Last update: 22.07.2024 07:06 (GMT+3)

KLV: 2002/2003 ANNUAL REPORT 1/1

01.12.2003, Luterma, TLN

Kalev FINANCIAL RESULTS 12/01/2003

2002/2003 ANNUAL REPORT 1/1



According to the retail market research company AC Nielsen,
the market share of AS Kalev was 54,5 percent of the
confectionary market in Estonia at the end of January 2003.
This is a 6,2 percent increase from the prior period. In the
chocolate confectioneries group, Kalev AS’s market share
increased by 2,8 percent to 58,4 percent.

The total sale of confectioneries in fiscal year 2002/2003
amounted to 7130,3 tons, which increased approximately by 2
percent when compared to the comparable period*. 80 percent
of the product was sold on the local market and 20 percent
was exported. During the reporting period main export
countries continued to be Latvia and Ukraine. Other export
countries included Russia, Scandinavian countries and the
United States.

The sales increase on the local market was accomplished by
more aggressive marketing activities and increase in sales
staff in conjunction with the implementation of the new
direct distribution system had an effect on increased sales.

Several new products were introduced during the reporting
period such as Valik,
handmade confectionary presented in a metal box, and also a
gift box Vana Tallinn. These two products were targeted at
the tourist segment of the market. At the beginning of
October 2002, new Christmas collection was introduced. The
Christmas collection included a line of traditional Christmas
products (various chocolates and candy boxes),
‘’Päkapikutajate’’ collection for children, and other new
products timed to be introduced during the holiday season
(eg. candy Zurii). During the month of December 2002,
Estonian National Puppet Theatre gave several performances of
the Christmas play "Päkapikutajad" on the AS Kalev premises,
approximately 23 thousand people went to see the play.
According to the market study conducted by AS Emor, 7 people
out of 10 bought AS Kalev Christmas products. The most
popular products were chocolate bars in different sizes.

At the beginning of the year 2003 AS Kalev introduced three
new candies: Banaani, Moonike and Marja. In February 2003, an
assortment of candies was released for St. Valentine’s Day of
which the candy box Flirt was the most popular. Sales of St.
Valentine’s day products during the year of 2003 increased by
84 percent as compared to the prior period.

This year’s Easter product line included various sweets such
as chocolate bars, bunny and chick shaped gift packages,
figures made from marzipan, and fruit dragee.

* Comparable period - 1.07.2001 through 30.06.2002

Receipt of special food license

On February 11th, 2003 Health Protection Inspectorate issued
AS Kalev a permit to handle special foods, according to which
the enterprise is allowed to produce sugarfree products for
specific purposes such as for people with difficulties to
metabolise carbohydrates (diabetics). AS Kalev was the first
and until now still the only producer of confectionary
products in Estonia to be granted this permit. In May 2003,
AS Kalev introduced the first and currently the only
sugarfree product in Estonia, raspberry, lemon and pear
caramel which is packed in 50 gram packaging.

Start-up of stage II of direct distribution

At the beginning of 2001 AS Kalev stopped using resellers for
marketing its products and started with direct distribution
(stage I of direct distribution). In order to further improve
sales and customer service, Kalev started preparing stage II
of direct distribution in the second quarter of 2002. For
that in August 2003, 51 additional sales personnel were hired
across Estonia - sales representatives and product
distributors. Their responsibility is to guarantee a 98 per
cent distribution level for AS Kalev products in Estonian
market based on the approved product portfolio.

Development of the shop-cafe chain Kalev’s Home

On December 15th, 2002 a new Kalev’s Home was opened in
Jõhvi. The chain currently consists of five shop-cafes.
During fiscal year 2002/2003, the Company’s primary
investments were construction of its new production complex
and moving its production to new facilities. Development of
the shop-cafe chain received second priority. Expansion of
Kalev’s Home to other county centers in Estonia will continue
during future reporting periods.

The main reason for establishing the chain of shop-cafes is
AS Kalev’s intention to develop a café culture in different
places in Estonia as well as to make a wide selection of
confectionery products available outside the main cities.
Local labor force will be given preference during the
establishment process of Kalev’s Home shop-cafes and the
personnel responsible for the daily operations of the shop-
cafes will also be hired locally.


AS Kalev’s last audited annual report covered only six months
and therefore cannot be compared with the 2002/2003 annual

AS Kalev’s 2002/2003 fiscal year’s consolidated net sales
were 347,7 million kroons (22,2 million EUR).

The Company’s consolidated net profit in the fiscal year was
32,5 million kroons (2,1 million EUR). Net profit was
affected by following factors: hiring of additional sales
personnel in August; escalating costs of raw materials; and
costs associated with moving to new production facility. The
increase of the cost of raw materials was caused by the price
increase of cocoabeans, an essential raw material for AS
Kalev, on the world market. Based on AS Kalev’s analysis, the
cost of the Company’s products consisting of cocoa increased
to 11 million kroons during the reporting period.

AS Kalev estimates that forgone revenues during the reporting
period from its principal activities were 9,61 million kroons
(0,6 million EUR). The main reasons were following:
suspension of production on 30.04.2003 in its production
facility located at Pärnu mnt 139, compulsory redundancy
payments to 30 administrative employees and 62 production
employees, a 2-month vacation of production employees, and
increase of inventory levels in its finished goods warehouse
for production suspension period.

AS Kalev’s profit was significantly influenced by the fair
value of investment property
in prior periods.


Implementation of management control system based on balanced
performance report

AS Kalev started implementing the principles of balanced
performance report in 2000. At that time, long- and short-
term goals were set at the Company level in four different
groups as follows: customers, core activities, development
and personnel, and finance.

During fiscal year 2002/2003, AS Kalev improved the control
system based on balanced performance report by changing its
strategy, and by setting goals based on measurable indicators
for which the monitoring system using an IT solution is
currently in development.

To update the planning and motivation system, the Company is
currently developing performance reports for its subunits and
key personnel, which are based on the strategy and
performance reports of the Company.

Reorganization of Company’s finances

From May through June 2003 AS Kalev’s finances were
reorganized due to the necessity to update the management of
the Company. This area was also reorganized because of the
demands set by finance auditing companies. The goal of
updating financial management and accounting systems is to
support the enterprise’s principal processes through
providing necessary figures. Instead of the previous 20
employees, the finance department currently employs half as
many employees. New software package has been installed,
which is in accordance with other departments. A new finance
director and head accountant have been employed, both of whom
have long-term professional experience.

ISO 9001:2000 quality control system implementation

During fiscal year 2002/2003 AS Kalev started the inspection
of its control systems, bringing them in compliance with ISO
9001:2000 quality control systems.

Employee count and average salary

During fiscal year 2002/2003, AS Kalev employed 554 people on
average, an increase of 10 percent in comparison with the
prior reporting period. In October 2002 AS Kalev assumed the
employment obligations based on employment contracts with the
employees of AS Paide Piimakombinaat. In August 2002, the
sales staff was increased by 49 employees. On September 16th,
2002, 35 of AS Kalev’s previous technical staff were
transferred to Tööstuse Teenindamise AS. During the fiscal
year, 92 employees left the company, 80 of whom left the
Company due to the Company changing its location (moving out
of Tallinn).

The average monthly salary of AS’ Kalev employees during
fiscal year 2002/2003 fiscal year was 6 716 kroons (429 EUR).

* Comparable period - 1.07.2001 through 30.06.2002


AS Kalev - Estonia’s most reputable company

According to the traditional study on the reputation of
Estonian companies conducted by the market research company
TNS Emor, local people ranked AS Kalev as the most reputable
company in the country.

Emor conducts the above mentioned study in order to determine
the recognition and image of the largest companies in Estonia
based on two parameters - overall impression and image

Parameters used in the study give an overview how residents
of Estonia perceive companies doing business in the local
market as follows: which companies are known, which companies
appear stronger to people, and which companies people like
the most. The results of the study show respondents’
subjective opinion and their general perception of different

The results of the reputation study reveal that AS Kalev’s
name is known to 95 percent of the population of Estonia. The
Company has the same recognition level in different consumer
segments and there are no major differences. AS Kalev has
above average recognition level in the southern part of
Estonia (where AS Kalev was known to all people questioned)
and among middle and high income (2001 to 3000 kroons and
above 3000 kroons per family member) population.

AS Kalev is perceived as one of the strongest companies in
Estonia. Reputation studies show consistently that AS Kalev
is the most likeable company, receiving higher appraisals
than in prior years. By viewing the inter-relationship of two
parameters (strength appraisal and personal attitude), AS
Kalev is a reputation leader.

Construction of the new production facility and relocation

On January 30th, 2002, AS Kalev entered into project
management contract with Skanska EMV AS to construct a new
production facility on Põrguvälja registered immovable
located in Rae rural municipality of Harju county. The
construction of new production facility started after
building permit was received in May 2002. The construction of
the building will be completed in 2003 and it will be the
largest food processing production facility completed in one
step since regaining independence. The total area of AS
Kalev’s new production facility is 26 500 square meters of
which production and technical space is 16 500 square meters,
warehouses are 6000 square meters, and non-work facility is
4000 square meters. Employee dressing rooms, cafeteria and
other rooms are located on the first floor of the 2000 square
meter non-work facility and offices are located on the same
space of the second floor.

On February 17th, 2003, finished goods warehouse, logistics
warehouse and distribution center started operating in the
new facility. On June 16th, 2003 office staff moved to
Põrguvälja location.

Dismantling of machinery in the old production facility
started on May 3rd, 2003. Moving took place from May to mid
July. AS Kalev’s caramel unit will continue its operations in
Pärnu mnt., Tallinn until March 30th, 2004.

Forming a subsidiary AS Kalev Paide Tootmine

On June 18th, 2003, AS Kalev formed a subsidiary AS Kalev
Paide Tootmine with share capital of 400 thousand kroons,
which was paid in cash on July 1st, 2003. On July 17th, 2003,
AS Kalev Paide Tootmine was entered into a commercial

The primary reason for forming a subsidiary was the need to
reorganize the Company activities in order to ensure the most
optimum and rational management of the organization and
processes. AS Kalev Paide Tootmine is an independently
managed and operated business unit.

AS Kalev Paide Tootmine is currently producing milk based
confectionery products. The Company has also the capacity to
produce flour based confectioneries and glogg. To utilize all
the production capacity, the subsidiary acting as a
subcontractor is producing highly pasteurized drinking milk,
milk based powders, butter and butter mixes.

On August 8th, 2002, AS Kalev and AS Hansa Liising Eesti
entered into a lease agreement and capital lease agreement,
which allows AS Kalev to lease the registered immovable and
machinery belonging to AS Paide Piimakombinaat from AS Hansa
Liising Eesti. AS Kalev started utilising the assets under
lease agreement on October 10th, 2002.

Based on lease agreements, the purchase price for assets is
45 million kroons and an additional interest cost is 10 593
297 which accumulates over a 34-month leasing agreement
period. Therefore, the total price for assets including
interest is 55 593 297 million kroons.

Conducting a special audit

On March 4th, 2003, an emergency general meeting of the
shareholders of AS Kalev was called together at the request
of AS Kalev’s shareholder AS Milestone. According to the
shareholder, the reason for calling together the general
meeting was the need to perform a special audit in the

It was decided at the general meeting of the shareholders,
that AS Kalev’s management performance and financial
condition will be audited by AS PricewaterhouseCoopers
beginning with the year 2000. According to the commercial law
in Estonia, a report based on the findings during the special
audit will be issued to the general meeting of the
shareholders by the auditors performing the audit.

On July 4th, 2003, AS Milestone filed a statement of claim to
challenge the resolution of the general meeting of the
shareholders for conducting a special audit (see chapter
Shareholder claims).

Transactions regarding the legal share of Pärnu mnt 139
registered immovable

Sale of the 7093/52410 legal share of the registered

On February 10th, 2003, AS Kalev sold its 7093/52410 legal
share of the Pärnu mnt 139 registered immovable (AS Kalev’s
old non-work facility with adjoining commercial land) to OÜ
Corigeer for 43 million kroons (2,7 million EUR). The buyer
paid 17 million kroons (1,1 million EUR) in advance and the
remaining 26 million (1,7 million EUR) was to be paid to AS
Kalev no later than February 12, 2003.

From the proceeds of the sale, AS Kalev paid off prematurely
the principal balance of 27 million kroons (1,7 million EUR)
of long-term financing loan and 10 million kroons (0,6
million EUR) of overdraft to AS Eesti Ühispank.

Because the loans were paid off prematurely, the mortgage on
the legal share of the property in the amount of 104 million
kroons (6,6 million EUR) was transferred over to AS Hansapank
according to the investment plan concerning the construction
of a new production facility and acquisition of machinery.

Signing of commercial lease

On January 28th, 2003 AS Kalev signed a commercial lease with
Tallinn Police Prefecture, according to which the Company
leases non-work and administrative offices of the production
facility as well as the parking lot located at Pärnu mnt. 139
to the prefecture.

The total area of the leased space amounts to 14 000 square
meters, the term of the lease is 20 years.

On February 28th, 2003, an amendment to the commercial lease
was signed, according to which the lessee has the right to
decline leasing up to 6000 square feet. The lessee is
obliged to notify the lessor in writing three months in

Before leasing the space, AS Kalev was obliged to renovate it
in accordance with the agreed upon construction project. The
Company will also provide furniture and general lighting to
the leased space.

According to the contract, the police prefecture pays the
lessor 150 kroons (9,6 EUR) a month for every square meter
utilised. The rent includes administration and maintenance
of the building, as well as maintenance of the territory.
Not included in the rent are utilities (including water,
sewerage, electricity, heat, etc.) according to the actual

Sale of the 18070/52410 legal share of the registered

On March 11th, 2003 AS Kalev signed a sales contract under
the law of obligations with the right to repurchase the
18070/52410 legal share of the registered immovable located
in Pärnu mnt 139 (AS Kalev’s old production facility with
adjoining commercial land) for 87 million kroons (5,6 million
EUR) with OÜ Raldon. The purchaser is committed to invest up
to 90 million kroons (5,8 million EUR) in renovating the
space of Tallinn Police Prefecture (date of moving in:

The purchaser is committed to pay 10 millions kroons (0,6
million EUR) no later than on March 14th. According to the
amended sales contract (signed May 21st, 2003) the buyer is
committed to pay 33,5 million kroons (2,1 million EUR) no
later than May 23rd and 43,5 million kroons (2,8 million EUR)
by October 3rd. The buyer actually paid the last portion of
the sales price on October 8th, 2003. Because of late
payment, the buyer paid 0,019% interest on arrears for every
delayed day.

According to the signed contract, AS Kalev has the right to
repurchase a part of the registered immovable during a five
year period beginning with 1.09.2005. In case of
repurchasing, the price of the object could amount to 177
million kroons (11,3 million EUR), in accordance with the
construction investments made by OÜ Raldon (up to 90 million
kroons, 5,8 million EUR). The specified repurchase price is
reduced by the depreciation expense, which is 2 percent per
year as agreed to by both parties.

According to the signed contract, the buyer will assume all
the rights and obligations of the lease contracts concerning
the object (lease contracts signed with Tallinn Police
Prefecture (see above), including the obligation to invest
in the renovation of the future space of Tallinn Police
Prefecture. Additionally, a nonessential lease contract was
signed regarding the lease of 220 square feet on the first
floor of the administrative space of the production
facility). In case AS Kalev chooses to excercise the
repurchase right in the future, all the rights and
obligations stipulated in the lease contract will be
transferred to AS Kalev.

Sale of the 2284/52410 legal share of the registered

On March 25th, 2003, AS Kalev sold the 2284/52410 legal share
of the Pärnu mnt. 139 registered immovable to OÜ Tartex
Trading for 12 million kroons (0,8 million EUR). Of the sales
price 4,8 million kroons (0,3 million EUR) had to be paid on
the day of signing the contract, and buyer agreed to pay the
remaining 7,2 million kroons (0,5 million EUR) within two
banking days after signing the contract.

Both parties agreed that the seller has the obligation to
repurchase the legal share of the registered immovable and
the buyer has the obligation to resell the legal share within
three years after signing the contract using the price which
was used in selling the object of the contract to the buyer.

AS Kalev’s legal share of registered immovable

After the described deals, AS Kalev owns a 24963/52410 legal
share of the Pärnu mnt 139 registered immovable and it is
encumbered by a mortgage in the amount of 14 million kroons
(0,9 EUR) for the benefit of AS Hansapank. Additionally, the
whole Pärnu mnt 139 registered immovable is encumbered by a
mortagage in the amount of 4,2 million kroons (0,3 million
EUR) for the benefit for the benefit of the Republic of


The main goal of AS Kalev in fiscal year 2003/2004 continues
to be not so much the rapid increase of profits as the
attainment of continuity and long-term development.

In the current fiscal year the whole supply chain will be
inspected beginning with the purchasing of raw materials and
finishing with the distribution of the finished product. To
accomplish this the current situation will be assessed, areas
that need improvement will be determined as well as
activities will be reorganized in order to guarantee as
effective a supply chain as possible.

One of the priorities of the fiscal year continues to be the
development of exports and this primarily through entering
new strategic markets. In current markets the goal is to
further strengthen the position of the Company.

The marketing activity of AS Kalev is mostly directed at the
critical inspection of the current product range: elimination
of aging products and introduction of new potential products.
Great emphasis continues to be laid on the so-called holiday
products (Easter, Christmas, etc.). The Company is also
planning to widen the important selection through baked
confectionary products. For Christmas 2003, gingerbread
cookies under the trademark of Kalev will reach the market,
made by the subsidiary of AS Kalev, AS Kalev Paide Tootmine.
Different brands of cookies will be introduced later. For
the 2003 Christmas season the Company brings alcohol-free
glogg to the market, also made by AS Kalev Paide Tootmine.

In the selling activity, the Company continues to concentrate
on direct distribution and the opening of Kalev’s Home cafe-
shops in other county centers. New IT developments will
guarantee faster servicing of clients and with fewer

The top priority of production is the start-up of the new

factory building and its full-scale production. The caramel
department of the enterprise currently still operating in
Pärnu mnt. will relocate to Põrguvälja from April until June
2004. It is estimated that full production of the new factory
should be reached by the end of 2003/2004 fiscal year. New
equipment both at the Põrguvälja factory of AS Kalev as well
as at the subsidiary located in Paide should help to increase
production efficiencies.

AS Kalev subsidiaries AS Kalev REC and Merchant Services Ltd
located in the US will continue their main activities which

AS Kalev REC - development, administration, evaluation,
expert assessment, servicing, leasing, purchasing and sale of
real estate; real estate consultations

Kalev Merchant Services Ltd - introduction and sale of AS
Kalev’s products in the US.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
6 283 858

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