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OLF: In October JSC „Olainfarm” holds conferences in Kiev and Moscow

12.10.2005, Olainfarm, RIG
JSC “Olainfarm”								12.10.2005.

In October JSC „Olainfarm” holds conferences in Kiev and Moscow

On October 4th this year, JSC „Olainfarm” has held large therapeutic conferences
for Ukrainian physicians and specialists. But from October 3rd to October 7th
representation of JSC „Olainfarm” in Russian Federation has held an unseen campaign.
The first conference has been held in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, on October 4th.
The conference has been devoted to the theme of „Pathology of internal organs
caused by andropause and menopause.” Mainly attention has been paid to impact
and usage of such preparations as Noofen®, Furamags® and Adaptol®.
Several famous Ukrainian scientists have performed and introduced public with their
thesises during the conference.
The conference has been attended by 1136 specialists from 12 Ukrainian regions,
including 475 physicians, 136 family doctors, 92 gynecologists-midwives, 151
neurologists and 279 pharmacists.
At the closing of the conference the results of campaign „Weekend in Riga” have
been announced. The campaign has been held from July 1st to August 31st, 2005.
The campaign has been devoted to popularization of anti-allergy preparation Fenkarol®
in Ukraine. 65 pharmacy shops and 16 wholesalers from all the Ukraine have taken par
tin this campaign. The winners of the campaign have won the master prize – prepaid trip
and weekend in Riga.
At the same time from 3rd to 7th October a grand campaign has been held in Moscow by
the representation of JSC „Olainfarm” in Russian Federation. The company has been the
main sponsor for the first allergists and immunologists International Congress in Russia.
The title of the Congress has been „Immunity and illnesses: from theory to therapy”.
Within the congress widely represented became such preparations as anti-allergy remedy
Fenkarol® and new anti-histamine preparation Gistafen®.
The congress has united more then 1000 allergy-immunology specialists from all the regions
of Russian Federation, CIS and other countries, as well as professors from USA and Europe.
Very popular became information materials with full information about preparations
Fenkarol® and Gistafen® and which have been supplemented by practical recommendations,
schemes, research results, etc.. During the congress for the first time in Russia, the
doctors have been trained in accordance with program of international allergists-immunologists
school. Owing to support of JSC „Olainfarm”, more then 20 specialists from different regions
have received IMD certificate of the international allergists-immunologists school.
Two symposiums have been held within the framework of the congress. At the symposium
„Nerurometabolic therapy in the neurology” the newest researches on preparation Neiromidin®
have been presented. The best specialists from Russian Federation and Belarus have spoken
at the symposium.
4 reports on effect and use of Neiromidin have been presented. More then 400 doctors-specialists
have attended. The second symposium „Infection of urethra in the general practice”
has been held under the supervision of the Moscow Health protection department, represented
personally by the Professor Aleksey Boiko. 250 doctors (urologists, nephrologists and
physicians) have taken par tin the symposium. 4 reports and researches concerning preparation
Furamags® have been presented.
At the closing of conferences both in Kiev and Moscow, participants have been entertained
by the performance of the beloved artists Laima Vaikule and Janis Stibelis, who have reduced
exhaustion of the participants after wide range of information gained, and calmed hearts with
their wonderful musical program. Each concert has been attended by more then 1000 viewers.

in Olaine, on October 12th, 2005

Prepared by Viktorija Zhuka-Nikulina
Head of legal department
JSC „Olainfarm”
Phone 7013 870, 9473980
Fax 7013 777

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