Last update: 05.07.2024 00:07 (GMT+3)

Klementi: Management report 1999

09.03.2000, Klementi, TLN


1. Significant Events

- In January 1999 a Finnish apparel producer P.T.A. Grupp OY
acquired 43% stake in AS Klementi. In 1999 P.T.A. Group OY became
the parent company of AS Klementi; as of 01.01.2000 P.T.A. Group
holds 54.26% stake in Klementi share capital;
- on 12.02.1999 the extraordinary general meeting of Klementi
shareholders was held, to elect the company's new Supervisory
Board. On the same day the Supervisory Board appointed a new
Management Board to the company.
- in 1999 Klementi developed in Tallinn a chain of retailers for
Klementi's production (5 stores).

2. Products

In 1999 the business activities of Klementi and its subsidiaries
were based on three independent business areas, targeted to
different markets:
- development, production and sales of women's apparel (trademarks
- development, production and sales of professional apparel
(trademark PROFLINE)
- subcontracting

The output of two first business areas are financed by AS Klementi
(trademarks Klementi and Regina) and Klementi's subsidiary AS
Profline (trademark Profline). Raw materials for subcontracting
works are generally supplied and delivered by customer.
In 1999 the company developed a new overcoat-line under trademark
PIRETTA, to be launched in 2000.

The consolidated net sales of Klementi and its subsidiaries in 1999
totaled EEK 106,155 thousand, or EEK 18,424 thousand (14.8%) less
than in 1998.
Sales by business areas and other activities:
- women's apparel: EEK 57,894 thousand (54.5% of net sales);
decline 22.4%;
- professional apparel: EEK 12,608 thousand (11.9%); decline 30.3%;
- subcontracting (with sale of services) EEK 33,313 thousand
(31.4%); increase 13.7%;
- other (sale of materials, rent of premises, diner, etc.) EEK
2,340 thousand (2.2%); increase 8.5%.

In 1999 the company sold its products (excluding subcontracting)
for total of EEK 70,502 thousand (66.4% of total turnover), incl.
sale of women's apparel 82.1% and professional apparel 17.9%.
Overview of sales by markets is provided in the notes of the
financial statements.
The expenses for development of new apparel lines in 1999 amounted
to EEK 5,185 thousand, or EEK 1,689 thousand (48.3%) more than in

3. Production

In 1999 the production activities of Klementi took place mainly in
the company's production premises in Mustamäe, Tallinn (346
workplaces for sewers).
The company's output volume in standard minutes (SM) was 22,908
thousand SM, incl. 1,726 thousand SM bought from other apparel
production companies.
In 1999 the Tallinn production unit of Klementi produced 22,752
thousand SM, or 65.7 thousand SM per employee (in 1998 the
respective numbers 61.6 thousand SM per employee, or 6.5% growth).

4. Suppliers

AS Klementi and its subsidiaries buy the necessary raw materials
mainly from European companies, thus benefiting from tax-free
import of products to European Union countries, and Latvia and
Lithuania. Approximately 60 companies supply raw materials.
Expenses on raw materials totaled EEK 37,028 thousand (34.9% of net
sales), providing EEK 26,861 thousand or 42.0% y-o-y decline.

5. Personnel and Salaries

In 1999 Klementi and its subsidiaries employed an average of 675
workers (17 persons less than in 1998, or 2.5% decline), including
477 workers on production facilities (28 persons less than in
1998). In 1999 personnel expenses with social security and health
insurance taxes amounted to EEK 46,832 thousand, providing EEK
1,389 thousand or 2.9% decline on annual basis. Personnel expenses
accounted for 44.1% of net sales. Employee absence stood at 6.4% of
annual standard worktime, whereas the respective figure among
sewers was 8.4% (8.7% in 1998).

6. Investments

Investments made in 1999:
- tangible assets EEK 5,886 thousand
- intangible assets EEK 261 thousand
- real estate betterment EEK 570 thousand
TOTAL: EEK 6,717 thousand

The company bought technological equipment for total of EEK 2,302
Investment to tangible and intangible assets include both lease and
rent contract payments made before 01.01.1999 and during the year
In 1999 Klementi acquired under new lease agreements mainly
technological equipment for production facilities, for instance:
- accessories for cutting complex Lectra E 95
- steamer with economizer Clayton SE 6-50

7. Real Estate Development

In 1999 the company continued to renovate and rent out its office
premises at Akadeemia St. 33, Tallinn; a parking house next to the
office building was completed. The company conducted real estate
renovation and improvement works in 1999 for total of EEK 570
thousand. Total volume of rent income in 1999 was EEK 914 thousand,
or EEK 103 thousand (10.1%) less than in 1998.

8. Subsidiaries

AS Klementi has holdings in the following subsidiaries:
- OÜ Klementi Kinnisvara, share capital EEK 500 thousand, 100%
owned by AS Klementi (administration of AS Klementi real estate
- AS Profline, share capital EEK 2,500 thousand, 100% owned by AS
Klementi (production of professional apparel);
- Klementi Trading OY (registered in Finland), share capital EEK
131.6 thousand, 100% owned by AS Klementi (sale of AS Klementi
production in Finland; activities were terminated in Q3 1999);
- AS Brendman, share capital EEK 100 thousand, 100% owned by AS
Klementi (retail sales of women's apparel; did not operate in 1998
and 1999).

9. Management and Supervisory Board

AS Klementi Management Board, as of 01.01.1999
- Madis Võõras - Management Board chairman
- Mare-Ann Perkmann
- Lilia Peets

As of 02.03.1999 AS Klementi Management Board consists of three
members, including:
- Madis Võõras - Management Board chairman (managing director)
- Mare - Ann Perkmann (product development director)
- Ardo Kamratov - (director economic and administrative affairs)
The Management Board held in 1999 altogether 40 meetings.

AS Klementi Management Board members are also the executive
managers of the company. In 1999 the aforementioned persons
received a total of EEK 1,116 thousand in salaries and additional
payments, incl. EEK 144 thousand for participation in the work of
Management Board.

As of 01.01.1999 the Supervisory Board of AS Klementi included:
Ardo Kamratov, Tambet Mägi and Elmu Puidet.

As of 02.03.1999 the Supervisory Board of AS Klementi included:
Kari Mattsson (P.T.A. Group OY), Risto Wartiovaara (Captum Group
OY), Heikki Mäntynen (Captum Group OY), Andres Toome (AS Optiva
Pank), Peeter Kross (Mainor MPS AS).

In 1999 the Supervisory Board held altogether 11 meetings. The
Supervisory Board members were not remunerated in 1999.

Tiina Saarepuu
+372 67 10 718

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