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UKB: Convocation of the extraordinary general meeting of AB Ūkio bankas shareholders

20.09.2005, Ūkio bankas, VLN
Ukio Bankas AB                     Stock Exchange Release                      20-09-2005

Convocation of the extraordinary general meeting of AB Ūkio bankas shareholders

1. AB Ūkio bankas, with register code 112020136, address: Maironio Str. 25, LT-44250 Kaunas.
2. To: the Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius Stock
Exchange, BNS and ELTA news agencies. This information is also placed on the bank’s
web-site: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
3. The convocation of the extraordinary general meeting of AB Ūkio bankas’ shareholders.
4. We hereby notify that, pursuant to the resolution of the Bank’s Board, the extraordinary
general meeting of the shareholders of AB Ūkio bankas (registered at Maironio Str. 25, LT-44250
Kaunas, company’s code 112020136) is convoked on 21 October 2005 at 12.00 in Kaunas, in the hall
of the Institute of Transport and Road Research, address I. Kanto Str. 25, the accounting day of
the meeting is set to 14 September 2005.
5. The following agenda of the meeting is announced:
a. Concerning the change of the Statute of AB Ūkio bankas.
6. Shareholders’ registration will be held on the day of the meeting starting from 11.00.
The shareholders must have documents confirming their personal identity and a statement from the
person’s securities account intended for the general shareholders’ meeting.
7. The shareholders, who can not participate in the meeting, have the right to authorize, in
the prescribed manner, another person to represent the shareholder’s interests. The Power of
Attorney issued by a legal person must be confirmed the signature of a competent representative
of the legal person and a seal (if any). The Power of Attorney issued by a natural person has to
be notarised. The documents issued in a foreign state must be legalized in the manner prescribed
by laws.
8. The draft decisions of the meeting and additional information are available for familiarization,
in the manner prescribed by laws, at the secretariat of AB Ūkio bankas, address: Maironio Str. 25,
room 204, LT-44250, Kaunas, tel.: (+370 7) 301 301.
9. The information is not confidential.
10. The authorizations to provide additional information are vested in Jolanta Lunevičienė,
consultant on public relations, tel.: +370-614 22641.
11. By undersigning this information Notification I hereby declare that:
a. the information given about the material event is extensive and correct;
b. I am aware of the sanctions to be imposed for the provision of misleading information
provided for in the Lithuanian Republic Law on Public Trading in Securities and the Lithuanian
Republic Code the Administrative Violations of Law.

Chief Executive Officer Gintaras Ugianskis, 20-09-2005.

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