Last update: 03.07.2024 16:06 (GMT+3)

KLV: Publishing of additional information

03.10.2005, Kalev, TLN
AS KALEV            STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE       26.09/3.10.2005

Publishing of additional information

A request was submitted by the Tallinn Stock Exchange in its
letter dated 22 September 2005 to publish, as a stock
exchange release, the following information on the 12-month
interim report of AS Kalev for the financial year 2004/2005,
as well as a comment on the “Kalev is kept alive by real
estate” article in the Äripäev of 9 September 2005.


The description of the factors contributing to the unaudited
and consolidated net loss of the company for the 12 months
of the financial year 2004/2005 was published by AS Kalev in
its stock exchange release on 31 August 2005. A detailed
description of these factors has is provided below.

1. Significant increase in raw material prices. The price
of sugar increased by 2.7 times in the given period,
while that of nuts and almonds grew by 32.3%.

2. Drop in the price of dairy products on the EU market.
Compared to the first half-year 2004, the price of milk
powder dropped by 3% and that of butter by 6% in the
first six months of 2005. The drop in the above prices
resulted in nearly a 10-million-kroon revenue decrease
in the first half-year 2005.

3. Increase in the price of crude milk in Estonia, which
incurred nearly 4.7 million kroons (i.e. a monthly 780
thousand kroons) of additional expenses on the company
in the first half-year 2005.

4. Extraordinary expenses related to the integration of a
new subsidiary as well as continuation of the
integration of a previously acquired subsidiary under
the AS Kalev Group.

5. Extraordinary expenses in the amount of 7.8 million
kroons (i.e. 0.5 million euros) related to the
relocation and launch of the caramel factory in the new
plant complex.

6. A 48% increase in energy, water, and sewerage expenses.

7. A 65.3% increase in product development expenses.

8. A 36% decrease in confectionery product export revenues.


The report states that the company has developed and is
currently pursuing strategic directions and objectives for
overcoming the recession. An overview of the directions and
activities described in the interim report has been provided
below. Publishing a more detailed plan for pursuing the
strategic goals and achieving the objectives would damage
the business interests of the issuer.

To bring the company out of the red, AS Kalev will actively
pursue product development (expansion of the product
portfolio, better positioning of products, entry into new
segments, et al). In connection with the increase in raw
material prices, the company has reviewed its confectionery
product recipes, and brought the product portfolio
profitability into line with the prices. The company has
also developed and launched new chocolate and sugar
confectionery products in order to increase its competitive
ability. These activities will be continued in the future.
The company will also continue focusing on product export,
and has taken the first concrete steps for aggressive
development in the area.

As regards dairy products, the company is expecting fair
crude milk prices to form for future periods. Future
activities in the sector continue to be pursued with the aim
of developing co-operation with customers, enhancing
efficiency and establishing long-term partnerships with milk


A commentary on AS Kalev Chairman Oliver Kruuda’s statement
in the “Kalev is kept alive by real estate” article in the
Äripäev of 9 September 2005 (“I have no idea what we will do
in three years’ time; we have made no particular plans, we
are just doing our daily work”): This sentence was a
rhetorical element of a longer interview, and has been
misinterpreted out of context. Oliver Kruuda did not suggest
that AS Kalev has made no plans for the future. Rather, he
meant that the company is pursuing the above plans on a
daily basis, with the aim of earning profit.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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