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KLV: AS Kalev 3 months interim report 2005/2006

01.12.2005, Luterma, TLN
AS Kalev              Financial report            1.12.2005

AS Kalev 3 months interim report 2005/2006

Comments on financial results

Characteristic indicators for the first three months of the
financial year 2005/2006, compared to the same period in the
financial year 2004/2005:

in thousands of kroons and
Increase in revenue 31 53 261 3 404
Increase in revenue from 18 21 484 1 373
domestic market
Increase in operating 26 1 298 83
Increase in revenue from 31 36 056 2 305
dairy products
Increase in revenue from 14 10 968 701
confectionery products
Increase in revenue from 24 3 910 250
pastry products
Increase in export of 53 1 360 87
confectionery products (to
Eastern Europe)

Kalev Group pursues three principal fields of activity:
chocolate and sugar confectionery product and baked goods
manufacturing and sale, dairy product manufacturing and
sale, and real estate development and administration. The
company manufactures its products at five production plants
located in Põrguvälja (in the vicinity of Tallinn), Paide,
Viljandi, Jõhvi and Kiviõli. AS Kalev also owns a pan-
Estonian retail chain, consisting of 13 candy stores and
cafes. The newest candy store was opened in the historic
market building in Rakvere at the beginning of November.

Kalev Group’s parent company is AS Kalev. In addition to the
parent company, the Group incorporates six subsidiaries. As
of 30 September 2005, AS Kalev had a significant interest in
the following companies:

Name of subsidiary Location As of As of
30.09.2005 30.09.2004

AS Kalev Paide Tootmine Estonia 100% 100%
AS Kalev Jõhvi Tootmine Estonia 99.1% 99.1%
AS Vilma Estonia 60.67% 60.67%
AS Kalev Real Estate Estonia 100% 59.3%
Company (AS Kalev REC)
OÜ Maiasmokk Estonia 81.26% 81.26%
AS Kalev Merchant USA 100% 100%

In the first quarter of the financial year 2005/2006, Kalev
Group employed an average of 783 people. The shares of AS
Kalev have been listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange since

1. Economic activities and financial results

Consolidated net sales and net profit in the first quarter
of the financial year 2005/2006 (by group companies; in
thousands of kroons):

Net sales Net profit
2005/2006 2004/2005 2005/2006 2004/2005
1st quarter 1st quarter 1st quarter 1st quarter

AS Kalev 87 159 79 371 -1 708 -7 532
AS Kalev 119 841 93 967 - 4 571 2 089
AS Kalev REC 14 986 13 806 7 908 7 491
AS Kalev 8 385 10 712 -56 -2 518
OÜ Maiasmokk 1 787 1 558 -103 68
AS Vilma 10 083 10 095 1 047 832

The consolidated net sales of AS Kalev Ltd for the first
three months of the financial year 2005/2006 amounted to 228
169 thousand kroons (14 583 thousand euros) - a 30.5%
increase, compared to the same period last year (2004/2005:
174 908 thousand kroons - i.e. 11 178 thousand euros). The
31% increase in revenue from dairy products was the main
contributor to the increase in AS Kalev’s consolidated net
sales. At the same time, revenue from confectionery products
increased by 14%.

In the first quarter of the financial year 2005/2006, the
company earned 623 thousand kroons (40 thousand euros) in
consolidated net profit. In the first three months of the
last financial year, the company earned 52 thousand kroons
(4 thousand euros) in net profit. The financial indicators
of a majority of the group companies improved in the given
period. Among other things, AS Kalev succeeded in decreasing
its loss (see the above table). This was conditioned, on the
one hand, by enhanced production efficiency and product
portfolio optimization, and, on the other hand, by increase
in the export of confectionery products to Russia (53%) and
in the sale of confectionery products on the home market
(4%). AS Kalev Paide Tootmine showed the biggest decrease in
net profit in the first three months of the financial year,
compared to the same period last year (see the above table).
The loss suffered by the above company was conditioned by
unprofitable (i.e. high-priced) raw milk supply agreements
that were concluded with milk producers and will expire on
31 December 2005. These agreements were concluded at the end
of the last calendar year amid expectations of a price
increase on the European market. Unfortunately, the price of
dairy products failed to rise to the forecast level.

The 18.1% increase in the company’s marketing expenses in
the first three months of the financial year 2005/206 was,
above all, conditioned by the expanded product assortment
and tightening competition on the end-consumer market.

The 4 597-thousand-kroon increase in other operating items
in the given period were mostly conditioned by the
revaluation of real estate to its fair value, as well as
reduction of provisions to AS Kalev Paide Tootmine at the
end of the financial year 2004/2005. The provision was
established in order to cover the potential loss which is
liable to arise due to the unfavourable market situation and
raw milk buying-in contracts until December 2005. In the
first quarter of the financial year, the provision was
reduced proportionally with the period by increasing "Other
operating items".

Administrative expenses decreased by 16.6% in the given
period, compared to the same period last year. This was,
above all, conditioned by changes in the group structure.

In the financial year 2004/2005, Kalev Group employed an
average of 783 people. The group companies employed an
average of 826 people in the same period last year.

The most important financial ratios of Kalev Group:

01.07.2005- 01.07.2004-
30.09.2005 30.09.2004
Current ratio 0.66 0.88
Debt ratio 0.29 0.25
Asset turnover ratio 0.71 0.61
Net profit margin (%) 0.5% 0.2%
Return on assets (%) 0.1% 0.1%

The ratios are calculated based on the following methods:

Current ratio: current assets / current liabilities
Debt ratio: total liabilities / balance sheet total
Asset turnover ratio: revenue / average total assets
Net profit margin: net profit / revenue * 100%
Return on assets: net profit / average total assets * 100%

2. Product market and sales

2.1. Confectionery products

AS Kalev retains its position as the leader of the Estonian
chocolate and sugar confectionery market. According to the
retail survey conducted by AC Nielsen Eesti, AS Kalev’s
market share was 43% in August-September 2005, as regards
chocolate confectionery and sugar confectionery products. In
the biscuit sector, the company’s market share was 14% in
the same period.

Product development is still considered a priority by AS
Kalev. The company aims at developing and launching new and
innovative products by considering the needs of the
consumers on the home and foreign markets. In the given
period, the company focused its marketing and sales
activities on the launch of the Christmas collection, which
contains 70 product items, and preparation of the
accompanying sales campaign.

As a result of active product development, the following new
products in the standard assortment were launched on the
market in the given period. The newest addition to the
Draakon chews family is the apple-flavoured Draakon; in
addition the company started selling strawberry, blueberry
and apple-flavoured Draakon chews in 16.5-gram mini-packs.
The gift box Collection series was improved with an
assortment of handcrafted candies - the 220-gram Classic
Collection. The company also introduced a new series of
pralines by launching the first product in the series:
marzipan praline. These products are to be marketed as bulk
goods as well as in 150-gram mini-packs.

In the given period, the company also refreshed its candy
packages. Five classic candies - the marmalade candies Lily
and Tiina, pralines Kalev and Oravake and wafer candies
Tallinn - will, from now on, be more distinctive and bear a
more recognisable product trademark. Other candies received
new matching packages. The popular AS Vilma flour mix
package was also updated in the given period.

2.2. Dairy products

The volume of raw milk stocked by AS Kalev Paide Tootmine
increased by 61% in the first quarter of the financial year
2005/2006, compared to the same period last year. Raw milk
was mostly used for producing whole milk and skimmed milk
powder, cream and butter. The output was marketed mainly in
EU countries.

The price of dairy products increased on the global market
in 2005. The European Commission lowered the export
subsidies in response to the price increase on the global
market - for instance, the export subsidies for butter,
skimmed milk and whole milk powder in the 1st quarter of the
financial year were, respectively, 30%, 60% and 26% lower,
compared to the same period last year. Export subsidies were
lowered together with intervention prices (last on 1 July
2005). As the export subsidies dropped, prices on the EU
market dropped as well. For instance, the wholesale price
for German whole milk has dropped by 5% and butter by 9%.
The price of skimmed milk powder is almost on par (1% drop)
with that in the same period last year.

Increase in the price of heat energy (as a result of the
increase in the price of shale oil) has also incurred
additional costs upon dairy product processing. As a result
of the high buying-in prices for raw milk in Estonia, and a
drop in the market price of dairy products, the
profitability of the dairy industry has decreased. The
results are evident in the financial indicators of AS Kalev
Paide Tootmine.

2.3. Product sales

Kalev Group’s total confectionery and dairy product sales
amounted to 8 200 thousand tons in the first three months of
the financial year 2005/2006, having grown by 25% times,
compared to the same period last financial year. 60% was
sold on the home market; 40% was exported.

Kalev Group sold a total of over 1 400 tons of confectionery
products (incl. chocolate and sugar confectionery products)
in the given period - an increase of 3%, compared to last
year. The home market constituted 81% of the total sales of
confectionery products; 19% of the sales were exported. In
the given period, the Baltic States remained the group’s
main export targets. In addition to the above countries, the
company also exported its products to the Scandinavian
countries, Russia and the United States. Export of
confectionery products to Ukraine was reopened on a smaller

Kalev Group’s baked goods (incl. pastry products and
biscuits) sales amounted to 2 800 tons in the first three
months of the financial year 2005/2006, having grown by 22%,
compared to the same period last financial year. These
products were mostly sold at home.

Kalev Group sold over 3 900 tons of dairy products (incl.
skimmed milk and milk powder, high-temperature pasteurised
milk and butter) in the given period - nearly a 36%
increase, compared to the same period in the financial year
2004/2005. Over a half (i.e. 77%) of the sales volume was
exported to various EU countries.

3. Real estate activities

AS Kalev Real Estate Company (AS Kalev REC), Kalev Ltd's
subsidiary involved in real estate administration and
management, continued its operations on the public real
estate market (both residential and commercial premises) in
the first three months of the financial year 2005/2006.
Major projects included construction of the new office
building in Tallinn (the so-called "Tere building"), and new
apartment buildings in Tartu (the so-called "Mesikäpa

INCOME STATEMENT (consolidated, unaudited)
in thousands of kroons and euros

Consolidated (in EEK) Consolidated (in EUR)
01.07.2005- 01.07.2004- 01.07.2005 01.07.2004-
30.09.2005 30.09.2004 30.09.2005 30.09.2004

Net sales 228 169 174 908 14 583 11 178
Cost of sales -189 510 - 133 268 -12 112 -8 517

Gross profit 38 659 41 640 2 471 2 661

Marketing -21 866 -18 516 -1 397 -1 183
Administrative -15 279 -18 311 -977 -1 170
Other operating 3 518 -1 079 225 -69

Operating 5 032 3 734 322 239

Other financial -3 974 -3 365 -254 -215
income and

Net profit 1 058 369 68 24
(loss) for the
financial year
incl. the share 623 52 40 4
of the owners
of the parent
incl. the 435 317 28 20
share of
Net profit per 0,03 0,01 0,00 0,00
share held by
the owners of
the parent
company (basic
and diluted; in
kroons and

BALANCE SHEET (consolidated, unaudited)
in thousands of kroons and euros

Consolidated (in EEK) Consolidated (in EUR)
ASSETS 30.09.2005 30.06.2005 30.09.2005 30.06.2005

Current assets
Cash and cash 2 179 5 708 139 365
Receivables 119 393 114 860 7 631 7 341
Prepayments 1 435 1 367 92 87
Inventories 123 216 106 541 7 875 6 809
Total current 246 223 228 476 15 737 14 602

Investments 0 0 0 0
Long-term 5 136 5 116 328 327
Investment 217 515 200 578 13 902 12 819
Property, plant 345 951 347 316 22 110 22 198
and equipment
Intangible 60 79 4 5
Total non- 568 662 553 089 36 344 35 349
current assets
TOTAL ASSETS 814 885 781 565 52 081 49 951

Borrowings 109 572 119 416 7 003 7 632
Prepayments 2 575 3 925 165 251
received from
Accounts 257 525 233 426 16 458 14 918
payable and
other payables
Provisions 2 500 5 000 160 320
Total current 372 172 361 767 23 786 23 121

Total non-
Borrowings 204 800 183 035 13 089 11 698
Total non- 204 800 183 035 13 089 11 698
Total 576 972 544 802 36 875 34 819

Minority 9 133 8 606 584 550

Owner’s equity
Share capital 236 325 236 325 15 104 15 104
Mandatory 4 020 4 020 257 257
Revaluation 8 669 8 669 554 554
Retained -20 234 -20 857 -1 293 -1 333
Total owner’s 228 780 228 157 14 622 14 582
TOTAL 814 885 781 565 52 081 49 951

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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