources more
efficiently and profitably.

Beginning with 1 January 2005, new integrated economic
software Microsoft Axapta, which significantly improves
the quality of the company’s management information
thereby enabling better management of inventories and
retail sales margins, will be implemented.

The volume of capital expenditures in 2005 is 2 million


Management Board’s confirmation of the financial statements

The Management Board of AS Klementi confirms the
correctness and completeness of AS Klementi’s (parent
company) and the group’s 2004 financial statements as
presented on pages 8-35.

The Management Board confirms that:

- The financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with the generally accepted accounting
principles and International Financial Reporting

- the financial statements present a true and fair
view of the financial position, the results of the
operations and the cash flows of the parent company and
the group;

- AS Klementi is a going concern.

Balance sheet

in thousands of kroons
Group Group Parent Parent

31.12.04 31.12.03 31.12.04 31.12.03

» Assets
Cash and bank 3 400 2 916 1 802 2 100
Trade receivables 9 906 14 862 7 807 5 649
Other receivables 1 706 1 097 12 430 16 527
Prepayments 1 141 945 404 554
Inventories 28 255 33 284 25 139 24 474
Total current assets 44 408 53 104 47 582 49 304

Subsidiaries and - - 3 711 2 493
Long-term financial 955 1 173 1 018 1 219
Property, plant and 52 896 60 403 51 854 59 212
Intangible assets 7 574 7 306 5 698 5 208
Total non-current 61 425 68 882 62 281 68 132

TOTAL ASSETS 105 833 121 986 109 863 117 436

» Liabilities and
Borrowings 43 183 48 386 43 183 48 386
Customer prepayments 223 470 223 470
Supplier payables 9 189 9 745 9 107 7 544
Other payables - - 4 563 7
Tax liabilities 1 399 2 255 1 340 1 728
Accrued expenses and 7 747 6 051 7 355 4 222
Short-term provisions 12 12 12 12
Total current 61 753 66 919 65 783 62 369

Long-term borrowings 26 219 25 487 26 219 25 487
Other long-term 25 - 25 0
Long-term provisions 148 68 148 68
Total non-current 26 392 25 555 26 392 25 555

TOTAL LIABILITIES 88 145 92 474 92 175 87 924

Share capital at 18 969 18 969 18 969 18 969
nominal value
Share premium 40 294 40 294 40 294 40 294
Revaluation reserve 13 876 15 578 13 876 15 578
Statutory reserve 1 046 1 046 1 046 1 046
Retained earnings -44 735 -24 798 -44 735 -24 798
Unrealised exchange 139 64 139 64
rate differences
Net loss for -11 901 -21 641 -11 901 -21 641
financial year

TOTAL EQUITY 17 688 29 512 17 688 29 512

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 105 833 121 986 109 863 117 436

Income statement

in thousands of kroons
Group Group Parent Parent

2004 2003 2004 2003

Net sales 128 606 133 630 116 572 127 874

Other operating 4 233 2 254 4 215 2 261
TOTAL OPERATING 132 839 135 884 120 787 130 135

Change in work-in- 5 825 3 220 389 4 473
progress and
inventories of
finished goods
Goods, raw materials 49 265 50 634 47 878 50 016
and services
Operating expenses 28 754 35 504 28 341 35 670
Staff costs 44 644 52 720 41 565 46 938
Depreciation and 7 610 7 572 7 009 7 022
Other operating 2 564 2 152 2 564 2 119
TOTAL OPERATING 138 662 151 802 127 746 146 238

OPERATING LOSS -5 823 -15 918 -6 959 -16 103

Net financial income - - 1 096 -394
and expenses from
Interest expenses -5 922 -5 754 -5 938 -5 314
Foreign exchange -156 45 -100 -158
Other financial - -14 - 328

Total financial -6 078 -5 723 -4 942 -5538
NET LOSS -11 901 -21 641 -11 901 -21 641

Loss per ordinary -6.27 -13,19 -6.27 -13,19
share (kr)
Diluted loss per -6.27 -13,19 -6.27 -13,19
ordinary share (kr)

Toomas Leis
+372 6 710 700

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