Last update: 23.07.2024 07:09 (GMT+3)


28.02.2002, Merko Ehitus, TLN

Merko Ehitus BALANCE SHEET 02/28/2002


consolidated, unaudited,
in thousand of kroons/euros

31.12.2001 31.12.2000 31.12.2001 31.12.2000

Cash and cash equivalents 60 814 42 294 3 887 2 703

Marketable securities 18 516 95 042 1 183 6 074

Accounts receivable 186 861 203 327 11 943 12 995
Allowance for doubtful receivable -53 -506 -3 -32
Total accounts receivables 186 808 202 821 11 939 12 963
Receivables from subsidiary and
parent companies 1 735 1 735 111 111
Receivables from associated companies 6 941 3 029 444 194
Other short-term receivables 43 112 18 423 2 755 1 177
Total other receivables 51 788 23 187 3 310 1 482

Interest receivable 739 542 47 35
Other accrued income 254 6 16 0
Total accrued income 993 548 63 35

Prepaid taxes 6 850 2 546 438 163
Other prepaid expenses 1 534 781 98 50
Total prepaid expenses 8 384 3 327 536 213

Raw materials 4 041 2 516 258 161
Work-in-progress 9 092 598 581 38
Finished goods 855 1 781 55 114
Merchandise purchased for resale 32 667 8 112 2 088 518
Prepayments to suppliers 567 578 36 37
Construction-in-progress 5 821 10 464 372 669
Due from customers 35 110 26 516 2 244 1 695
Total inventories 88 153 50 565 5 634 3 232

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 415 456 417 784 26 552 26 701

Shares in associated companies 12 489 5 303 798 339
Long-term receivables from associated
companies 100 6
Other shares, holdings and dept
securities 1 800 1 800 115 115
Miscellaneous long-term receivables 7 588 5 020 485 321
Total long-term financial assets 21 977 12 123 1 405 775

Land and buildings 42 098 41 740 2 691 2 668
Ground lease 458 1 603 29 102
Plant and equipment 58 735 13 841 3 754 885
Other equipment and fixtures 15 619 9 119 998 583
Accumulated depreciation -53 670 -22 438 -3 430 -1 434
Self-constructed physical assets
under construction 310 0 20 0
Prepayments for noncurrent physical
assets 10 655 2 867 681 183
Total noncurrent physical assets 74 205 46 732 4 743 2 987

Purchased concessions, patents,
licenses, etc. 96 31 6 2
Goodwill 747 48
Total intangible assets 96 778 6 50

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 96 278 59 633 6 153 3 811

TOTAL ASSETS 511 734 477 417 32 706 30 512

31.12.2001 31.12.2000 31.12.2001 31.12.2000

Debentures (except bank loans) 4 533 8 732 290 558
Short-term loans from financial
institutions 8 159 1 10
Total dept obligations 4 541 8 891 290 568

Customer prepayments 9 865 31 313 630 2 001
Accounts payable to suppliers 122 504 150 957 7 829 9 648

Payables to associated companies 1 493 1 337 95 85

Tax liabilities 11 842 11 846 757 757

Payables to employees 10 165 7 254 650 464
Interest payable 10 1
Other accrued expenses 941 372 60 24
Total accrued expenses 11 116 7 626 710 487

Provisions for construction warranty
liability 3 737 2 710 239 173
Due to customers 94 572 94 773 6 044 6 057
Other current provisions 155 437 10 28
Total current provisions 98 464 97 920 6 293 6 258

Other pre-paid revenue 57 4

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 259 825 309 947 16 606 19 809

Nonconvertible long-term dept 204 13
Accounts payable to suppliers 7 478 478


Share capital 88 500 88 500 5 656 5 656
Share premium 2 950 2 950 189 189
Mandatory legal reserve 8 205 4 875 524 312
Retained earnings 49 213 6 3 145 0
Net profit (-loss) for the financial
year 88 312 66 595 5 644 4 256
Exchange rate differences 1 218 541 78 35
TOTAL OWNERS`EQUITY 238 398 163 467 15 236 10 447

MINORITY INTEREST 5 829 4 003 373 256

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS` EQUITY 511 734 477 417 32 706 30 512

Ülo Metsaots
Financial Director
6 105 110

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