Last update: 06.07.2024 02:19 (GMT+3)

GZE: Draft decisions of Shareholders AGM JSC “Latvijas Gāze” on 15 July 2005

29.06.2005, Latvijas Gāze, RIG
Latvijas Gāze                                                   29.06.2005

Draft decisions of Shareholders AGM JSC “Latvijas Gāze” on 15 July 2005

1. Reports of Management Board, Supervisory Board and sworn auditor.

To take notice of the report of the Management Board, the report of the
Supervisory Board and the report of the sworn auditor of joint stock
company “Latvijas Gāze”.

2. Approval of Annual reports for 2004.

1) To approve the following Annual Reports for 2004 of joint stock
company “Latvijas Gāze”:
a. Annual Report for 2004 of joint stock company “Latvijas Gāze”
prepared in accordance with the Law “On Annual Reports of the Companies”;
b. Annual Report for 2004 of joint stock company “Latvijas Gāze”
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

2) To release from the responsibility for the activities from
1 January 2004 till 15 December 2004 members of the Management Board -
Adrians Davis, Franks Ziberts, Aleksandrs Mihejevs, Anda Ulpe, Gints
Freibergs and Uldis Aunins.

3) To release from the responsibility:
a. for the activities from 1 January 2004 till 15 December 2004
members of the Supervisory Board Kirill Seleznyov, Juris Savickis, Yelena
Karpel, Vlada Rusakova, Aleksandr Krasnenkov, Igor Nazarov, Eike Benke,
Reiner Lehman, and Mattias Keuhel.
b. for the activities from 1 January 2004 till 9 July 2004 members of
the Supervisory Board Fritz Gautier and Stephan F. Seipl.
c. for the activities from 9 July 2004 till 15 December 2004 members
of the Supervisory Board Stephan Kamphues and Uwe Fip.

3. Distribution of profit for the year 2004.

1) To approve net profit of JSC “Latvijas Gāze” LVL 18 873 884,
including part of the profit not available for the distribution
LVL 1 079 127.
2) To utilise the profit available for the distribution for the year
2004 as follows:
a. to pay in dividends LVL 11 970 000 or LVL 0.30 per one share,
determining 21 July 2005 as the record date of dividends’ calculation and
27 July 2005 as the date of dividends’ payment;
b. to transfer LVL 5 824 757 to reserves provided for by Articles of
Association of JSC “Latvijas Gāze”.

4. Election of sworn auditor for the audit of Annual reports for the
year 2005 and determination of the remuneration for the sworn auditor.

To elect audit company “PricewaterhouseCoopers” SIA (commercial company
licence No. 5) as auditor of the Annual Reports of JSC “Latvijas Gāze” for
the year 2005, determining remuneration according to the Agreement signed
by the Management Board.

5. Determination of the remuneration for the members of the Supervisory

1) To determine the following monthly remuneration for the Members of
the Supervisory Board for their duties in the Supervisory Board of JSC
“Latvijas Gāze”:
a. chairman of the Supervisory Board LVL 6 000 (six thousand Latvian
lats) monthly;
b. deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board LVL 5 000 (five thousand
Latvian lats) monthly;
c. member of the Supervisory Board LVL 4 000 (four thousand Latvian
lats) monthly;

2) To pay a single additional payment to the chairman of the
Supervisory Board of JSC “Latvijas Gāze” amounting 5 (five) monthly
remunerations, to the deputy chairmen of the Supervisory Board amounting
5 (five) monthly remunerations and to the members of the of the Supervisory
Board amounting 5 (five) monthly remunerations.

3) To pay a single additional payment for the performance in year 2004
to the members of the of the Supervisory Board amounting 2 (two) monthly
remunerations, to deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board Juris Savickis
amounting 5 (five) monthly remunerations, to deputy chairman of the
Supervisory Board Stephan Kamphues amounting 3 (three) monthly remunerations,
to the chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Latvijas Gāze” amounting 4
(four) monthly remunerations. To determine the payment in proportion to the
term of mandate in the Supervisory Board in 2004.

JSC “Latvijas Gāze”
Chairman of the Management Board

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