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SAF: Terms of increase of share capital of JSC “SAF Tehnika” (draft)

12.10.2005, SAF Tehnika, RIG
SAF Tehnika                                                  12.10.2005.

Terms of increase of share capital of JSC “SAF Tehnika” (draft)

AS "SAF Tehnika" registration No.40003474109, address: Riga, Ganību
dambis 24a, LV-1005
Terms of Increase of Share Capital (hereafter the "Terms")

1.1. The purpose of the issue of shares is to increase the share capital
of the joint stock company "SAF Tehnika" (hereinafter the "Company") in order
to grant to the employees and members of the Management Board of the Company
(hereafter the "Employees") employee shares in accordance with these Terms,
as a result of which the Employees would be entitled to receive dividend of
the Company and to secure their participation in the share capital of the

1.2. The increase of share capital by issuance of employee shares shall be
performed for a special purpose to gain elevated interest of employees and
members of the Management Board of the Company in the activities of the
Company, thus assigning the employee shares only to these employees and
members of the Management Board of the Company determined pursuant to
Section 5 of these Terms and in accordance with Articles 254 and 255 of the
Commercial Law of Latvia.


2.1. The current share capital of the Company at the date of approval of
these Terms is LVL 2'970'180.00.

2.2. The share capital of the Company is composed of 2'970'180 dematerialized
presenter shares with the par value of each share equal to LVL 1.00 (one lat).
All 2'970'180 shares are one type and category shares without preference rights
and with unrestricted voting power.

2.3. The current share capital of the Company has been fully paid up.


3.1. The share capital shall be increased by issuance of one category 60'000
(sixty thousand) dematerialized title employee shares without voting rights,
with the par value of each share equal to LVL 1.00 (one lat).

3.2. The share capital of the Company shall be increased to LVL 3'030'180.

3.3. The new issue employee shares of the Company shall not be included in
the regulated capital markets.

3.4. The owner of employee shares shall have the right to receive dividend of
the Company equally to the right of owners of other categories of shares of the
Company. Dividend shall be paid in proportion to the total par value of shares
owned by the respective shareholder.

3.5. Employee share shall not give its holder any voting rights at the shareholders
meeting of the Company and it shall not grant any right to its holder to receive
the winding-up proceeds of the Company.
3.6. The rights pertaining to the employee shares shall be attributable to the
person entered into the share ledger of the Company. The share ledger of employee
shares shall be maintained by the Management Board of the Company and the Board
shall make all entries in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and
these Terms.
3.7. The owners of new issue employee shares shall participate in the right to
receive dividend as of the date the share ownership is recorded in the share ledger.
3.8. The current shareholders of the Company in accordance with Article 253 and
254(2) subsection 6 of the Commercial Law shall have no preemptive right to
purchase the new issue employee shares of the Company.
3.9. The new issue employee shares shall not be distributed through public offering.


4.1. The par value of the new issue employee shares shall be LVL 1.00 (one lat)
per each share.
4.2. The new issue employee shares shall be paid entirely by the Company from the
proceeds of non-distributed profit in the amount of LVL 60'000 for financial year 2004/2005.
4.3. The new issue employee shares shall be transferred to employees and members of
the Management Board for no charge.
4.4. The property right to the new issues employee shares shall only be acquired to
indivisible shares, and no joint ownership shall be permitted. If pursuant to the
law or court judgment any joint ownership is instituted to any employee shares, the
Company shall have the right to repurchase the shares.


5.1. The new issue employee shares may be acquired only by the members of the
Management Board and employees of the Company whose list shall be prepared by
the Management Board and approved by the Supervisory Council of the Company based
on the following criterion:

(a) the employee shall have uninterrupted employment with the Company for no less
than 1 year, except if the Management Board decides otherwise;

(b) the employee has entered into employment agreement with the Company for
indefinite term.

(c) the employee has been assigned significant scope of duties material to the
Company and its core activities.

5.2. The assignment of new issue employment shares is not related to any specific
job description of any employee or job title, and the Management Board of the
Company shall have the right at its discretion to decide on assignment of the employee
shares to any employee who complies with the criterion described above as part of the
motivation scheme.


6.1. All new issue employee shares shall be subscribed for and paid up by the
Company and offered to be transferred into the ownership of the employees and
members of the Management Board of the Company determined in accordance with
these Terms for no charge.

6.2. All owners of employee shares shall enter into an agreement with the Company
on employee share acquisition and repurchase (hereafter the "Agreement"). Based
on the presumption that the acquirers of employee shares are not subject to consumer
protection legislation, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not be
changed, and equal Agreements shall be executed with all acquirers of the employee

6.3. The Company shall assign to the determined employees and Management Board
members of the Company the employee shares each year 4 (four) times only within
14 day intervals of share assignment which shall commence on the following dates:
(a) January 1; (b) April 1; (c) July 1; and (d) October 1. The shares not assigned
shall remain property of the Company until the next assignment period, but no later
than until the date determined in accordance with the Commercial Law.

6.4. The issues of assignment and repurchase of the new issue employee shares shall
be administrated by the Management Board of the Company which activities shall be
supervised by the Supervisory Council. Employees and members of the Management Board
shall have the right to submit complaints directly to the Chairman of the Supervisory

6.5. The Management Board of the Company shall have the right to delegate the
administration function of repurchase activity to a professional member of the market
of financial instruments (including investment bank, broker company, financial
consultant, etc.), subject to consent of the Supervisory Council.


7.1. With respect to all new issue employee shares there shall be a restriction
imposed in accordance with the Charter of the Company stating that the employee
shares may only alienated for the benefit of the Company.

7.2. The Company shall have the right to acquire its employee shares in accordance
with these Terms and the Agreement. The employee shares owned by the Company are
not entitling the Company to any rights, and these rights should not be considered
for distribution of profit.

7.3. The new issue employee shares shall not be inherited, and they may not be
owned by any other person but the employees and members of the Management Board of
the Company, or the Company itself. In case of death of the owner of employee shares
title to these shares shall automatically be transferred to the Company and the
Company shall pay to the heirs of employee share owner the repurchase amount in
accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

7.4. Enforcement against employee shares shall be performed by premature
repurchase by the Company of all of such employee shares in accordance with the


8.1. The holders of employee shares of the Company shall have the right to
request the Company to repurchase the shares owned by them. Such request may not
be submitted earlier than 18 months as of the date of acquisition of the shares
(date of entry of the share ownership with the share ledger).

8.2. The Company shall repurchase the employee shares annually 4 times within
specific repurchase periods of 14 days to commence on the following dates:
(a) January 1; (b) April 1; (c) July 1; and (d) October 1.

8.3. Commencing on the date which occurs 18 months as of the date of acquisition
of ownership to the employee shares recorded in the share ledger, the shareholder
shall have the right within the next 12 months in the repurchase period sell to
the Company not more than 20% of the shares owned.

8.4. Within each following 12 months periods the owner of new issue employee
shares shall have the right to increase the amount of shares to be sold by 20%
of the total shares owned, notwithstanding on the fact whether the right of
repurchase has been used before in the preceding repurchase periods (e.g. up to
20% within the first 12 months, up to 40% in the following 12 months, up to 60%
in the following 12 months etc.). Thus, the new issue employee shares may be
sold by the shareholder back to the Company within 66 (sixty-six) months as of
the date of acquisition of ownership to the shares.

8.5. The Company and respective employee may agree in the Agreement on any
additional repurchase terms, exceptions and other conditions that the parties
consider relevant and which are not contradictory to the effective legal norms.

8.6. The guarantee provided to the Employees to repurchase the employee shares
shall be valid only with a condition precedent that the Employee without
interruption has maintained employment with the Company or has been a member of
the Management Board prior to the respective repurchase period.


9.1. Within each repurchase period the repurchase price of shares shall be
determined by assuming that the initial price for the employee shares is equal
to the weighted average price of the other shares of the Company included in
the regulated market at AS Rigas Fondu Birza (ISIN code: LV0000101129, stock
exchange ticker: SAF1R) at the Official List for 1 month before the date when
the shares are assigned to the respective employee or member of the Management
Board of the Company (hereafter the "Initial Price").

9.2. Upon repurchase of the employee shares, the Company shall pay to the owner
of such shares the repurchase price which shall be equal to the average weighted
price for the other Company shares included in the official list of AS Rigas Fondu
Birza for the last 1 month prior to the first day of the repurchase period, less
the Initial Price (hereafter the "Repurchase Price").

9.3. If the Repurchase Price is less or equal to 0 and the shareholder of the
Company has expressed intention to sell the employee shares to the Company, the
Company shall acquire the new issue employee hares without charge.

9.4. The Repurchase Price shall be paid by the Company by bank transfer of the
respective amount to the seller of shares no later than 5 business days as of the
date when the change of shareholding has been entered into the share ledger of the


10.1. Following the repurchase of shares the shareholders meeting of the Company
shall in accordance with the proposal of the Management Board of the Company decide
either on assignment of the shares to other employees or members of the Management
Board of the Company, or to the previous shareholders, or on cancellation of the
shares and respective decrease of the share capital of the Company for the total
par value of the shares concerned.

10.2. The conditions of repurchase of shares are provide by these Terms and the
Agreement between the Company and owners of the new issue employee shares.
The shareholders meeting shall have no right to modify or terminate any terms of
the executed Agreement without the prior consent of all other owners of the
employee shares.
Didzis Liepkalns
Vice-Chairman of the Management Board
of the joint stock company "SAF Tehnika"

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