Last update: 25.11.2024 06:58 (GMT+2)
Apranga APB Group profit of the first six months of 2005.
Profit before taxes of Apranga APB Group of the first half-year of 2005 is
LTL 2 357.3 thousand (EUR 682.7 thousand) or 7.7% more than planned.
The results of corresponding period of previous year was LTL 335.1 thousand
(EUR 97.1 thousand) of profit before taxes. Unaudited profit before taxes of
Apranga APB Group of the second quarter of 2005 is LTL 2 928.9 thousand
(EUR 848.3 thousand).
The increased turnover of Apranga APB Group during the first half-year
of 2005 by 67.7%, also by 7.7% exceeded profit plan and without major
problems managed aggressive development of Group chain - all this make a
good background for the successful results during the main for clothes
business - autumn/winter season.
During the year 2005 Apranga APB Group is planning to reach the turnover
of LTL 200.0 million (EUR 57.9 million) and to get no less than LTL 11.0
million (EUR 3.2 million) of profit before taxes.
Saulius Bačauskas
Acting general manager
(8-5) 2390 843