Last update: 23.11.2024 00:51 (GMT+2)
AB Ūkio Bankas The Stock Exchange Release 2005-10-21
Decisions of the extraordinary general shareholders meeting of AB Ūkio Bankas
1. The extraordinary general shareholders meeting, held on 21 October 2005,
adopted the following decisions:
1.1. 1) To amend the part of AB Ūkio Bankas Statute and lay it down as follows:
a Bank’s bond is a time non-ownership security whereby the Bank issuing the bonds
becomes a debtor of the bond owner and assumes obligations on behalf of the bond
owner. These obligations shall be specified in the decision to issue bonds and the
contract of bond subscription. Other amendments to the Statute related to the change
of the bond’s definition have been approved.
1.2. To authorize Gintaras Ugianskis to sign the new edition of the Statute.
Jolanta Lunevičienė
Public Relations Consultant
+370 614 22641