Last update: 22.07.2024 03:08 (GMT+3)


23.01.2004, Nordic Fibreboard, TLN

Viisnurk NEWS RELEASE 01/23/2004


The supervisory board of AS Viisnurk today decided on major
structural changes intended to strengthen the companyļs ability to
focus on its core business activity, furniture manufacturing. Work
has been carried out to prepare for these changes over recent
months meaning that the company can start implementing the changes
with immediate effect. The company is as of today tasked with
fulfilling the following aims as a matter of priority:

-to effect the sale of the Building materials division,
-to effect the sale of the Sporting Goods division,
-to consider the future of the glueboard factory and sawmill.

The above decisions were taken in order to improve the sustainable
profitability of the company. 2003 profit figures will be affected
by provisions related to restructuring and will be lower than
previously forecast. The preliminary results for the fiscal year
2003 will be announced before the end of February.

Additionally the supervisory board accepted the resignation of
Tiit Arro from his position as chairman of the management board.
His duties will be taken over by Toivo Kuldmäe who has been a
board member since 1995.

The supervisory board believes that the increased focus and
strengthened balance sheet resulting from the restructuring will
allow Viisnurk to fulfil its aim of working towards becoming the
leading furniture producer in the Baltics. It also believes that
the sold divisions will benefit from the increased focus under new
owners who can be either strategic or financial investors.

There will be a briefing for analysts and press at the offices of
Trigon Capital at Pärnu mnt 15, on tomorrow, January 23, 2004, at
9AM. The company has asked for its shares to be suspended until
after the briefing.

Andrus Aljas
Business Controller

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