Last update: 22.11.2024 01:30 (GMT+2)
Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB Stock Exchange Release 23-12-2005
The preliminary result of operation of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai AB for the three quarters of
2005 according to international accounting standards amounting to LTL 15.9 million (EUR 4.6 m)
of non-audited pre-tax profit allows to forecast that the constantly growing sales of electricity
will raise the annual revenue up to LTL 847 m (EUR 245.5 m) and generate a pre-tax profit of
LTL 19 m(EUR 5.5 m) at the end of the year.
Artur Grigorian
Assets Management Division
+370 (5) 251 26 38
Unofficial translation done by VSE