News Room

31.10.2005 RIG RSE announces a contest of bachelor thesis
26.10.2005 VLN Vilnius Stock Exchange to list Siauliu bankas AB corporate bond issue
26.10.2005 VLN Sanitas AB shares to be listed on the Main List of the VSE
21.10.2005 VLN Regarding trading days
19.10.2005 VLN Regarding trading suspention in securities of AB Lietuvos Telekomas
13.10.2005 VLN Total turnover of 2004 exceeded
10.10.2005 VLN Vilnius Stock Exchange to list Lietuvos Energija AB corporate bond issue
10.10.2005 VLN Apranga APB shares to be listed on the Main List of the Vilnius Stock Exchange
07.10.2005 TLN Tallinn Stock Exchange is the Estonian best in financial reporting
03.10.2005 RIG OMX Exchanges Monthly Statistics, September 2005
27.09.2005 VLN Record in number of trades reached
23.09.2005 VLN Share quantities in BALTIX for Q4 2005
22.09.2005 TLN Corporate Governance Recommendations approved
08.09.2005 VLN Recalculation of the VILSE index values
06.09.2005 VLN OMX Exchanges signs Memorandum of Understanding with Shanghai Stock Exchange
01.09.2005 RIG OMX Exchanges Monthly Statistics, August 2005
26.08.2005 VLN Nordnet Securities Bank AB and Hansapank AS become members of the VSE
22.08.2005 VLN OMX harmonizes index names
01.08.2005 RIG OMX Exchanges Statistics, July 2005
28.07.2005 RIG Enhanced debt securities trading model to be launched in Riga and Tallinn
28.07.2005 TLN Improved debt securities trading model to be launched in Riga and Tallinn
27.07.2005 VLN Debt securities trading model to be harmonized in the Baltic exchanges
20.07.2005 RIG OMX Interim Report January-June 2005
14.07.2005 VLN OMX Exchanges observe two minutes of silence
13.07.2005 RIG OMX Exchanges observe two minutes of silence
06.07.2005 RIG The first auction of Government T-bills on the RSE succeeds
05.07.2005 RIG Government debt securities to be placed via the RSE
04.07.2005 RIG OMX Exchanges Statistics, January-June 2005
01.07.2005 VLN OMX introduces a common global industry classification standard from July 1
30.06.2005 VLN Regarding changes to VILSE index

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