Last update: 05.07.2024 14:03 (GMT+3)

BRV: JSC “Brīvais vilnis” results for the 1st half-year of 2005

20.07.2005, Brīvais Vilnis, RIG
Brīvais vilnis                                                  20.07.2005

JSC “Brīvais vilnis” results for the 1st half-year of 2005

The core business of JSC ‘Brīvais vilnis” is to process and preserve fish
and fish products, food product wholesale and other business. The company
was registered at the Commercial Register of Latvia on May 14, 2002.

Year 2005 is the 14th year since the company was reorganized as a public
During the 1st half year of 2005, the company has produced 17,9 millions
boxes of different sorts (107) of preserved fish, including 9,6 millions
cans of sprat. The company has sold 16,3 millions boxes and cans for
LVL 3,6 millions, which is 45% of the planned amount during the year. The
largest proportion was realized in Russia (46%), Kazahstan (7%) and Moldova

During the 1st half year of 2005 the company made losses of LVL 184,987.00.
The cause of the loss was fluctuation of a currency rate. The USD dollar
has significantly increased, and the company has calculated losses from the
loans in the balance sheet. The business activities gained profit during
the 1st half-year of 2005. The neto turnover for the 1st half year was
3 566 thousands LVL.

The aims of the company for 2005 is to reach 7 500 thousands LVL turnover,
to organize the company according to EU quality requirements, to reduce
production expenses and to optimize the management in order to compete in
a fish preserve market.

Chairman of the Management Board
Arnolds Babris

Unofficial translation by RSE

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