Last update: 22.07.2024 05:12 (GMT+3)


17.12.2003, Luterma, TLN

Kalev NEWS RELEASE 12/17/2003


At December 14 AS Kalev ordinary
general meeting of the shareholders, 84.3242% of
the company’s share capital was represented, thus
constituting a quorum. Tallinn notary Aivar
Mesikäpp, who attended, attested to the plenary
meeting’s right of decision.

AS Milestone, 23.24% owner of AS Kalev, desired to
change the meeting agenda by omitting one
proposal, on the matter of a claim to be made
against AS Milestone. 71.984% of the votes were
against omitting the proposal. Thus the meeting
agenda proceeded as in the official notice on the
meeting of the shareholders published in the
Postimees daily on November 22, 2003.

Decisions of the ordinary general meeting of the

1. It was decided to agree to the submission of a
claim against shareholder AS Milestone demanding
compensation from them and seeking an end to
activities violating the principles of fair
competition, good practice and good faith. It was
decided to appoint Allan Viirma as representative
of AS Kalev, who has the right of sub-delegation.

AS Kalev found that AS Milestone is exerting
unfair competition, publishing misinformation in
the press claiming that AS Kalev lacks
administrative bodies as provided by legal acts.
With such claims, shareholder AS Milestone has
called into question all of AS Kalev’s activity,
while on the other hand no decision of the
directorship has been declared illegal. The
minutes of general meetings in which the
Supervisory Board was elected have been confirmed
by a notary, who also testified that the quorum
was attained.

The directorship of AS Kalev is obligated to
represent and direct the company. In this
connection they have the right to require
shareholders not to impede day-to-day economic
operations by publishing misleading information
resulting in damage to AS Kalev’s name and
economic interests.

Due to the unjustified suits brought in Tallinn
City Court against AS Kalev by Millstone, it was
more difficult for AS Kalev to get finances from
credit institutions in order to furnish its new
factory with equipment.

In addition, a company connected with shareholder
AS Milestone introduced products under its brand
name that competed with AS Kalev: candies,
cookies, gingerbread.

2. AS Milestone representative Priit Kotkas
proposed to recall the members of the Supervisory
Board of AS Kalev Ülo Suurkask and Kristel Soll
and to select Erki Mölder and Üllar Udras as new
members of the Supervisory Board for a term of
five years.

Supervisory Board members Ülo Suurkask and Kristel
Soll were not recalled, since 78.999% and 71.995%
of votes opposed the recall, respectively.

The meeting did not deem it necessary to select
new Supervisory Board members.

3. AS Kalev’s annual report covering 1 July 2002
to 30 June 2003 was confirmed.

4. It was decided to allocate the net profit for,
2002/2003 (32,462,673 kroons) as follows:

- increase the mandatory reserve by 1,537,837
- enter the remaining profit in the amount of
30,924,836 kroons under "Retained earnings".

5. Heino Priimägi, Chairman of the Supervisory
Board of AS Kalev, presented to shareholders a
report on the findings of a special audit
conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers. AS Kalev
shareholders duly took note of the information.

4.03.2003. On the basis of a decision of the
general meeting of the shareholders,
PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted a special audit
in the following transactions:

a) circumstances connected with the conclusion
of a leasing agreement for Paide Piimakombinaat’s
equipment and real estate;
b) Fulfilment of obligations arising from a
surety agreement signed to guarantee loan(s) taken
by ETFC Group;
c) AS Kalev’s transactions with Rein Kaseleht,
Tiit Kõuhkna and Toomas Kõuhkna;
d) AS Kalev’s transactions with Tööstuse
Teenindamise AS;
e) AS Kalev transactions arising from
cooperation and/or sponsorship agreements with the
Estonian Olympic Committee, Estonian Handball
Association and OÜ Gunnar Klettenberg;
f) Transactions connected with purchasing of
horse trailers by AS Kalev.

The special audit findings did not reveal that any
concrete damages had been caused.

6. It was decided not to increase share capital
via bonus issue.

7. It was decided to amend the Articles of
Association of AS Kalev as follows, and establish
it in the following phrasing:

-Clause 1.2 of Section 1, BUSINESS NAME AND
LOCATION, was phrased as follows:
"1.2. The location of the association is Rae
Parish, Harju County."

- to add subsection h) to Clause 2.1 of Section 2,
FIELD OF ACTIVITY, as follows:
" h) manufacturing of foodstuffs"

AS Milestone representative Priit Kotkas made a
proposal to amend the Articles of Association of
AS Kalev as follows:

- amend Clause 6.5 of the Articles of
Association and phrase it as follows:

"The general meeting may adopt decisions if at
least 4/5 of the votes represented by shares are
present, provided that a greater majority
requirement is not established by legal acts or
the Articles of Association"

- amend Clause 6.6 of the statute and phrase it
as follows:

"A decision of the general meeting shall be deemed
adopted if at least 4/5 of the votes represented
by shares have been cast in its favour, provided a
greater majority requirement is not provided by
legal acts or the statute."

The amendments in question were not deemed
necessary by AS Kalev shareholders to be inserted
in the company’s Articles of Association.

8. It was decided to select
PricewaterhouseCoopers, registry code 10142876,
location Pärnu mnt 15, Tallinn, as AS Kalev’s
auditor. Remuneration will be paid to the auditor
on the basis of an agreement to be concluded with

AS Milestone representative Priit Kotkas proposed
to select, as AS Kalev auditor, Mati Nõmmiste,
from the audit firm Rimess MRI OÜ. The proposal
was not approved by the AS Kalev shareholders.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
6 283 858

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