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STU: Resolutions of AB “Stumbras” Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders Held on September 23, 2005

23.09.2005, Stumbras, VLN
AB Stumbras     Subject of the stock  event       2005.09.23

Resolutions of AB “Stumbras” Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders Held on September 23, 2005

1. To reorganise AB “Stumbras” pursuant to the provisions of Article 71
of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania separating a part
of AB “STUMBRAS” and forming a new company AB “BIOFUTURE” on the basis
of the assets, rights and obligations assigned to the separated part of AB “Stumbras”;
2. To approve the terms of reorganisation of AB “STUMBRAS” supplementing
Paragraph 3.2.1 of the terms of reorganisation with the following part two:
“In the newly formed AB “BIOFUTURE”, the shares of AB “STUMBRAS” owned by
the persons will be allotted pro rata to the number of shares owned by each
shareholder in the authorised capital of AB “STUMBRAS” according to the number
of shares held by each shareholder as of the day of AB “STUMBRAS” Extraordinary
Meeting of Shareholders, which adopted the decision to approve the terms of
reorganisation and other reorganisation documents”;
3. To approve the amended edition of the Articles of Association of AB “STUMBRAS”;
4. To approve the Articles of Association of AB “BIOFUTURE”;
5. To authorise Česlovas Matulevičus, Director General of AB “STUMBRAS” to sign
the amended edition of the Articles of Association of AB “STUMBRAS”, Articles
of Association of AB “BIOFUTURE” and other documents required for the registration
of the Articles of Association with the Register of Legal Entities with the right
to reauthorize another person to perform the aforementioned actions.

It is regarding for the selection of a firm of auditors and terms of remuneration
for audit services.

Resolutions drafts:
1) To select “Price WaterhouseCooper” UAB as the company’s auditor for the year
2005 financial statements inspection;
2) To establish, that terms of remuneration for audit services can’t overdraw 70 000 LT.
3) To authorize the Managing Director of the company to sign agreement with the
company “Price WaterhouseCooper” UAB.

Romanas Raulynaitis
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
+370 5 2786212

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