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KLV: Annual Report 2004/2005 EEK

30.11.2005, Kalev, TLN
AS Kalev                           Financial Report                     30.11.2005

Excerpt from Activity report for the financial year 2004/2005

1. Economic activities and financial results

The consolidated net sales of AS Kalev for the financial year 2004/2005 amounted
to 842 550 thousand kroons-a 35% increase, compared to the same period last year
(2003/2004: 624 213 thousand kroons.

Increase in the turnover generated by the subsidiary AS Kalev Paide Tootmine was
a major contributor to the increase in the consolidated net sales of AS Kalev. So
was the incorporation of the new subsidiary AS Vilma under Kalev Group in July

In the financial year 2004/2004, the company's consolidated net loss amounted to
41 048 thousand kroons. In the comparable period, the company earned 17 185
thousand kroons in net profit. The net loss of AS Kalev met the company's
expectations. The company has developed its strategic trends, and started
pursuing the set goals in order to bring the company out of the red (see Clause 6
Main activity trends for the financial year 2005/2006).

The following factors contributed to the company's negative results in the
financial year 2004/2005:

1. Significant increase in raw material price. The price of sugar increased by
2.7 times in the given period, while that of hazelnuts and almonds grew by 32.3%.

2. Dairy product price drop on the EU market. Milk powder price had dropped by 3%
and butter price by 6% on the EU market in the first half-year of 2005, compared
to the same period last year. The decrease in the above prices resulted in nearly
a 10 000 thousand kroon revenue decrease in the first half-year 2005.

3. Increase in the price of crude milk in Estonia, which incurred nearly 4 700
thousand kroons (i.e. a monthly 780 thousand kroons) of additional expenses on
the company in the first half-year 2005.

4.Extraordinary expenses related to the integration of a new subsidiary under
Kalev Group, as well as continuation of the integration of previously acquired

5.Extraordinary expenses in the amount of 7 800 thousand kroons related to the
relocation and launch of the caramel factory in the new plant complex.

6. A 48% increase in energy, water, and sewerage expenses.

7. A 67.4% increase in product development expenses.

8. A 36% decrease in confectionery product export revenues.

The main contributor to the company's loss was the threefold increase in the
price of sugar - the most important raw material - after Estonia's accession to
the European Union in May 2004. Moreover, the price of yet another major raw
material group - hazelnuts and almonds - continued to grow on the world market.
For instance, the world market price of hazelnuts has increased four times,
compared to the middle of 2003, while the price of almonds has doubled in the
last few years. This has been caused by both a poor harvest in countries of
origin, and political circumstances.

As a result of the increase in raw material prices, the company has reviewed the
confectionery product recipes, and brought the product portfolio profitability
into line with the increased prices of raw materials. The company has also
developed and launched new chocolate and sugar confectionery products in order to
enhance its competitive ability. The above actions taken by the company resulted
in a 67.4% increase in product development expenses, compared to last year. The
increase in product development and other marketing expenses is conditioned by
future growth in profitability pursued by the company.

The dairy sector was characterized by the following trends. The price of raw
material continued to grow on the local market in the given period. After the
sudden increase in the milk buying-in price in Estonia at the end of 2003
(average buying-in price for 2003: 2 880 kroons per ton), the price increased
from 3 820 kroons/ton (in the 1st quarter of 2004) by nearly 6% (average price
for the 1st quarter of 2005: 4 050 kroons/ton). At the same time, old EU members
experienced the opposite trends - the average milk buying-in price dropped in
both 2004 and 2005. The milk price has more or less levelled off by today.

The EU market regulation measures implemented for the purpose of supporting the
dairy sector (namely, the drop in the buying-in price of butter and skimmed milk
powder) also contributed to the drop in the price of milk. Intervention buying-in
prices of butter and skimmed milk powder dropped from July 2004 by 7% and 5%,
respectively. Due to stable world market prices, subsidies for export to third
countries have continually been reduced. Since the end of the year is the high
demand season for the dairy product market, the effects related to the drop in
intervention buying-in prices could not be seen until the beginning of 2005. Milk
powder price dropped by 3% and butter price by 6% on the EU market in the first
half-year of 2005, compared to the same period last year. Since AS Kalev's
subsidiary AS Kalev Paide Tootmine exports most of its output to EU countries,
the low dairy product prices prevailing on the dairy product market had a
significant effect on the group profit decrease. AS Kalev Paide Tootmine will
continue focusing on developing partner relations with customers, enhancing
efficiency and establishing a long-term partnership with milk producers.

Kalev Group saw further expansion in the financial year 2004/2005, with the
incorporation of the Viljandi-based bakery AS Vilma. The integration of the above
new subsidiary under the Group, as well as the continuing of the integration of
previously acquired subsidiaries incurred extraordinary expensed. Above all,
these expenses were related to integration of the production, sale and logistics
systems, and other areas.

The launch of the Põrguvälja plant building, which was completed at the end of
2003, was more costly that initially expected. This was conditioned by bigger
energy and sewerage expenses. In the summer of 2004, the caramel factory of
Kalev Ltd was relocated to the new plant complex. The relocation and launch of
the above factory incurred 7 800 thousand kroons in extraordinary expenses.

The overall market situation of the period, characterized by tightening
competition on the local baked goods and confectionery product market and the
retail market in general, can be noted as one of the contributors to the
company's loss. The tightening competition after accession to the EU is the
result of the enhanced activities of producers in EU countries. Regardless of the
established customs duties, Ukrainian and Russian products still hold a strong
share on the local sweets market, especially in border regions. At the same time,
the Kalev trademark has maintained its prominent position in Estonia. The company
has a strong position on the local confectionery product market.

The company's export revenue decreased in the current financial year. This was
conditioned by Estonia's accession to the EU, and the resulting establishment of
double customs duties for trade with third countries.

The 11% increase in marketing expenses was, above all, due to incorporation of
new subsidiaries in the Kalev Group in the given period. The expanded product
assortment and the tightening competition on the end-consumer market also
contributed to the growth in marketing expenses.

Administrative expenses decreased by 10.5% in the reporting period. Last
financial year, these expenses included relocation to the new plant building.

In the financial year 2004/2005, Kalev Group employed an average of 806 people-a
13.2% increase, compared to the same period last year. This change was mainly due
to incorporation of the employees of the AS Vilma among the group staff in the
given financial year.

The main financial ratios of Kalev Group (as of June 30, or the financial year
then ended, respectively):
2005 2004
Current ratio 0.63 0.94
Debt ratio 0.70 0.63
Asset turnover ratio 1.14 1.06
Net profit margin (%) -4.9% 2.8%
Return on assets (%) -5.6% 2.9%

The ratios are calculated based on the following methods:

Current ratio: current assets / current liabilities
Debt ratio: total liabilities / totaln assets
Asset turnover ratio: revenue / average total assets
Net profit margin: net profit / revenue * 100%
Return on assets: net profit / average total assets * 100%

2. Confectionery product market and sales

2.1. Chocolate and sugar confectionery products

AS Kalev retained its strong position as the leader of the Estonian chocolate and
sugar confectionery market in the given financial year. According to the retail
survey conducted by AC Nielsen Eesti, AS Kalev's market share was 44% in June-
July 2005, as regards chocolate confectionery and sugar confectionery products.

The Estonian chocolate and sugar confectionery market was characterised by stable
growth in 2004/2005. Above all, this is related to the development of local
retail trade business. AS Kalev succeeded in keeping pace with market growth in
the important segments - e.g. chocolate bars, candy, etc.

Similarly to previous years, the share of sweets of a lower price category
increased on the local market in the given period. With the aim of strengthening
its position in the sector, the company launched a new product series under the
Sonja trademark at the beginning of 2004. So far, AS Kalev's products have had a
higher quality and price on the Estonian market. Product development in products
of a lower price category has been minimal.

As regards marketing activities, the company maintained its focus on product
development in the financial year 2004/2005. The company launched new products in
both the chocolate confectionery and sugar confectionery sector. In addition to
the above Sonja product series, AS Kalev launched chocolate-coated cocoa-
flavoured praline candies, gift boxes Athena and Toompea, double-layered praline
candy sticks and candies, blueberry-flavoured Draakon chews and candy sticks
Õunasuflee and Rixx.

2.2. Baked goods

In the given period, AS Kalev brought the biscuit series manufactured by AS Kalev
Jõhvi Tootmine under the Kalev trademark, and modernized several dark bread and
white bread packages of AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine. New products launched at the
market included Mesikäpa, Tähekesed and the two-flavoured Nisukliiküpsised

According to the retail survey conducted by AC Nielsen Eesti, AS Kalev market
share was 14% in June-July 2005, as regards the biscuit sector.

2.3. Dairy products

AS Kalev Paide Tootmine significantly (more than four times) increased dairy
product manufacturing in the given period. Skimmed milk, milk powder, cream and
butter - all showed growth in production volume. High-temperature pasteurized
milk was also produced, in a smaller volume. The share of outsourced services
decreased abruptly in the given period. The company started using the stockpiled
raw material to manufacture goods on its own.

3. Product sales

Kalev Group's total confectionery and dairy product sales amounted to over 28
thousand tons in the financial year 2004/2005, having grown by 2.2 times,
compared to the last financial year. 52% was sold at the home market; 48% was

Kalev Group sold a total of over 6 300 tons of confectionery products (incl.
chocolate and sugar confectionery products) in the given period-a decrease of 9%,
compared to last year. The home market constituted 85% of the total sales of
confectionery products; 15% of the sales were exported. In the current period,
the Baltic States remained the group's main export targets. In addition to the
above countries, the company also exported its products to the Scandinavian
countries, Russia and the United States.

Kalev Group's total flour confectionery product (incl. baked goods and biscuits)
sales amounted to over 7 600 tons in the financial year 2004/2005. Most of the
production was sold on the home market. In the comparative period, the company
was not actively involved in the flour confectionery product sector.

Kalev Group sold over 14 300 tons of dairy products (incl. skimmed milk and milk
powder, high-temperature pasteurized milk and butter) in the reporting period -
nearly a quadruple increase, compared to the financial year 2003/2004. Over half
(i.e. 62%) of the sales volume was exported to various EU countries.

4. Real estate activities

AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Kalev REC), AS Kalev's subsidiary involved in
real estate administration and management, was initially established for the
organization of the construction of the new plant building of AS Kalev, as well
as development of the 30-hectare Põrguvälja real estate in Rae parish in Harju
County. The second objective was the administration and development of AS Kalev's
real estate located at Pärnu mnt 139 in Tallinn.

AS Kalev REC has actively entered the so-called public real estate market, and
launched active development operations in both the housing sector and the
commercial space sector. Ongoing projects include construction of the office
building at Pärnu mnt 139c in Tallinn (the so-called "Tere building") and new
apartment buildings at Kastani 183a and 183b in Tartu (the so-called "Mesikäpa
buildings"). Housing development projects have also been initiated in Tallinn.

5. Main activity trends for the financial year 2005/2006

AS Kalev's main goal for the financial year 2005/2006 is to enhance product sales
at the local and foreign markets. At the home market, the company will continue
enhancing the efficiency of customer relations and expanding its retail network
with the aim of marketing the company's versatile product selection to as many
consumers as possible. In the autumn of 2005, the company will open yet another
representative sales office in Rakvere, while continuing preparatory work for
opening a similar office in Võru.

Product development is still considered a priority by AS Kalev. The company aims
at developing and launching new and innovative products by considering the needs
of the consumers at the home and foreign markets. The company will also pay extra
attention to the development of baked goods. AS Kalev is optimizing its current
product portfolio with the aim of paying increased attention to developing more
profitable products and excluding less profitable products from the assortment.

According to the public image survey conducted by TNS Emor among Estonian
companies, AS Kalev is the most reputable companies in Estonia, and a brand with
one of the biggest consumer values. The survey revealed that there is still room
for Kalev to expand its brand to other products and services, thus increasing the
brand-related cash flows. Consequently, the company plans to expand the
assortment produced under the trademark, and to enter new product segments.

AS Kalev will retain its position as the leader of the Estonian chocolate and
sugar confectionery market in the next financial year. The company has set a goal
of keeping pace with the estimated market growth while maintaining the current
market position. The same goal has been set for the biscuit market.

As regards export, the company will focus on enhancing its activities at the
neighbouring markets - in the Baltic States, Russia and Finland. In the financial
year 2004/2005, the company conducted a market survey at the attractive St.
Petersburg market. The aim of the survey was to map the repute of and
associations with Kalev trademark in St. Petersburg. The survey revealed that,
with a little help, nearly one-third of St. Petersburg's sweet tooths are
familiar with Kalev. The survey also revealed that the general atmosphere for
marketing Kalev's products is St. Petersburg is positive: young people are open
to new and fascinating products, while recollection of a past consumption
experience might produce good results among middle-aged and senior consumers. The
survey was conducted by TNS Emor. By today, AS Kalev has found a local partner
for marketing the products in the St. Petersburg region. The first sample lot was
dispatched in September.

In the Latvian and Lithuanian market, the company plans to expand its product
sales by making an aggressive entry in international chain stores, using, among
other things, the customer relations developed at the Estonian market. Actual
results can be seen in the second half of the financial year 2005/2006.

The company is also launching a limited assortment of sweets at the Ukrainian
market. AS Kalev suspended export to this country upon Estonia's accession to the
European Union. AS Kalev is also mapping out new potential markets, and finding
local partners.

As regards dairy products, the company is expecting a fair crude milk price in
the next financial year. The so-called fair price should guarantee sustainability
to both milk producers and the dairy industry in general. The balance in the
value chain is currently tilted in favour of milk producers. In order to achieve
a fair crude milk price, the company will adjust the need for crude milk in
accordance with the market situation and the strategic goals. Further activities
in the sector will continue focusing on developing partner relations with
customers, enhancing efficiency and establishing a long-term partnership with
milk producers.

As regards the real estate sector, the company will mainly focus on residential
building development in the financial year 2005/2006, while also continuing
development of commercial premises. The so-called Tere office building at Pärnu
mnt in Tallinn will be completed in the spring of 2006. In the next financial
year, AS Kalev plans to transfer its production real estate to AS Kalev REC,
which will start managing and administrating the real estate.

INCOME STATEMENT (audited, consolidated)
for the financial years ended June 30,
in thousands of Estonian kroons

Group Parent
2005 2004 2005 2004

Net sales 842 550 624 213 384 561 436 047
Cost of sales -734 316 -486 837 -294 626 -315 736

Gross profit 108 234 137 376 89 935 120 311

Marketing expenses -79 072 -71 422 -72 666 -67 875
Administrative -61 657 -68 942 -43 981 -62 937
Other operating 9 234 32 848 1 451 21 102

Operating profit -23 261 29 860 -25 261 10 601

Share of profit - 1 984 0 -9 444 11 409
(loss) of
Other financial -14 689 -12 698 -6 343 -4 825

Profit (loss) -39 934 17 162 -41 048 17 185
before minority

Minority interests -1 114 23 0 0

Net profit (loss) -41 048 17 185 -41 048 17 185
fort he financial

Basic and diluted -1,74 0,73
earnings per share
(in kroons)

BALANCE SHEET (audited, consolidated)
as of June 30, in thousands of Estonian kroons

Group Parent
ASSETS 2005 2004 2005 2004
Current assets
Cash and cash 5 708 2 780 969 1 963
Receivables 114 860 206 222 98 955 261 434
Prepaid expenses 1 367 3 025 727 1 435
Inventories 106 541 85 073 59 923 69 105
Total current 228 476 297 100 160 574 333 937

Non-current assets
Investment in 0 0 202 086 83 377
Non-current 5 116 330 2 975 330
Investment 200 578 58 055 0 8 064
Property, plant and 347 316 351 169 59 276 81 892
Intangible assets 79 -9 017 79 153
Total non-current 553 089 400 537 264 416 173 816
TOTAL ASSETS 781 565 697 637 424 990 507 753

Current liabilities
Borrowings 119 416 109 628 ´84 274 85 853
Prepaid income 3 925 3 417 432 417
Accounts payable 233 426 203 290 105 627 149 802
and other payables
Provisions 5 000 0 0 0
Total current 361 767 316 335 190 333 236 072

Borrowings 183 035 123 323 6 500 13 886
Total non-current 183 035 123 323 6 500 13 886
Total liabilities 544 802 439 658 196 833 249 958

Minority interests 8 606 184 0 0

Share capital 236 325 78 775 236 325 78 775
Mandatory legal 4 020 3 161 4 020 3 161
Revaluation reserve 8 669 17 159 8 669 17 159
Retained earnings -20 857 158 700 -20 857 158 700
Total equity 228 157 257 795 228 157 257 795
TOTAL LIABILITIES 781 565 697 637 424 990 507 753

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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